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Quotes & Sayings About The Sopranos

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Top The Sopranos Quotes

The Sopranos Quotes By Alexandra Patsavas

I think that 'The Sopranos' uses music incredibly well. — Alexandra Patsavas

The Sopranos Quotes By Rachel Cohn

The scene is very Sopranos meets Rent. — Rachel Cohn

The Sopranos Quotes By Danny Aiello

There was certainly less profanity in the Godfather than in the Sopranos. There was a kind of respect. It's not that I totally agreed with it, but it was a great piece of art. — Danny Aiello

The Sopranos Quotes By Suki Waterhouse

I can stay in the bath for, well, the longest has been seven or eight hours. I get completely set up with my laptop so I can watch 'The Sopranos,' put out some scented candles, music. I have a towel nearby so I can dry my hand to change the music or the TV. I make a little heaven for myself. And then I just refill and refill. — Suki Waterhouse

The Sopranos Quotes By Jamie-Lynn Sigler

The director of The Sopranos told me that, if I wouldn't gain weight, I would lose my job. I didn't look like the girl who ate pasta all day. This was an extra stimulation to fight my eating problems. — Jamie-Lynn Sigler

The Sopranos Quotes By Jamie Bamber

It frustrates me that Britain can't make something like 'CSI' or 'The Sopranos'. Instead, British TV puts soap in primetime while every other civilized nation leaves it in daytime. Viewers should be more demanding. — Jamie Bamber

The Sopranos Quotes By Ninette De Valois

And then you have the classical ballerinas, they're like sopranos. Applied to the dance. — Ninette De Valois

The Sopranos Quotes By Esai Morales

It's people politics, people dynamics that make a show really good, whether it's 'Desperate Housewives' or 'Lost' or 'The Sopranos.' It's the people we've grown to love or otherwise. — Esai Morales

The Sopranos Quotes By Ira Glass

I didn't watch T.V. from the time I was 18 'til my mid-30s. And then I got a T.V. to watch 'The Sopranos.' I realized, 'Oh, T.V. is really interesting.' — Ira Glass

The Sopranos Quotes By Christine O'Donnell

The thing that attracts people to "The Sopranos" is the family element. It shows that America still has a longing for that traditional upbringing. — Christine O'Donnell

The Sopranos Quotes By Eliza Coupe

I was on a show called '12 Miles of Bad Road' with Lily Tomlin - it was an incredible HBO show. We shot 6 episodes, previewed it before the finale of 'The Sopranos;' it was written up as a 'Great New Show on HBO,' and then the whole thing was canned. Gone. Disappeared. That's when I realized anything can happen in this business. — Eliza Coupe

The Sopranos Quotes By Stephen Merchant

It's a cliche to say this now, but to me, 'The Sopranos' is like Dickens. It's able to take this very focused look at something but make it epic and profound. — Stephen Merchant

The Sopranos Quotes By T. J. Thyne

I think the people who probably have it the best are the people on cable like on 'Entourage', 'the Sopranos', etc. who have 13 episodes per season and breaks to do films and theatre. I think that's the most ideal life. — T. J. Thyne

The Sopranos Quotes By Denis Leary

I don't want to see a 'Sopranos' movie. This is just me. I like to think the end is where it was on TV as opposed to becoming a movie. — Denis Leary

The Sopranos Quotes By Sarah Shahi

I actually got more attention from one episode of 'The Sopranos' than I did from two years of 'The L Word.' — Sarah Shahi

The Sopranos Quotes By Martin Freeman

The best of American television is thought-provoking, original, brilliant, exciting - from 'The Sopranos' on, whether it's 'The Wire' or 'Breaking Bad' or 'House of Cards,' they're fantastic pieces of art. — Martin Freeman

The Sopranos Quotes By Kristin Davis

Personally, I don't think we could do such a show if we didn't get along. The subtext of all this is that we're women in a show so we can't possibly get along. It's not like they write about The Sopranos like that. — Kristin Davis

