Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Teenage Girls

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Top Teenage Girls Quotes

Teenage Girls Quotes By Paula Garces

I want to make sure that teenage girls know that if you decide to keep your child, you have to get an education. You have to have a plan A, B, and C. Make sure you have a good support system. If all those things are not in place, it's going to be very, very hard - very, very lonely. — Paula Garces

Teenage Girls Quotes By Shelly Crane

We watched Vamps hunting Vamps, Vamp hunters and Witches torching Vamps, teenage girls kissing Vamps. And we giggled and swooned through it all. — Shelly Crane

Teenage Girls Quotes By David Boaz

The stark truth is that as long as the welfare state makes it possible for young women - or teenage girls - to have children without a husband and survive without a job, out-of-wedlock births will remain ruinously high, and the inner city will continue to be marked by crime, poverty, and despair. — David Boaz

Teenage Girls Quotes By Zoe Sugg

I have this dream that, secretly, all teenage girls feel exactly like me. And maybe one day, when we realize that we all feel the same, we can all stop pretending we're something we're not... — Zoe Sugg

Teenage Girls Quotes By Eleanor Catton

She is a loner, too bright for the slutty girls and too savage for the bright girls, haunting the edges and corners of the school like a sullen disillusioned ghost — Eleanor Catton

Teenage Girls Quotes By Jeanette Murray

Following their line of vision, he found the distraction. The damn tennis team, running the perimeter of the football field in some half-assed formation, following their fearless leader. They weren't looking at the field, weren't yelling or causing a scene. Just concentrating on keeping up with Chris.
Having been a teenage boy himself, the draw was obvious. Teenage girls. Short shorts. No brainer. At thirty-four, he was past that.
Except his eyes didn't seem to get the "I'm Too Old For This" memo. They were tracking Chris like a hawk tracks a field mouse. — Jeanette Murray

Teenage Girls Quotes By Reshma Saujani

Don't be afraid of failure. That's not an easy lesson for teenagers - especially teenage girls - to learn. Our society sends us a lot of messages that imply we're supposed to be ashamed when we fall short. But I think we should be throwing each other failure parties! — Reshma Saujani

Teenage Girls Quotes By Eddie Izzard

I definitely have breast envy. When teenage girls were saying 'I wish I had breasts', I was thinking the same thing. — Eddie Izzard

Teenage Girls Quotes By Ann Brashares

As much as I'm drawn to writing about teenage girls, I like the idea of having the freedom to branch out and write about different ages, for different ages. — Ann Brashares

Teenage Girls Quotes By Bruce Barton

Not eating breakfast is the worst thing you can do, that's really the take-home message for teenage girls. — Bruce Barton

Teenage Girls Quotes By Amy A. Bartol

I have heard it said that if you stay in one place long enough, the whole world would eventually pass by you. I'm not sure if I buy that, but if you have four miles to walk to a lake, while stuck behind a bunch of teenage girls, you will hear quite enough gossip about the place you are in, not to mention the people who reside there, to make that world quite interesting. I have already learned quite enough about Reed Wellington, my beautiful sophomore guide with a penchant for rudeness. — Amy A. Bartol

Teenage Girls Quotes By Jamie Frater

Wanita Young vs. Free Cookies Cookies will brighten up anybody's day - especially if they're being given away for free. At least, that's what two teenage girls thought when they surprised their neighbor with a plate of homemade cookies. But they were in for a surprise. The two girls, Lindsey Zellitti and Taylor Ostergaard, wanted to do something nice for their neighbors. So they went around their neighborhood, knocking on doors and leaving a small package of cookies in front of every door. When they got to 49-year-old Wanita Young's house, the sound of the girls knocking on the door apparently drove her into an anxiety attack, causing her to call the police who eventually took her to the hospital. After the girls apologized, and after they offered to pay her hospital bills, Young still decided to take them to court and sue them for $900 - and she actually won the case. — Jamie Frater

