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Quotes & Sayings About The Lioness

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The Lioness Quotes By Sabaa Tahir

Fight back, Laia. For Darin. For Izzi. For every Scholar this beast has abused. Fight. A scream bursts from me, and I claw at Marcus's face, but a punch to my stomach takes the wind out of my lungs. I double over, retching, and his knee comer up into my forehead. The hallway spins, and I drop to my knees. Then I hear him laughting, a sadistic chuckle that stokes my defiance.

Sluggishly, I throw myself at his legs. It won't be like before, like during the raid when I let that Mask drag me about my own house like some dead thing.

This time, I'll fight. Tooth and nail, I'll fight. — Sabaa Tahir

The Lioness Quotes By Pearl S. Buck

She rose and washed and dressed herself and braided her hair freshly, and having made her room neat for the day she went into the peach-tree garden. It lay in the silence of the spring morning. Under the early sun the dew still hung in a bright mist on the grass, and the pool in the center of the garden was brimming its stone walls. The water was clear and the fish were flashing their golden sides near the surface. The great low-built house that surrounded the garden was still in sleep. Birds twittered in the eaves undisturbed and a small Pekingese dog slept on the threshold like a small lioness. — Pearl S. Buck

The Lioness Quotes By Eve Langlais

Impossible," he muttered. "Just impossible to reason with." "Don't blame me because you can't grasp the female mind." "The female mind is easy compared to that of a lioness. You're all freaking nuts." "Why thank you. — Eve Langlais

The Lioness Quotes By Kitty French

The girl was eighty percent kitten and twenty percent lioness, and he considered it his mission to make her roar. — Kitty French

The Lioness Quotes By Mariama Ba

I then watched filing past and besieging me old men in search of easy revenue, young men in search of adventure to occupy their leisure. My successive refusals gave me in town the reputation of a 'lioness' or 'mad woman.' Who let loose this greedy pack of hounds after me? — Mariama Ba

The Lioness Quotes By Virgil

The grim lioness follows the wolf, the wolf himself the goat, the wanton goat the flowering clover, and Corydon follows you, Alexis. Each is led by his liking. — Virgil

The Lioness Quotes By Harry Bingham

There are times when your body takes control. Times when the gazelle says, 'Fuck you, lioness,' and delivers the biggest kick of its whole gazelley life. — Harry Bingham

The Lioness Quotes By Jacki Weaver

A lioness has got a lot more power than the lion likes to think she has. — Jacki Weaver

The Lioness Quotes By Robert Ardrey

I have lived my life in the shelter of too many northern alliances. I have made alliance with the gentle cow, the health department, the local policeman. In the shelter of such alliances I have got out of bed in the morning with moderate assurance that I shall still be alive at bedtime. But south of the moon my allies vanish, and I have an emptiness in my stomach. I fear the cobras in the garden. I lack a treaty with the lioness. I dread the crocodiles of Lake Victoria, the tsetse fly in the Tanganyika bush, the little airplane with the funny engine, and the mosquito in the soft evening air. But most of all, I am afraid of the African street. — Robert Ardrey

The Lioness Quotes By Julie B. Beck

Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. Whatever happens in that home and family happens because she cares about it and it matters to her. She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. — Julie B. Beck

The Lioness Quotes By Stacey Kade

From what I'd witnessed, Alona Dare was single minded, determined, and ruthless. If high school was a zoo, she was the lioness running the hunt on the hapless tourists who'd wandered into the wrong enclosure. — Stacey Kade

The Lioness Quotes By Sigmund Freud

Neurotics complain of their illness, but they make the most of it, and when it comes to taking it away from them they will defend it like a lioness her young. — Sigmund Freud

The Lioness Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

Most women defend themselves. It is the female of the species-it is the tigress and lioness in you which tends to defend when attacked. — Margaret Thatcher

The Lioness Quotes By Amanda Lovelace

i am
a lioness
who is no longer
afraid to let the world
hear her

-an ode to me — Amanda Lovelace

The Lioness Quotes By Catullus

Some lioness whelped you on a mountain rock
In Libya, or else you're Scylla's child
Whose womb's all barking dogs, for only a wild
Beast with the nature of a beast could mock
A desperate man making a last appeal
Down on his knees. Bitch heart too hard to feel! — Catullus