The Sopranos Quotes By Ted Sarandos

I really loved the 'Sopranos' but didn't have HBO. So someone would send me tapes of the show with three or four episodes. I would watch one episode and go: 'Oh my God, I've got to watch one more.' I'd watch the whole tape and champ at the bit for the next one. — Ted Sarandos

The Sopranos Quotes By Martin Freeman

I can't actually believe how good 'The Sopranos' is. I genuinely am dumbfounded by it. It's like when you realize how good The Beatles are, and you think, 'How did they do that?' — Martin Freeman

The Sopranos Quotes By Vincent Pastore

'The Sopranos' wardrobe people would sometimes go over there and just grab stuff off the racks, because B&G has that style that never ages. It's like a '50s or '60s style. It fits me well. — Vincent Pastore

The Sopranos Quotes By Elizabeth McGovern

Whenever I work on anything, there's always the fantasy that what one is doing is the next 'Citizen Kane'-slash-'Sopranos.' — Elizabeth McGovern

The Sopranos Quotes By Jo Nesbo

I've been watching more American TV because of all the great TV series that have come out in the last five to 10 years. I'm a 'Sopranos' fan, I'm a 'Wire' fan, I'm a 'Mad Men' fan. I'm a 'Deadwood' fan. It makes me optimistic for the future of storytelling on TV that producers are willing to take that kind of jump. — Jo Nesbo

The Sopranos Quotes By Andrew Davies

I'm not one of these people who say how much better American drama is than English. I find it mostly too American, except for The Sopranos, which I think is the best thing. — Andrew Davies

The Sopranos Quotes By Rob Sheffield

'The Sopranos' gets praised as novelistic, but it follows the most banal of life patterns, showing the sheer tedium of being a mobster. It has dead spots, boring plotlines, weak episodes. Characters develop slowly, or don't. Like viewers, a gangster might get bored, fade out of the action, then come back to find none of his debts forgotten. — Rob Sheffield

The Sopranos Quotes By Charles M. Sheldon

The bishop thought that night, while Rachel was singing, that if the world of sinful, diseased, depraved, lost humanity could only have the Gospel preached to it by consecrated sopranos and professional tenors and altos and basses, he believed it would hasten the coming of the Kingdom quicker than any other one force. — Charles M. Sheldon

The Sopranos Quotes By Woody Allen

I never knew what Amazon was. I've never seen any of those series, even on cable. I've never seen The Sopranos, or Mad Men. I'm out every night and when I come home, I watch the end of the baseball or basketball game, and there's Charlie Rose and I go to sleep. — Woody Allen

The Sopranos Quotes By Kelly Macdonald

They're naughty, all those writers - they mess around with people. I know James Gandolfini got a bit fed up on 'The Sopranos': if he said anything in front of a writer, told them a story from his life, it could make its way into the script. — Kelly Macdonald

The Sopranos Quotes By Lynne Truss

Everyday, you get home from the shops with a bag of cat food and bin-liners and realise that, yet again, you failed to have cosmetic surgery, book a cheap weekend in Paris, change your name to something more glamorous, but the fifth series of The Sopranos, divorce your spouse, sell up and move to Devon, or adopt a child from Guatemala. — Lynne Truss

The Sopranos Quotes By Aidan Gillen

'Heroes', 'Desperate Housewives', 'The Sopranos' - they're all very stylised. 'The Wire' is much more rooted in realism and honesty. In American television, I can't think of anything I'd rather have been in because it has got something to say and that is the kind of thing I want to do. — Aidan Gillen

The Sopranos Quotes By David Chase

The Sopranos was the first show about the life of the writer. I never made any secret about the fact that it was about my mother. — David Chase

The Sopranos Quotes By Chris Carter

It's funny - I was a big fan of 'The Sopranos.' It became kind of a threat to 'The X-Files' in a way because they could play with language, character, and story in ways that we never could because of the limitations of network television. — Chris Carter