Teenage Girls Quotes By Tim Crothers

For the most part, the girls of Katwe need to be told who these people are and once they learn, they want to be just like them. For Phiona Mutesi and the other teenage girls of Katwe, there are no true female role models to follow. Nothing realistic. Nothing attainable. No solid businesswoman or stable homemaker. There is no in-between for Phiona to grab onto during a very impressionable time in her life, a time when she needs a lot of guidance about becoming an adult. — Tim Crothers

Teenage Girls Quotes By Rob Thomas

Teenage years are hard. And, having taught high school for a number of years, I think they're particularly hard on teenage girls. The most self-conscious human beings on the planet are teenage girls. — Rob Thomas

Teenage Girls Quotes By Hilary Mantel

It's not easy to diagnose because depending where the endometrial deposits are, the symptoms can be quite different. It's an unrecognized problem among teenage girls, and it's something that every young woman who has painful menstruation should be aware of ... it's a condition that is curable if it's caught early. If not, if it's allowed to run on, it can cause infertility, and it can really mess up your life.
[Author Hilary Mantel on being asked about being a writer with endometriosis, Nov 2012 NPR interview] — Hilary Mantel

Teenage Girls Quotes By Megan Abbott

The New Coach. Did she look at us that first week and see past the glossed hair and shiny legs, our glittered brow bones and girl bravado? See past all that to everything beneath, all our miseries, the way we all hated ourselves but much more everyone else? — Megan Abbott

Teenage Girls Quotes By Lindy West

Fat people already are ashamed. It's taken care of. No further manpower needed on the shame front, thx. I am not concerned with whether or not fat people can change their bodies through self-discipline and "choices." Pretty much all of them have tried already. A couple of them have succeeded. Whatever. My question is, what if they try and try and try and still fail? What if they are still fat? What if they are fat forever? What do you do with them then? Do you really want millions of teenage girls to feel like they're trapped in unsightly lard prisons that are ruining their lives, and on top of that it's because of their own moral failure, and on top of that they are ruining America with the terribly expensive diabetes that they don't even have yet? You know what's shameful? A complete lack of empathy. — Lindy West

Teenage Girls Quotes By Nadine Velazquez

I have started my own foundation. It's called Follow Your Art. It's at its infancy but my goal is to mentor teenage girls through one of the most difficult times in their lives. — Nadine Velazquez

Teenage Girls Quotes By Diane Lane

Sometimes I think opposable thumbs were invented so teenage girls could use text messaging. — Diane Lane

Teenage Girls Quotes By Nigel Latta

Girls need their dads, teenage girls especially so. There's a whole bunch of 'women's stuff' she'll do with her mum, but there's still a huge amount that she will need you for as well. She needs to know that you will always be on her side, no matter what trials life will bring. The easiest way to show her you're on her side is to be by her side as often as you can. — Nigel Latta

Teenage Girls Quotes By Danica McKellar

Teenage girls these days are more and more getting lured into thinking they should dumb themselves down, and that's going to attract the wrong kind of guy, and it's serious. It's serious business. — Danica McKellar

Teenage Girls Quotes By Richelle Mead

It was something of a mystery how a couple of teenage girls had managed to escape detection for two years, especially when one of them was a privileged Moroi princess and the other a delinquent dhampir with a disciplinary file so long that it broke school records. — Richelle Mead

Teenage Girls Quotes By Perry Brass

Gays feel about popularity the same way teenage girls do. Is it that we really want friends we can count on, or do we just want guys around us whom we can share our curlers with? — Perry Brass

Teenage Girls Quotes By Azealia Banks

Yes! I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms. Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma - that's really America — Azealia Banks

Teenage Girls Quotes By Catherine Bybee

What self-respecting teenage kid growing up in the U.S. hasn't played Truth or Dare? Before cell phones, we kids spent a lot of time in the same place and actually had to come up with our own entertainment. Truth or Dare was the game of choice to break the ice between the boys and the girls. — Catherine Bybee

