Famous Quotes & Sayings

Tashana Husom Quotes & Sayings

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Top Tashana Husom Quotes

Tashana Husom Quotes By Blake Mycoskie

I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share everything that we've learned from TOMS, so that others can learn from both our mistakes and the counterintuitive principles that have guided our success. — Blake Mycoskie

Tashana Husom Quotes By Carly Simon

I'm a little old-fashioned - I like it when the man opens the door and I like it when a man pays for me. I particularly like it when they pay for dinner or whatever, because I've pretty much done the opposite, but for the exception of James [Taylor], where we split everything down the middle. I've been the larger money earner in practically all of my relationships. There's equality and there are positive differences, which are complimentary. — Carly Simon

Tashana Husom Quotes By Jer Johns

I have long said that there is only one rule that I follow in life and all the rest are meant to be broken. That rule is "the golden rule"-treat others as you wish to be treated. — Jer Johns

Tashana Husom Quotes By Richard Wurmbrand

Montefiore's impression of Jesus was wrong. Jesus loved the Pharisees, although He denounced them publicly. And I love the Communists, as well as their tools in the Church, although I denounce them. — Richard Wurmbrand

Tashana Husom Quotes By Chris Fabry

The trouble with my wife began when she needed Jesus and I needed a cat. — Chris Fabry

Tashana Husom Quotes By Vilayat Inayat Khan

The adept may reach one of those rare moments that spell illumination
aware of the light of the consciousness that illumines our consciousness as the sun dawns on the sleeping earth and bathes it in effulgence. — Vilayat Inayat Khan

Tashana Husom Quotes By Bobby Hull

What makes it all worthwhile is we just play for the sheer enjoyment of entertaining people and ... make our families and the team we played on and the people watching, proud of what we did. — Bobby Hull