Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Technology Steve Jobs

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Top Technology Steve Jobs Quotes

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Walt Mossberg

Man, he could sell. As he liked to say, he lived at the intersection of technology and liberal arts. But there was a more personal side of Steve Jobs, of course, and I was fortunate enough to see a bit of it because I spent hours in conversation with him over the 14 years he ran Apple. — Walt Mossberg

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The technology companies don't understand creative things at all. Silicon Valley's view of the creative process in Hollywood is a bunch of guys in their young thirties sitting on a couch, drinking beer, and thinking up jokes. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

What's new is this amazingly efficient distribution system for stolen property called the Internet - and no one's gonna shut down the Internet. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Evgeny Morozov

Steve Jobs was notoriously blunt about products he found wanting, but his attack on Flash - Adobe's popular technology for playing multimedia content inside a browser - was particularly vicious. Claiming it was buggy and insecure, Jobs banned it from the iPad. — Evgeny Morozov

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

One of the failures of technology companies is that they build technologies thinking everything else will work out. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The problem is I'm older now, I'm 40 years old, and this stuff doesn't change the world. It really doesn't. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Nick Bilton

So, your kids must love the iPad?" I asked Mr. [Steve] Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company's first tablet was just hitting the shelves. "They haven't used it," he told me. "We limit how much technology our kids use at home."
(Nytimes article, Sept. 10, 2014) — Nick Bilton

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Michael Dell

Today the world lost a visionary leader, the technology industry lost an iconic legend and I lost a friend and fellow founder. The legacy of Steve Jobs will be remembered for generations to come. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to the Apple team. — Michael Dell

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

I think it's brought the world a lot closer together, and will continue to do that. There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Adam Alter

Walter Isaacson, who ate dinner with the Jobs family while researching his biography of Steve Jobs, told Bilton that, "No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted at all to devices." It seemed as if the people producing tech products were following the cardinal rule of drug dealing: never get high on your own supply. — Adam Alter

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Largent

Steve Jobs was a visionary in the technology and telecom community. His contributions to innovating communications have forever changed our industry and our lives. He will be greatly missed. — Steve Largent

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Meg Whitman

Steve Jobs was an iconic entrepreneur and businessman whose impact on technology was felt beyond Silicon Valley. He will be remembered for the innovation he brought to market and the inspiration he brought to the world. — Meg Whitman

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

It's understandable that the music companies that are comprised of people that are successful by making good creative decisions - they have to decide which out of fifty artists is the next hot one, with no data to go from. It's an intuitive process, and that's what they do well when they're successful. They don't understand technology. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Walter Isaacson

In all of his products, technology would be married to great design, elegance, human touches and even romance. — Walter Isaacson

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The best way to create value in the 21st century is to connect Creativity with Technology — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By John Sculley

The launch of iPhone is very possibly bigger than the launch of the first Apple II or the first Mac. Steve Jobs's genius is his ability to use technology to create products that define fundamental cultural shifts. — John Sculley

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

I'm sorry, it's true. Having children really changes your view on these things. We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It's been happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it much - if at all. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists and overly concerned about tech, and they say that none of their friends have the same rules ... That's because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I've seen it in myself, I don't want to see that happen to my kids. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Tim Bajarin

In The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs, Carmine Gallo captures the true mindset of Jobs and Apple. This book is not just for the techie and marketing crowd, although they will gain valuable insight that can be applied to their worlds. It is also for anyone who loves technology and wants to understand how to create simple devices that are easy to use and can impact our lives. — Tim Bajarin

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

We limit how much technology our kids use at home — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

I'd say we [Apple Inc.] are the most creative of the technology companies and definitely the most artist-friendly. Almost everyone in the music business uses a Mac and everyone has an iPod. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs thus became the greatest business executive of our era, the one most certain to be remembered a century from now. History will place him in the pantheon right next to Edison and Ford. More than anyone else of this time, he made products that were completely innovative, combining the power of poetry and processors. With a ferocity that could make working with him as unsettling as it was inspiring, he also built the world's most creative company. And he was able to infuse into its DNA the design sensibilities, perfectionism, and imagination that make it likely to be, even decades from now, the company that thrives best at the intersection of artistry and technology. — Walter Isaacson

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

Pixar is the most technically advanced creative company; Apple is the most creatively advanced technical company. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

So let's not use a stylus. We're going to use the best pointing device in the world. We're going to use a pointing device that we're all born with - born with ten of them. We're going to use our fingers. We're going to touch this with our fingers. And we have invented a new technology called multi-touch, which is phenomenal. It works like magic. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Alex Gibney