Teenage Girls Quotes By Louise Rennison

I like the idea that I can talk to any teenage girls. You know, in a language that makes sense to them. — Louise Rennison

Teenage Girls Quotes By Mary Pipher

Teenage girls are extremists who see the world in black-and- white terms, missing shades of gray. Life is either marvelous or notworth living. School is either pure torment or is going fantastically. Other people are either great or horrible, and they themselves are wonderful or pathetic failures. One day a girl will refer to herself as "the goddess of social life" and the next day she'll regret that she's the "ultimate in nerdosity. — Mary Pipher

Teenage Girls Quotes By Kenneth S. Deffeyes

Of course, the methods for human population control are enormously controversial. One contraceptive measure seems to be humane and acceptable: If you teach calculus to teenage girls, they go on to have far fewer babies. Calculus is the contraceptive of the future. It doesn't work for boys. — Kenneth S. Deffeyes

Teenage Girls Quotes By Darwun St. James

We hit every jazz and blues club on and off Bourbon Street, dancing and drinking until we girls were drunk enough to go with the boys to the strip clubs which outnumbered all other businesses in the French Quarter. Here is where my solution unfolded. — Darwun St. James

Teenage Girls Quotes By Kiera Cass

A solid 90 percent of my readers are teenage girls. You are a force. You influence art and fashion and culture. You're eight different kinds of cool. You get overlooked far too much, but my 17 year old soul loves you endlessly. — Kiera Cass

Teenage Girls Quotes By Margaret Atwood

They have a certain gaiety to them, a power of invention, they don't care what people think. They have escaped, though what it is they've escaped from isn't clear to us. We think that their bizarre costumes, their verbal tics, are chosen, and that when the time comes we also will be free to choose. That's what I'm going to be like, — Margaret Atwood

Teenage Girls Quotes By Kim Gordon

I see it as more of a teenage activity than, you know, she's only 11, but you know, I think it's great that she knows so many girls who want to play music. And I see it more as a teen activity than I do as going into music. — Kim Gordon

Teenage Girls Quotes By Stephen Richards

This was my first time in Govan. You could smell and taste the thick smog in the air. The Blue Triangle was a new high-tech building, and it didn't look right standing there in front of older and more historical buildings. The Blue Triangle may have looked great from the outside, but once inside, to my horror, it was full of young teenage boys and girls full of deep and dark depression — Stephen Richards

Teenage Girls Quotes By Mary Pipher

Teenage girls engage in emotional reasoning, which is the belief that if you feel something is true, it must be true. If a teenager feels like a nerd, she is a nerd ... There is a limited ability to sort facts from feelings. Thinking is still magical in the sense that thinking something makes it so. — Mary Pipher

Teenage Girls Quotes By Alice Pung

As a general rule, teenage girls never, ever see solitude as a choice. — Alice Pung

Teenage Girls Quotes By Lisa Rinna

I find that life just gets in the way and it gets so busy and there's so much chaos and stress that can come along with raising two teenage girls in Los Angeles and being married and working and, you know, everything that goes along with it. It's how do you find those calm moments, because everybody has this in their life. — Lisa Rinna

Teenage Girls Quotes By Ani DiFranco

I basically get stereotyped a lot in terms of being a girl and writing 'chick' music for teenage girls or something. I think, if anything, the press kind of, because of my gender and my age, tends to kind of relegate my work to this sort of special-interest group. It's part of the cultural dynamic, I guess. — Ani DiFranco

Teenage Girls Quotes By Elise Hu

Japan is formally apologizing and admitting the state was responsible for the system of comfort stations or brothels for soldiers in which mostly teenage girls were expected to service 60 to 70 men a day. That is from a U.N. report. — Elise Hu

Teenage Girls Quotes By Megan Fox

I didn't get along with Lindsay Lohan on 'Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen', but you have to consider that we were 16-year-old girls. I haven't seen Lindsay since then, but I imagine she's grown and become a different person. I know I have. — Megan Fox