The Sopranos Quotes By George Vecsey

I never watch 'Sopranos' reruns back home. As far as I am concerned, the nuclear family is still sitting around the luncheonette in New Jersey, munching and chatting, safe and together, and that's how it ended for me. — George Vecsey

The Sopranos Quotes By David Chase

When I was doing 'The Sopranos', I liked putting music together with the film; that was my favorite part of it. — David Chase

The Sopranos Quotes By Kevin Bleyer

'The Sopranos' only reflected the tenor of how things are done in New Jersey. They didn't invent it. And I say that as a fan of both 'The Sopranos' and New Jersey. — Kevin Bleyer

The Sopranos Quotes By Stacy Horn

I tried to catch the eye of everyone around me who wasn't a soprano I. I get it. First sopranos don't feel this. You hear it, but you don't feel it. You don't know that those lowly peasants making a nice vocal cushion for you to step on had parts that were every bit as rapturous as yours — Stacy Horn

The Sopranos Quotes By Jennifer Egan

The way that Dickens structured his books has a form that we most readily recognize now from, say, the great T.V. series, like 'The Wire' or 'The Sopranos.' There's one central plot line, but then from that spin off all kinds of subplots. — Jennifer Egan

The Sopranos Quotes By Peter Capaldi

I'm a huge fan of The Sopranos, and suddenly, you find yourself going one-to-one with this guy who you've been watching for years, watching every flicker in his eye and every detail on his face. — Peter Capaldi

The Sopranos Quotes By Lin-Manuel Miranda

I can't say I have enough experience with Hollywood to feel that I've encountered racism there. I can tell you that I did about five fruitless years of auditioning for voiceovers where I did variations on tacos and Latin accents, and my first screen role was as a bellhop on 'The Sopranos.' — Lin-Manuel Miranda

The Sopranos Quotes By Danny Aiello

I don't know anyone who curses the way they do on the Sopranos. Not in an Italian household. I never said the word hell in front of my mother. — Danny Aiello

The Sopranos Quotes By Michael Imperioli

John Ventimiglia, who was on 'The Sopranos,' was in my first acting class and we have been friends since that time. Alec Baldwin was in my class back then, Sean Young and Andrew McCarthy. — Michael Imperioli

The Sopranos Quotes By Rob Sheffield

Like many other touchstones of twenty-first-century pop culture, 'The Sopranos' was hatched in the late Nineties, predicting a future that never arrived. It was designed for a decade that would be just like the Nineties, except more so, in an America that enjoyed seeing itself as smarter and braver and freer than ever before. — Rob Sheffield

The Sopranos Quotes By Erik Estrada

I like to watch the Fox News Network. I like 'Nightline.' I like to watch 'The Sopranos,' of course. That is one of my favorite shows. 'Entourage' is another one. I like 'The Shield.' — Erik Estrada

The Sopranos Quotes By David Chase

'The Sopranos' is filled with really retrograde humor. Bathroom humor, falls, stupid puns, bad jokes - infantile, adolescent stuff, but it makes me laugh. — David Chase

The Sopranos Quotes By Vanessa Ferlito

The first thing I went out for was 'The Sopranos' and I got it, so that's how it happened. I hate to say it like that because I wait for calls now. — Vanessa Ferlito

The Sopranos Quotes By Cara Buono

I had some experience when I joined 'The Sopranos' in the last season. My character married Christopher, and everyone loved Adriana. I knew what it was like to join a very beloved, secretive show and following a very iconic character. — Cara Buono

The Sopranos Quotes By Dave Barry

The point is, our health-care system is a terrible mess. It's expensive, wasteful, inefficient, unresponsive, and infested with lawyers. Which is why there has been a big push, in some quarters, to place it under the management of...
The federal government.
This is like saying that if your local police department has a corruption problem, the solution is to turn law enforcement over to the Sopranos. — Dave Barry