Jobs would have ever have asserted that Bill Gates was not serious about technology. He was a huge pioneer in that world, albeit doing something quite different in approach from what Steve did. He was dismissive of Gates' foundation work as something he did to make himself feel better. — Alex Gibney

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

We're gambling on our vision, and we would rather do that than make "me too" products. Let some other companies do that. For us, it's always the next dream. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Brian Hare

Consider Steve Jobs. One biographer said, "Was he smart? No, not exceptionally. Instead he was a genius." Jobs dropped out of college, went to find himself in India, and at one point was forced out of Apple, the company he co-founded, when sales were slow in 1985. Few would have predicted the level of his success by his death. "Think different" became the slogan of a multinational monolith that fused art and technology under his guidance. Jobs may have been average or unexceptional in many domains, but his vision and ability to think differently made him a genius. — Brian Hare

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

I've always wanted to own and control the primary technology in everything we do. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

It is in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough - it's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Wozniak

Steve Jobs made the case to Xerox PARC execs directly that they had great technology but that Apple knew how to make it affordable enough to change the world. This was very open. In the end, Xerox got a large block of Apple stock for sharing the technology. That's not stealing outright. — Steve Wozniak

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The over-all point is that new technology will not necessarily replace old technology, but it will date it. By definition. Eventually, it will replace it. But it's like people who had black-and-white TVs when color came out. They eventually decided whether or not the new technology was worth the investment. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

Technology alone is not enough. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The reason that Apple is able to create products like the iPad is because we've always tried to be at the intersection of technology and the liberal arts. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By LL Cool J

We need to make sure that there's art in the school. Why? Why should art be in the school? Because if art isn't in a school, then a guy like Steve Jobs doesn't get a chance to really express himself because in order for art to meet technology, you need art. — LL Cool J

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

If you view computer designers as artists, they're really into more of an art form that can be mass-produced, like records, or like prints, than they are into fine arts. They want something where they can express themselves to a large number of people through their medium, and their medium is technology and manufacturing. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Wozniak

All through time in Apple products, even from our very first ones, that's how he [ Steve Jobs] looked at the world, that you don't really want a piece of technology, a certain type of chip. What you want is a solution to a problem in life, some cause, some issue that you want in your life that'll help you. And it's how do you make that almost one step - say it and it happens. — Steve Wozniak

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By John McAfee

Steve Jobs would have wanted his words to change not just technology but politics itself. — John McAfee

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

If you keep your eye on the profit, you're going to skimp on the product. But if you focus on making really great products, then the profits will follow. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Joshua Michael Stern

It struck me that Steve Jobs, known to be such a brilliant speaker, had a very difficult time explaining things when he was younger. He was describing technology that didn't exist. He had MIT engineers, and he was trying to tell them what he wanted; but there were no terms for what he wanted yet. I think a lot of his early frustration was trying to quickly get his vision to the finish line. — Joshua Michael Stern

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

Digital hub (center of our universe) is moving from PC to cloud - PC now just another client alongside iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, ... - Apple is in danger of hanging on to old paradigm too long (innovator's dilemma) - Google and Microsoft are further along on the technology, but haven't quite figured it out yet - tie all of our products together, so we further lock customers into our ecosystem — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

With our technology, with objects, literally three people in a garage can blow away what 200 people at Microsoft can do. Literally can blow it away. Corporate America has a need that is so huge and can save them so much money, or make them so much money, or cost them so much money if they miss it, that they are going to fuel the object revolution. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It's the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

It's not a faith in technology. It's faith in people. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Damon Horowitz

It is no longer just engineers who dominate our technology leadership, because it is no longer the case that computers are so mysterious that only engineers can understand what they are capable of. There is an industry-wide shift toward more "product thinking" in leadership
leaders who understand the social and cultural contexts in which our technologies are deployed.
Products must appeal to human beings, and a rigorously cultivated humanistic sensibility is a valued asset for this challenge. That is perhaps why a technology leader of the highest status
Steve Jobs
recently credited an appreciation for the liberal arts as key to his company's tremendous success with their various i-gadgets. — Damon Horowitz

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

It's like when IBM drove a lot of innovation out of the computer industry before the microprocessor came along. Eventually, Microsoft will crumble because of complacency, and maybe some new things will grow. But until that happens, until there's some fundamental technology shift, it's just over. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Rob Enderle

Steve Jobs was not only the heart and soul of Apple, he was the wind underneath the technology market. Both are significantly diminished by his passing. — Rob Enderle

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The creative industries tend to dismiss technology as just something to buy and not understand how hard it is and how creative it can be as well. — Steve Jobs

Technology Steve Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. And I don't mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don't think of original ideas, and they don't bring much culture into their products. — Steve Jobs