Teenage Girls Quotes By Ally Carter

I suppose a lot of teenage girls feel invisible sometimes, like they just disappear. Well, that's me - Cammie the Chameleon. But I'm luckier than most because, at my school, that's considered cool.
I go to a school for spies. — Ally Carter

Teenage Girls Quotes By Caitlin Moran

You actually don't exist while you're in your bedroom," I say to the dog, so that she knows this important fact. "Teenage girls in bedrooms aren't real. — Caitlin Moran

Teenage Girls Quotes By Nova Ren Suma

Teenage girls know more than we're given credit for. We sense danger even when everyone's telling us it's fine, he's a perfectly nice man, an upstanding member of our community, have you tasted his sugar-cream pie? — Nova Ren Suma

Teenage Girls Quotes By Kate Cooper

The instinctive attraction of the daughters of high society to noble ideals was probably reinforced by an idea that, in dedicating themselves to the Church, they could escape the sometimes grim realities of marriage. It was not only the problem of volatile husbands raised in a society that prized aggressive masculinity and constant pregnancy; there was also the painful fact that only a few of the numerous babies would survive to adulthood. Against these harsh realities, the new monastic communities offered an appealing alternative, a rigid but somehow delicious atmosphere similar to that of a girls' boarding school. To a virgin, this must have seemed attractive, and to a teenage Roman widow weighing the dangers of a second marriage, it must have seemed positively utopian. And, of course, there was the chance to do good work. We should not underestimate the delight that these women found in being able to pool their resources in trying to better the lot of the city's poor. — Kate Cooper

Teenage Girls Quotes By Warren Spector

If we're going to reach a broader audience, we have to stop thinking about that audience strictly in terms of teenage boys or even teenage girls. We need to think about things that are relevant to normal humans and not just the geeks we used to be. — Warren Spector

Teenage Girls Quotes By Kelly Keaton

I'm not some three-hundred-year-old pervert who kisses teenage girls, okay? I'm the same age as you. Born just like you. — Kelly Keaton

Teenage Girls Quotes By Flynn Meaney

My love life couldn't be more nonexistent if Julius was all all-girls' boarding school with a moat full of alligators around it. — Flynn Meaney

Teenage Girls Quotes By Penelope Cruz

would close down all those teenage magazines that encourage young
girls to diet. Who says that to be pretty you have to be thin? Some
people look better thin and some don't. There is almost a standard being
created where only thin is acceptable. The influence of those
magazines on girls as young as 13 is horrific. — Penelope Cruz

Teenage Girls Quotes By Stephen Moyer

The interesting thing about 'True Blood' is that its appeal is not contained to teenage girls. I get stopped in the street and questioned by 70-year-old men whose wives and daughters are making Bloody Marys and throwing 'True Blood' parties. — Stephen Moyer

Teenage Girls Quotes By Alice Hoffman

You watch teenage girls and feel shivers up and down your arms
those poor creatures don't know the first thing about time or agony or the price they're going to have to pay for just about everything. — Alice Hoffman

Teenage Girls Quotes By Gina Damico

As everyone knows, the only population more catty than a pack of actual cats is a clique of teenage girls. — Gina Damico

Teenage Girls Quotes By Peggy Orenstein

Girls would say: "I have a boyfriend for that." So in addition to putting their pleasure literally into someone else's hands - an inept teenage boy - these are the same girls who say they do not climax with a partner. It's the opposite with boys; they say because they can do that themselves, girls should perform oral sex. — Peggy Orenstein

Teenage Girls Quotes By Rihanna

I wouldn't want to promote teenage girls having sex. But the reality is, it's happening, and they're just a little too young to understand how careful they need to be. That's a big battle with me, because I'm 23, and a lot of my fans are eight years younger than I am, so there's a bit of a tug-of-war there. I want to set the right example and, at the same time, live my life. — Rihanna