The Sopranos Quotes By Walter Lowrie

The birds on the branches, the lilies in the field, the deer in the forest, the fishes in the sea, countless hosts of happy men, exultantly proclaim: God is love. But underneath all these sopranos, supporting them as it were, as the bass part does, is audible the de profundis which issues from the sacrificed one: God is love. — Walter Lowrie

The Sopranos Quotes By Lucy Liu

If you see the Sopranos, you're not going to be speaking in the Shakespearean English. — Lucy Liu

The Sopranos Quotes By Drea De Matteo

I've been in so many funeral scenes from The Sopranos, and I think I've even been in one on Sons of Anarchy. Those scenes, as a human being, are the most tedious scenes, of all time. You're waiting, all day, in the blistering hot heat. So, I didn't need to be there. — Drea De Matteo

The Sopranos Quotes By James Wolcott

Like 'Twin Peaks,' '24,' 'Mad Men,' and 'The Sopranos' before it, 'Downton Abbey' enriches the iconography and collective lore of pop culture. It replenishes the stream. — James Wolcott

The Sopranos Quotes By Rob Sheffield

Our amour fou with 'The Sopranos' is headed for long-term parking, like so many of its most memorable characters. We'll never see a show like this again. — Rob Sheffield

The Sopranos Quotes By Mark Lawrenson

HBO churn out some unbelievable stuff. They really got me with things like 'Band of Brothers.' But you can't beat 'The Sopranos.' — Mark Lawrenson

The Sopranos Quotes By Kathryn Grayson

I must be the oldest living child soprano. — Kathryn Grayson

The Sopranos Quotes By Camille Paglia

I remember turning 'The Sopranos' on once and within two minutes nearly throwing a brick through the screen. — Camille Paglia

The Sopranos Quotes By Ben Bass

'The Wire's definitely one of them. 'The Sopranos' is one of my all-time favorites. Those are two big ones for me. — Ben Bass

The Sopranos Quotes By Nestor Carbonell

Over the years, TV has gotten so much better, especially with the advent of cable. The bar has been raised. I think HBO really set the standard with 'The Sopranos,' and then on mainstream TV, shows like 'Lost' broke amazing ground. — Nestor Carbonell

The Sopranos Quotes By Seth MacFarlane

If something sticks around long enough that it makes it to seasonal D.V.D. release, I'll watch it. That's how I watched 'The Sopranos'. — Seth MacFarlane

The Sopranos Quotes By Michael Imperioli

Not to toot our own horn, but when 'The Sopranos' was on, it was as good as any movie that was coming out in the theater. I think that goes for a lot of shows today. — Michael Imperioli

The Sopranos Quotes By Joe Pantoliano

I wanted to play a good guy after doing this lunatic on The Sopranos for two years. And then they did the sequel to Bad Boys, where I get to play the barking captain again. — Joe Pantoliano

The Sopranos Quotes By Martin Scorsese

Working with HBO was an opportunity to experience creative freedom and 'long-form development' that filmmakers didn't have a chance to do before the emergence of shows like 'The Sopranos.' — Martin Scorsese

The Sopranos Quotes By Terence Winter

One FBI agent told us early on that on Monday morning, they would get to the FBI office, and all the agents would talk about 'The Sopranos', having the same conversation about the show, but always from the flip side. — Terence Winter

The Sopranos Quotes By Ricky Gervais

When you think of things like The Sopranos, The Wire, Damages, they are beating film on a regular basis. Most films are terrible. It's only the 2% that are good. There's things you can do on TV which you can't do on film. There is something about those episodic, serialisations that are grand and operatic. — Ricky Gervais

The Sopranos Quotes By Kiefer Sutherland

'24' and 20th Century Fox and Sky TV are not responsible for training the U.S. military. It is not our job to do. To me, this is almost as absurd as saying, 'The Sopranos' supports the mafia, and by virtue of that, HBO supports the mafia.' — Kiefer Sutherland

The Sopranos Quotes By Tahar Rahim

We're seeing TV series that are as good as movies were in the '70s and '80s - shows like 'The Wire,' 'The Sopranos' and 'Breaking Bad.' — Tahar Rahim