The Lioness Quotes By Trenton Lee Stewart

Kate seemed to have doubled in size. She had drawn back her broad shoulders and set her jaw, and something in the stance called to mind the contained ferocity of a lioness. But it was the fierceness in Kate's bright blue eyes that had the most striking effect. The sort of look that made you thankful she wasn't your enemy. "It's not going to be over," Kate said firmly "Until we say so. — Trenton Lee Stewart

The Lioness Quotes By Milly Taiden

He was big ... all over. The lioness in her purred, and she was disgusted with the animal. Looks were not everything. So what if he looked like a sex god? That meant nothing. Oh, it means a lot. A body like that, I can ride him like the stallion he is. Stupid cat. You — Milly Taiden

The Lioness Quotes By Liza Minnelli

It was like Mama suddenly realized I was good, that she didn't have to apologize for me. It was the strangest feeling. One minute I was on stage with my mother, the next moment I was on stage with Judy Garland. One minute she smiled at me, and the next minute she was like the lioness that owned the stage and suddenly found somebody invading her territory. The killer instinct of a performer had come out in her. — Liza Minnelli

The Lioness Quotes By Anonymous

The wildest lion becomes tame in the presence of the lioness. — Anonymous

The Lioness Quotes By Anais Nin

Every gesture was one of disorder and violence, as if a lioness had come into the room. — Anais Nin

The Lioness Quotes By Andrew Jackson

There never was a woman like her. She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness ... The memory of my mother and her teachings were, after all, the only capital I had to start life with, and on that capital I have made my way. — Andrew Jackson

The Lioness Quotes By Julie B. Beck

Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight. — Julie B. Beck

The Lioness Quotes By Eve Langlais

That doesn't explain this weird nudity thing." "Well, it's not like we change shapes fully clothed." "That can get awkward," Hayder added. "A lioness in a G-string is a dangerous sight to see." "Dangerous how?" Kira dared asked. "Because the Instagram pic I took of it got me pounced on by a trio of them, and they waxed me from head to toe." Hayder shook his head, in rueful remembrance. Kira snickered. "I would have used Nair. It lasts longer. — Eve Langlais

The Lioness Quotes By Sarah Rees Brennan

Kami," said Holly, seeming stricken with a sudden terrible thought. "Please be subtle."

"Totally," said Kami. "You can rely on me absolutely. I will have the stealth of a lioness stalking the grasslands. In this metaphor Angela is an antelope, and she'll never know what hit her."

Holly did not look reassured.

"I promise you, Holly, 'Subtle' would be my middle name, except I'm too subtle to have a middle name that's such a giveaway. You don't have to worry about a thing. — Sarah Rees Brennan

The Lioness Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

What happened to him? (Lioness) He pissed me off. (Savitar) Why hasn't one of the other jaguars taken his place? (Lioness) He pissed me off ... big time. (Savitar) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

The Lioness Quotes By Marianne Williamson

In every advanced mammalian species that survives and thrives, a common anthropological characteristic is the fierce behavior of the adult female of the species when she senses a threat to her cubs. The lioness, the tigress and the mama bear are all examples. — Marianne Williamson

The Lioness Quotes By R.K. Lilley

You're a lioness, not a lamb, and you don't need to apologize for it. You're overprotective and fiercely loyal. None of those are bad qualities. They're your strengths and I've always admired you for embracing them.
The best kind of friend is one that makes you feel like a better version of yourself. — R.K. Lilley

The Lioness Quotes By Nancy Pelosi

I don't reject the concept of preemptive war. I'm a mother of five. I have five grandchildren. And I always say: Think of a lioness. Think of a mother bear. You come anywhere near our cubs, you're dead. And so, in terms of any threat to our country, people have to know we'll be there to preemptively strike. But what the president [Bush] did was, on the basis of no real intelligence for an imminent threat to our country, chose to go into a war for reasons that are still unknown to us. — Nancy Pelosi

The Lioness Quotes By Richelle Mead

She made no other moves, but there was tension in her that said she was a lioness that could strike at any moment.
You know, remarks Magnus conversationally, lionesses do all the work while lions sit around. — Richelle Mead

The Lioness Quotes By Sabaa Tahir

I do not doubt, I do not hesitate. I am the Lioness's daughter, and I have the Lioness's strength. — Sabaa Tahir

The Lioness Quotes By Khushwant Singh

A Sikh woman takes the surname Kaur on baptism. Kaur was also a common surname for Rajput women and means both a princess and lioness. — Khushwant Singh