Teenage Girls Quotes By Diane Moore

All your doing is keeping wayward teenage punks off the street. You should leave the real investigative work to us big girls with the pens and paper. — Diane Moore

Teenage Girls Quotes By Flynn Meaney

So that's how we end up helping Aviva pick out a male escort. Even Darcy is impressed with Eugene's organization; each profile in the boy binder has two pictures, a head shot and a full-body shot, and lists essential information: age, school, height, weight, extracurriculars, hobbies, and dance ability (which ranges from "occasional Dance Dance Revolution participation" to "so good he could back up the Biebs"). — Flynn Meaney

Teenage Girls Quotes By Christopher Yost

Colossus: The X-Men need me. But as I said...
Trance: Yeah, they don't trust you. I got it.
Colossus: What would Wolverine do?
Trance: He'd team up with a teenage girl and go kill bad guys. — Christopher Yost

Teenage Girls Quotes By Kate Bornstein

I remember one Fourth of July evening in Philadelphia, about a year after my surgery. I was walking home arm in arm with Lisa, my lover at the time, after the fireworks display. We were leaning in to one another, walking like lovers walk. Coming towards us was a family of five: mom, dad, and three teenage boys. "Look it's a coupla faggots," said one of the boys. "Nah, it's two girls," said another. "That's enough outa you," bellowed the father, "one of 'em's got to be a man. This is America! — Kate Bornstein

Teenage Girls Quotes By Liane Moriarty

She was grown up; she was twenty-nine! It was only recently that she'd been walking home from the hairdresser's, feeling gorgeous, and a gaggle of teenage girls walked by, and the sound of their strident giggles made her send a message back through time to her fourteen-year-old self: "Don't worry, it all works out. You get a personality, you get a job, you work out what to do with your hair, and you get a boy who thinks you're beautiful." She'd felt so together, as if all the teenage angst and the failed relationships before Nick had all been part of a perfectly acceptable plan that was leading to this moment, when she would be twenty-nine years old and everything would finally be just as it should be. — Liane Moriarty

Teenage Girls Quotes By Jeff Hobbs

[Flowy]'d undertaken this mainly because he'd known that going to public school, with girls, would sentence him to fatherhood by age sixteen, and he wanted to evade that pattern, one from which he himself had been born. — Jeff Hobbs

Teenage Girls Quotes By Barack Obama

The boarded-up homes, the decaying storefronts, the aging church rolls, kids from unknown families who swaggered down the streets - loud congregations of teenage boys, teenage girls feeding potato chips to crying toddlers, the discarded wrappers tumbling down the block - all of it whispered painful truths. — Barack Obama

Teenage Girls Quotes By Elizabeth Berkley

Everyone just talks about the problems our teenage girls are facing and what they're dealing with. But there was, to me, a void in how they were being served or helped. I thought, 'Wow, I'd love to create something.' — Elizabeth Berkley

Teenage Girls Quotes By Katja Millay

I'd also believe that all teenage boys go around calling girls baby, because apparently that's the express train to romance. — Katja Millay

Teenage Girls Quotes By Qalandar Nawaz

if you say!
"A woman is A problem"
"Probably you have never seen her sweeter part — Qalandar Nawaz

Teenage Girls Quotes By Emma Cline

That was our mistake, I think. One of many mistakes. To believe that boys were acting with a logic that we could someday understand. To believe that their actions had any meaning beyond thoughtless impulse. We were like conspiracy theorists, seeing portent and intention in every detail, wishing desperately that we mattered enough to be the object of planning and speculation. But they were just boys. Silly and young and straightforward; they weren't hiding anything. — Emma Cline

Teenage Girls Quotes By Orlando Bloom

A friend told me that teenage girls are always looking for someone to pin their dreams on. That doesn't make it any less weird though. — Orlando Bloom

