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Thought For The Week Christian Quotes & Sayings

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Top Thought For The Week Christian Quotes

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By Erik Christian Haugaard

Nearly all samurai practice Zen - it is the Way of Enlightenment."
"Possibly the light of Zen is so strong that it has blinded me to its virtue." Yoshitoki smiled.
"It is very good discipline for the mind, as the martial arts are for the body." Kenmotsu looked very smug as he said this. "I do Zazen twice a week."
"I think it will do no-one any harm, though personally I find it more pleasant to think than to empty my mind of thought. — Erik Christian Haugaard

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By Simon Greenleaf

By competent evidence, is meant such as the nature of the thing to be proved requires; and by satisfactory evidence, is meant that amount of proof, which ordinarily satisfies an unprejudiced mind, beyond any reasonable doubt. — Simon Greenleaf

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By Anthony Bourdain

If you get an opportunity to work with David Simon, anybody with good taste would. — Anthony Bourdain

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By Cynthia Hand

So what's the big emergency?" Jeffrey says. He jogs down the aisle of the Pink Garter toward where Christian and I are sitting, waiting for Angela, who uncharacteristically late. "I thought we weren't going to meet this week because we like, you know, spent all weekend together. I'm kind of sick of you people."
"Glad to see that you decided to grace us with your presence, anyway," Christian says. — Cynthia Hand

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By Lisa Bonet

I'm learning more and more that love plus attachment equals pain. — Lisa Bonet

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By H.G.Wells

The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it ... Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity. — H.G.Wells

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By John F. Kennedy

Now is the time ... for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth. — John F. Kennedy

Thought For The Week Christian Quotes By Michel Faber

Most true things are kind of corny, don't you think? But we make them more sophisticated out of sheer embarrassment. — Michel Faber