The Lioness Quotes By Milly Taiden

Fucking hell! The lioness won. She got a burst of speed and let the bones crack, muscles tense, and skin turned to fur so flawlessly, she didn't slow. Now she ran on all fours. A loud hiss escaped from her lioness. Pissed wasn't even the word at this point. Andi wanted blood. Someone — Milly Taiden

The Lioness Quotes By Bill Vaughan

The lioness giveth birth to cubs which remain three days without life. Then cometh the lion, breatheth upon them, and bringeth them to life. — Bill Vaughan

The Lioness Quotes By Christopher McDougall

In all the Kalahari Desert, only six true hunters remained. The renegades agreed to let Louis hang around, an offer he took to the extreme; once installed, Louis acted like an unemployed in-law, basically squatting with the Bushmen for the next four years ... He learned to keep his campfire burning and tent zipped even on the most sweltering nights, since packs of hyenas were known to drag people from open shelters and tear out their throats. He leaned that if you stumble upon an angry lioness and her cubs, you stand tall and make her back down, but in the same situation with a rhino, you run like hell. (p. 234) Know why people run marathons? he said ... Because running is rooted in our collective imagination, and our imagination is rooted in running. Language, art, science; space shuttles ... intravascular surgery, they all had their roots in our ability to run. Running was the superpower that made us human- which means it's a superpower all humans possess. (p. 239) — Christopher McDougall

The Lioness Quotes By Simone De Beauvoir

An enormous round egg snatching and castrating the agile sperm;
monstorous and stuffed, the queen termite reigning over the servile
males; the praying mantis and the spider, gorged on love, crushing
their partners and gobbling them up; the dog in heat running through
back alleys, leaving perverse smells in her wake; the monkey showing
herself off brazenly, sneaking away with flirtatious hypocrisy. And
the most splendid wildcats, the tigress, lioness, and panther, lie
down slavishly under the male's imperial embrace, inert, impatient,
shrewd, stupid, insensitive, lewd, fierce, and humiliated — Simone De Beauvoir

The Lioness Quotes By Kristin Hannah

Nina stared at the woman who had raised her and saw the truth at last.
Her mother was a lioness. A warrior. A woman who'd chosen a life of hell for herself because she wanted to give up and didn't know how.
And with that small understanding came another, bigger one. Nina suddenly saw her own life in focus. All these years, she'd been traveling the world over, looking for her own truth in other woman's lives.
But it was here all along, at home with the one woman she's never even tried to understand. No wonder Nina had never felt finished, never wanted to publish her photographs of the woman. Her quest had always been leading up to this moment, this understanding. She's been hiding behind the camera, looking through the glass, trying to find herself. But how could she? How could any woman know her own story until she knew her mother's? — Kristin Hannah

The Lioness Quotes By Edith Sitwell

Said the lion to the lioness - "when you are amber dust -
No more a raging fire like the heat of the sun
(no liking but all lust) -
Remember still the flowering of the amber blood
and bone,
the rippling of bright muscles like
a sea,
Remember the rose-prickles of
bright paws
Though we shall mate no more
Till the fire of that sun
and the moon -
Cold bone are one"

Said the skeleton lying upon the
sands of time -
"The great gold planet that
is the mourning heat
of the sun
Is greater than all gold, more powerful
Than the tawny body of a lion that fire
Like all that grows or leaps...so
is the heart.

More powerful than all dust. Once
I was hercules
Or Samson, strong as the pillars of the
But the flames of the heart
Consumed me, and
the mind
Is but a foolish wind. — Edith Sitwell

The Lioness Quotes By Rupert Evans

When I was 15, I went on a cricket tour of Zimbabwe with my school. My defining memory of it was stroking a semi-tame lioness at a game reserve. I grew up on a farm, so I felt I had an affinity with animals, and when it put a paw out, I thought I'd connected with it. But its claws came out and nicked my leg. Then I did the most stupid thing: I ran. — Rupert Evans

The Lioness Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Yeah. And Savitar predates him. He has presided over this council since the very beginning, and notice, Savitar looks about thirty. We don't know what he is, but he ain't one of us and he ain't human. And trust me, you don't want to mess with him. (Paris)
Thank you for that highly unamusing summation. Next time I have insomnia, I know who to call. In the meantime, little lioness who would probably like to live another year, don't interrupt me again. I don't like it and I tend to kill the things I don't like. (Savitar) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