Teenage Girls Quotes By Dominik Garcia-Lorido

I was very protected growing up. My dad was very strict with me. I was the oldest of four kids, and there are three girls. So I kind of paved the way of what it was like to raise a teenage daughter. — Dominik Garcia-Lorido

Teenage Girls Quotes By Saumya Balsari

Summer isn't a season, it's a feeling. — Saumya Balsari

Teenage Girls Quotes By Alexandra Adornetto

We teenage girls are faced with a quandary: we know what we want but are forced to wait for our male counterparts to grow up. We are ready for intense and meaningful relationships, but research indicates that males will not reach maturity until their mid-20s. — Alexandra Adornetto

Teenage Girls Quotes By Jonathan Lethem

The waiting area was jammed with the sort of egalitarian cross-section only genuine misery can provide: Hispanics and blacks and Russians and various indeterminate, red-eyed teenage girls with children you prayed were siblings; junkie veterans petitioning for painkillers they wouldn't get; — Jonathan Lethem

Teenage Girls Quotes By Angela Davis

Media mystifications should not obfuscate a simple, perceivable fact; Black teenage girls do not create poverty by having babies. Quite the contrary, they have babies at such a young age precisely because they are poor
because they do not have the opportunity to acquire an education, because meaningful, well-paying jobs and creative forms of recreation are not accessible to them ... because safe, effective forms of contraception are not available to them. — Angela Davis

Teenage Girls Quotes By Brigid Kemmerer

His grandparents lived on an old farm. Like he should have considered that psycho teenage girls might be leaving tainted steaks for his dog to find. If you hurt him, I'll kill you. — Brigid Kemmerer

Teenage Girls Quotes By Sheila Jeffreys

Male domination, and the low and stigmatised status of women, cause teenage girls to engage in punishment of their bodies through eating disorders and self-mutilation. There is increasing evidence that woman-hating Western cultures are toxic to girls and very harmful to their mental health. It is, perhaps, not surprising, therefore, that there seem to be some girls baling out and seeking to upgrade their status. — Sheila Jeffreys

Teenage Girls Quotes By Tana French

If I've learned one thing today, it's that teenage girls make Moriarty look like a babe in the woods. Detective Stephen Moran — Tana French

Teenage Girls Quotes By Maria Kirilenko

All teenage girls like to look good and tennis players are no different. — Maria Kirilenko

Teenage Girls Quotes By Diablo Cody

People say 'teenage girls aren't so clever. Your characters should be less articulate to reflect our youth.' People who say that aren't spending time with teenagers. — Diablo Cody

Teenage Girls Quotes By Janette Rallison

Madame Bellwings, Memoir Elf Coordinator, was not at all pleased with this request, because elves who write the memoirs of teenage girls have the habit of returning to the magical realm with atrocious grammar. They can't seem to shake the phrases "watever" and "no way," and they insert the word like into so many sentences that the other elves start slapping them ... and for no apparent reason occasionally call out the name Edward Cullen. — Janette Rallison

Teenage Girls Quotes By Jessica Taylor

Henri said our names were fitting because we were destined to be together in our old age, like our great-great-aunts. Two gray old ladies in the bodies of teenage girls. Someday we'd live in a big house with faded curtains, a dozen or so cats, and a handful of our marbles long ago lost. On all accounts - our destiny, her clairvoyance, and our soon-to-be missing marbles - I believed her. — Jessica Taylor

Teenage Girls Quotes By Max Monroe

We were all well-off, grown-as-fuck men, but you'd be surprised by how similar we were to a group of teenage girls sometimes. "And — Max Monroe

Teenage Girls Quotes By Rachel Cohn

You need a boyfriend. Well sure, who doesn't need a boyfriend? But ealistically, those exotic creatures are hard to come by. At least a quality one. I go to an all- girls school, and meaning no disrespect to my sapphic sisters, but I have no interest in nding a romantic companion there. The rare boy creatures I do meet who aren't either related to me or who aren't gay are usually too at ached to their Xboxes to notice me, or their idea of how a teenage girl should look and act comes directly from the pages of Maxim magazine or from the tarty look of a video game character. — Rachel Cohn

