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They Talk Behind My Back Quotes & Sayings

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Top They Talk Behind My Back Quotes

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Timbaland

The same people who smile in my face would be the same ones to talk behind my back. — Timbaland

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Agatha Christie

There is nothing more cruel than talk, and there is nothing more difficult to combat. When people say things behind your back there is nothing you can refute or deny, and the rumours go on growing and growing, and no one can stop them. — Agatha Christie

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Kaimana Wolff

Somehow it felt familiar, an old story retold, the claws in my shoulder, my arms twisted behind my back, the drag down the street, Will assisting my father and thinking how much fun it was to hunt someone down. I knew it all. Each snarled command was a line from an old but faithless song. "Pipe down! I'm not going to hurt you! I just want to talk to you! This is for your own good! — Kaimana Wolff

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Huntley Fitzpatrick

Tim, I'd chew you up and spit you out." She slants forward, yanks the straps of her bikini behind her neck, ties them, and settles back. God. I almost can't breathe.
But I can talk.
I can always talk.
"We could progress to that, Alice. But maybe we start with some gentle nibbling?"
Alice shuts her eyes, opens them again, and gives me an indecipherable look.
"Why don't I scare you?" she asks.
"You do. You're scary as hell," I assure her. "But that works for me. Completely. — Huntley Fitzpatrick

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

I was debating what I might have in my deep glassy lake to use - Barrons had slurped down my crimson runes like truffles - when Ryodan called down, "Let her up."
I tipped my head back. The urbane owner of the largest den of sex, drugs, and exotic thrills in the city stood behind the chrome balustrade, big hands closed on the chrome railing, thick wrists cuffed by silver, features darkened by a convenient shadow. He looked like a scarred Gucci model. Whatever kind of life these men had lived before they'd become whatever they were, it had been violent and hard. Like them.
"Why?" Lor demanded.
"I said so."
"Not time for the meeting yet."
"She wants to see her parents. She's going to insist."
"She thinks she has something to prove. She's feeling pushy."
"Gee, this is nice. I don't even have to talk," I purred. — Karen Marie Moning

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Dale Carnegie

If you want to know how to make people shun you and laugh at you behind your back and even despise you, here is the recipe: Never listen to anyone for long. Talk incessantly about yourself. If you have an idea while the other person is talking, don't wait for him or her to finish: bust right in and interrupt in the middle of a sentence. — Dale Carnegie

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Ayumi Hamasaki

If you are afraid of changes Watch from a distance Whether or not I might do something If you're going to talk about me behind my back It is what it is. — Ayumi Hamasaki

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Jennifer Echols

You think it hurts your feelings that girls talk about you behind your back, until they tell you to your face. And they each wanted a turn. Every time, it started with 'girlfriend' and ended with 'bitch. — Jennifer Echols

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Pope Francis

It is the disease of cowards, who do not have the courage to speak upfront and so talk behind one's back ... Watch out against the terrorism of gossip! — Pope Francis

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Amanda Hocking

Thomas was still outside, so I knocked once and opened the door without waiting for a response. Loki was in the middle of changing clothes as I came in. He'd already traded his worn slacks for a pair of pajama pants, and he was holding a white T-shirt, preparing to put it on.
He had his back to me, and it was even worse than I'd thought.
"Oh, my god, Loki," I gasped.
"I didn't know you were coming." He turned around to face me, smirking. "Shall I leave the shirt off, then?"
"No, put the shirt on," I said, and I closed the door behind me so nobody could see or overhear us talking.
"You're no fun." He wrinkled his nose and pulled the shirt over his head.
"Your back is horrific."
"And I was just going to tell you how beautiful you look today, but I'm not going to bother now if you're going to talk that way." Loki sat back down on his bed, more lying than sitting. — Amanda Hocking

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Barbara Elsborg

'How long do you want me to stay in there so you can talk about me behind my back?' Zak called.
'A couple of hours. I could write a book about you,' Logan shot back.
'Make sure you make it clear my dick's bigger than yours.' — Barbara Elsborg

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Henry Miller

He could galvanize the dead with his talk. It was a sort of devouring process: when he described a place he ate into it, like a goat at tacking a carpet. If he described a person he ate him alive from head to toe. If it were an event he would devour every detail, like an army of white ants descending upon a forest. He was everywhere at once, in his talk. He attacked from above and below, from the front, rear and flanks. If he couldn't dispose of a thing at once, for lack of a phrase or an image, he would spike it temporarily and move on, coming back to it later and devouring it piecemeal. Or like a juggler,- he would toss it in the air arid, just when you thought he had forgotten it, that it would fall and break, he would deftly put an-arm behind his back and catch it in his palm without even turning his eye. It wasn't just talk he handed out, but language - food and beast language. He always talked against a landscape, like the protagonist of a lost world. — Henry Miller

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Erick Sermon

They smile in my face, behind my back they talk trash,
Mad and stuff because they don't have cash. — Erick Sermon

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Elise Kova

Aldrik laughed darkly. "What did you think I was?" he snarled. "Did you think I went to war and read books?" Vhalla took another step back. "You ran head-first into my daily hell. Would it not be more convenient if weapons of death and torture could not talk back?" Vhalla forced herself not to tremble as she looked at him. He glared at her; the orange of the fire reflecting in the black mirrors of his eyes.
With all the bravery she possessed, Vhalla crossed the distance between them; he straightened and looked down at her, imposing. Vhalla swallowed hard and tried to muster her last scrap of confidence. There would be time later to ask him about the real reasons behind the war. For now, they needed to go home.
She grabbed his hand, praying it didn't burst into flames at her touch. It didn't.
"Quit being stupid, Aldrik. Let's go." His features barely softened, but it was more than enough to know she had made herself clear. Whatever this man was, he wasn't a monster. — Elise Kova

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Elle Aycart

Her finger tapped at his chest. "You and I will have a talk about doing things behind my back," she said and turned toward the kitchen.

"Tate, honey, you know I love doing nasty things behind you. And you like them too," he whispered to her and chuckled. She turned to glare at him, but he offered her his most charming smile, and she just shook her head. — Elle Aycart

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

They talked in the car always, he trying to find the key to her own ignition behind the hooded eyes, she sitting back of the right-hand steering wheel and talking, talking, nothing but MG-words, inanimate-words he couldn't really talk back at. Soon — Thomas Pynchon

They Talk Behind My Back Quotes By Carrie Jones

Nick stands behind me. He puts a hand on my waist.
I yank in a breath. The world seems to swirl around me.
"Are you going to faint?" he asks.
I back into him and blurt, "But you're so cute. Werewolves aren't supposed to be cute. Vampires are, I think. They are in the movies. But the werewolves are pretty much ugly and they wear leather jackets and are all dirty with these monster sideburns."
"That's all you have to say? That I'm cute?" He takes a stray piece of my hair and curls it around his fingers. "Most people faint or shriek or never talk to me again. — Carrie Jones