The Sopranos Quotes By Terence Winter

Very often at the end of 'The Sopranos' you get the feeling that its not under control, you should be very worried, and life is kind of really, really messed up at lot of times. It leaves you feeling very disconcerted. That was kind of the point of it. — Terence Winter

The Sopranos Quotes By David Chase

I think that the difference between 'The Sopranos' and the shows that came before it was that it was really personal. There had been a lot of dramas, a lot of really good ones, a lot of really bad ones, but they were always franchise shows about cops, or doctors, or lawyers. They weren't about the writer himself. — David Chase

The Sopranos Quotes By David Chase

When we were doing 'The Sopranos', I used to love that about it. There were rules, Mafia codes you had to go by, but the code is ridiculous. It's a code among sociopaths. — David Chase

The Sopranos Quotes By Jerry Ferrara

'The Sopranos,' for instance, is arguably the best cable show of all time. They could have made a movie, but that show ended so perfectly, it would almost be a disadvantage to make a movie like that. Then again, if you made a 'Sopranos' movie, people would be lined around the block to go see it. — Jerry Ferrara

The Sopranos Quotes By George Clooney

The government itself is running exactly like the Sopranos and they sit back and they make deals. And they say okay, 'I'm going do this: France, you're getting the pipelines.' — George Clooney

The Sopranos Quotes By David Arnold

And in the night sky, the soaring sopranos fly out over the city, guarding it with song, catching the souls of those rare, lovely heart-thinkers. — David Arnold

The Sopranos Quotes By John Ridley

There's no disputing that for pols, the Internet is a great way to connect with people and raise some cash and post 'Sopranos' parodies or play your opponent's macaca moments. But in a 'net root' sense, it's pretty useless for getting someone elected. — John Ridley

The Sopranos Quotes By Roger Angell

Every player in every game is subjected to a cold and ceaseless accounting; no ball is thrown and no base is gained without an instant responding judgment - ball or strike, hit or error, yea or nay - and an ensuing statistic. This encompassing neatness permits the baseball fan, aided by experience and memory, to extract from a box score the same joy, the same hallucinatory reality, that prickles the scalp of a musician when he glances at a page of his score of Don Giovanni and actually hears bassos and sopranos, woodwinds and violins. — Roger Angell

The Sopranos Quotes By James Gandolfini

'The Sopranos' all came down to the writing. I wouldn't have been on for as long as I was if the writing weren't so good. — James Gandolfini

The Sopranos Quotes By Rufus Reid

It's great to hear someone really care for the soprano saxophone. — Rufus Reid

The Sopranos Quotes By Sue Naegle

Not every show needs to reach the same size of audience, or same width, of a 'Sopranos'. — Sue Naegle

The Sopranos Quotes By Ann Patchett

Maybe there would be a bad outcome for some of the others, but no one was going to shoot a soprano. — Ann Patchett

The Sopranos Quotes By Sean Thomas Dougherty

Pavarotti is dead and the streets are full of arias,
my brother. Every window a tenor leans,
there are sopranos in the olive branches.
And all across the globe the world
turns to crescendos. — Sean Thomas Dougherty

The Sopranos Quotes By Kevin Barry

There's no mistaking the fact that some of the best longform fiction out there now is in American television. 'The Wire' and 'Deadwood' and 'The Sopranos.' — Kevin Barry

The Sopranos Quotes By Cara Buono

Being on 'The Sopranos' definitely prepared me for the militant secrecy of 'Mad Men.' — Cara Buono

The Sopranos Quotes By Patricia Grasso

Do not feed that beggar. Hamlet, lie down." The dog ignored her.
"Down," Viktor ordered, his deep voice stern. The dog whined and then lay down. The prince looked at her. "You need to be more forceful."
"I suppose my forcefulness will improve once my voice changes. Sopranos get no respect. — Patricia Grasso