Teenage Girls Quotes By Michael J. Fox

Vanity's really overrated. When I was 20, teenage girls had my picture on the wall ... I don't need to be pretty anymore. I just am who I am. — Michael J. Fox

Teenage Girls Quotes By Chuck Klosterman

The single-biggest proof that the Dixie Chicks are Van Halen is their audience; they are singing to the same teenage boys, except those boys are now teenage girls. — Chuck Klosterman

Teenage Girls Quotes By Chris Rock

I always say there's no more little girls, just boys with breasts. Girls act like boys nowadays. Teenage girls, they go after boys. They're predatory just like boys. My goal is to keep my girls, girls. — Chris Rock

Teenage Girls Quotes By Michael J. Saylor

Whenever teenage girls and corporate CEOs covet the same new technology, something extraordinary is happening. — Michael J. Saylor

Teenage Girls Quotes By Megan Abbott

This sensible, sensible girl. A girl who knew how to protect herself. Never a daredevil, never stunting without a safety mat, without spotters. A girl for whom instability was the ultimate enemy. Who'd never known divorce or slamming doors or slamming fists. A girl whose home was a peaceful sanctum, even the basement padded. A life that had to be made safe because of the risks she put her body through. She was the most dangerous thing in her own life. Her body, the only dangerous thing. — Megan Abbott

Teenage Girls Quotes By Alice Hoffman

Those boys at the counter are too dreamy and young to do anything but drool as they watch Gillian. And, to her credit, Gillian is especially kind to them, even when Ephraim, the cook, suggests she kick them out. She understands that theirs might just be the last hearts she will break. When you're thirty-six and tired, when you've been living in places where the temperature rising to a hundred and ten and the air is so dry you have to use gallons of moisturizer, when you've been smacked around, late at night, by a man who loves bourbon, you start to realize that everything is limited, including your own appeal. You begin to look at young boys with tenderness, since they know so little and think they know so much. You watch teenage girls and feel shivers up and down your arms - those poor creatures don't know the first thing about time or agony or the price they're going to have to pay for just about anything. — Alice Hoffman

Teenage Girls Quotes By Francine Pascal

Actually for a while Jessica had contemplated making a grand entrance wearing only the dress, thinking wickedly about how the sight of her cold, shivering body would prompt Nicholas to rush up and put his arms around her to warm her up. But evenings at this time of year were usually chilly, and she saw no reason to risk pneumonia just for a sympathy hug. She'd have to settle for throwing her coat off dramatically as she was being ushered into the Morrow mansion. — Francine Pascal

Teenage Girls Quotes By Julianne Hough

The community in Utah was very religious. I was a typical teenage girl trying to find my sexuality. Unfortunately, girls do use their sexuality to find attention. I also understand why parents want to protect their kids. — Julianne Hough

Teenage Girls Quotes By James Romm

Alexander's top generals were about to tangle with one of history's toughest teenage girls. — James Romm

Teenage Girls Quotes By Natalia Sylvester

He recognized his own fear in them, and now that he knows what it looks like he sees it everywhere - in the man who pumps gas across the street, in the teenage girls who stumble down the sidewalk, in the transvestite prostitute who steps forward and back, indecisive, at the intersection while Andres prays for the light to turn green. It is a fear that he can't get away from, and seeing it in others doesn't make him feel any safer. — Natalia Sylvester

Teenage Girls Quotes By Tara Lynne Barr

Teenage girls in television and film, in my experience, oftentimes are portrayed as either the sweet, innocent virgin or the super-sexy, experienced, town bicycle. There never seems to be an in-between. I think most girls are somewhere in between those two tropes. — Tara Lynne Barr