The Lioness Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

She was beautiful and lithe, with soft skin the color of bread and eyes like green almonds, and she had straight black hair that reached to her shoulders, and an aura of antiquity that could just as well have been Indonesian as Andean. She was dressed with subtle taste: a lynx jacket, a raw silk blouse with very delicate flowers, natural linen trousers, and shoes with a narrow stripe the color of bougainvillea. 'This is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,' I thought, when I saw her pass by with the stealthy stride of a lioness, while I waited in the check-in line at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris for the plane to New York. — Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Lioness Quotes By Rick Riordan

My glowing form was so heavy, its feet sank into the top of the tank.
"Sekhmet!" I yelled.
The lioness whirled and snarled, trying to locate my voice.
"Up here, kitty!" I called.
She spotted me and her ears went back. "Horus?"
'Unless you know another guy with a falcon head. — Rick Riordan

The Lioness Quotes By Tamora Pierce

And I think Alanna would quote Sean Connery from "The Untouchables" to you: "At the end of your shift, go home alive." She would say, Don't think about being brave or working hard
just do what you need to do. When you look back, you'll be surprised to see that this was exactly enough. — Tamora Pierce

The Lioness Quotes By Tamora Pierce

After I recovered from 'Lioness', I wanted to write something about animals because I really like mythical creatures, especially dragons. At 12, I was one of those semi-recluses who did better with animals than people. Out of that, came the character, Daine, who could communicate with animals. — Tamora Pierce

The Lioness Quotes By Vicky Alvear Shecter

I especially treasured my glimpses of Mother, Queen Cleopatra VII. She sat on a golden throne, looking as resplendent as one of the giant marble statues guarding the tombs of the Old Ones. Diamonds twinkled in a jungle of black braids on her ceremonial wig. She wore a diadem with three rearing snakes and a golden broad collar, shining with lapis lazuli, carnelian, and emeralds, over her golden, form-fitting pleated gown. In one hand, she held a golden ankh of life, while the other clasped the striped crook and flail of her divine rulership. Her stillness radiated power, like a lioness pausing before the pounce. It left me breathless with awe. — Vicky Alvear Shecter

The Lioness Quotes By Wyclef Jean

The voice of an Angel, the Heart of a Lamb, the spirit of a Lioness, the presence of a Goddess, love you R.I.P Whitney Houston. — Wyclef Jean

The Lioness Quotes By Rhys Bowen

It's not her fault she can't cook."
"You are too nice natured, darling. You won't get anywhere in this world being kind and generous. You must turn into a lioness like me and gobble up people who disagree with you."
"I'm not very good at gobbling," I said. "And I want to like people, and be liked by them."
She sighed. "The sooner you get married and have babies to adore the better. — Rhys Bowen

The Lioness Quotes By Tim Dorsey

Plan? He wanted alpha males to populate the planet by impregnating multiple partners, so he gave females the gift of irrationality, able to morph the least little thing that happens anywhere in the world into being your fault, especially if it's your fault. Watch any nature show. The top lion is perfectly happy with a lioness, but then he inexplicably moves on. Why? She was trying to change him ... . — Tim Dorsey

The Lioness Quotes By John Zande

Diseases do not discriminate, parasites know no bigotry, wild fires hold no opinion on what or who they incinerate, and a river will just as soon swallow up a fawn as it will drag down and drown the lioness chasing it. — John Zande

The Lioness Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I don't think there are enough words in the world that exist to express exactly just how much I love my son! He's right there in the front of my soul, he can turn me into an eagle, a lioness, a tigress, a swan! A goof or a queen! There's no underestimating just how much I love him; I surround him like the ocean surrounds the ships! I never wanted to change the world, until he came along and showed me that he deserves a better world to live in! — C. JoyBell C.

The Lioness Quotes By Marc Bolan

"Summer deep is in the hills again
His lady is a lioness
Winds of birds blow through the fields again
Invaders from the true worlds
A coat of grapes is on my back again
I ride upon my zebra
Pterodactyl beak hat on my brow
The truth is like a stranger
Be like you could
All my friends say. — Marc Bolan

The Lioness Quotes By Kristen Reed

If a lioness spends her hours pacing back and forth in a cage of gold with the finest meats at her disposal, does that make her any less of a prisoner? If that same feline's fangs are filed down to blunt, un-tearing teeth and her roar is silenced, can she still be called a lioness? — Kristen Reed

The Lioness Quotes By Yaa Gyasi

A lioness. She mates with her lion and he thinks the moment is about him when it is really about her, her children, her posterity. Her tricki s to make him think that he is king of the bush, but what he does a king matter? Really, she is king and queen and everything in between. — Yaa Gyasi