Teenage Girls Quotes By Danielle Steel

Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy. — Danielle Steel

Teenage Girls Quotes By Bel Powley

When I was young, there weren't any teenage girls I could relate to in film. They were all put in boxes: the virginal good girl, the really sarcastic asexual one. I wanted to do something that represented how I felt then. — Bel Powley

Teenage Girls Quotes By Roger Ebert

It is strange how the romances of the teenage years retain a poignancy all through life - how a girl who turns you down when you're 16 retains an aura in your memory even long after you, and she, have ceased to be who you were then. I attended my high school reunion a couple of weeks ago and discovered, in the souvenir booklet assembled by the reunion committee, that one of the girls in my class had a crush on me all those years ago. I would have given a great deal to have had that information at the time. — Roger Ebert

Teenage Girls Quotes By Luella Christie

I didn't like his tone. In fact I didn't like boys' tone when they knew they were hot and tried to be rude to girls because they knew they were hot. — Luella Christie

Teenage Girls Quotes By Jeffrey Eugenides

On the floors above Delivery, in flowerless rooms, women lay recovering from hysterectomies and mastectomies. Teenage girls with burst ovarian cysts nodded out on morphine. It was all around me from the beginning, the weight of female suffering, with its biblical justification and vanishing acts. — Jeffrey Eugenides

Teenage Girls Quotes By Rob Sheffield

But when you're a teenage boy, you can be narrow-minded about things that are girlie, things that are frivolous, things that are pop. Boys always want to be taken seriously, and they always want to transcend the tawdry emotion of the pop singer
it's a fairly standard response to the rigors of young manhood ... This isn't so different from how people talk about culture now. Rock epics are for boys; pop hits are for girls. When you're a boy, pop is scary because it's a maneater. You sing along with a pop song, you turn into a girl. That takes some degree of emotional risk. — Rob Sheffield

Teenage Girls Quotes By Janette Rallison

You can't wish for more wishes or for vague generalities like happiness that are impossible to grant. Your wish has to be something specific enough that I can use my wand to make it happen. Oh, and recently there's been a ban on inserting yourself into the Twilight series. The Cullens are tired of different teenage girls pinging into their story every time they turn around. — Janette Rallison

Teenage Girls Quotes By Mindy Kaling

Teenage girls, please don't worry about being super popular in high school, or being the best actress in high school, or the best athlete. Not only do people not care about any of that the second you graduate, but when you get older, if you reference your successes in high school too much, it actually makes you look kind of pitiful, like some babbling old Tennessee Williams character with nothing else going on in her current life. What I've noticed is that almost no one who was a big star in high school is also big star later in life. For us overlooked kids, it's so wonderfully fair. — Mindy Kaling

Teenage Girls Quotes By Eli Roth

Women became almost our bigger audience. Teenage girls went crazy for my movie. I saw it. I went to theatres all over and there were gangs of girls going and screaming. There were kids that were 10 or 11 years old when September 11 happened. They've been told for years they're going to get killed, they're going to get blown up. Every time you go on an airplane, X-ray your shoes because you're going to get blown up. Terror alert orange, don't travel. So, people have a reaction and they want to scream. Horror movies have become the new date movie. — Eli Roth

Teenage Girls Quotes By John Seabrook

They told me exactly how it worked, the marketing of it. Our target market was always going to be young teenage girls, because boys are into sports, and they like buying jerseys and caps and so on, for baseball or football, things of that nature, whereas the girls are totally enthralled with the band. . . . They don't have money, but they have access to a large supply of it: their aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, who would spend money on them for a concert or merchandise sooner than they would spend it on themselves. — John Seabrook

Teenage Girls Quotes By Thomm Quackenbush

Salem has become this ... Mecca for Wiccans, but no witches died here. Aside from Tituba, no one practiced anything like witchcraft near here in colonial times. It was a bunch of bored Puritans who thought killing their neighbors at the behest of teenage girls was a fine, Christian form of entertainment and land acquisition. — Thomm Quackenbush