Famous Quotes & Sayings

Talion Quotes & Sayings

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Top Talion Quotes

Talion Quotes By Irving Thalberg

The producer beating a new path for himself through the wilderness is going to do the thing 'differently,' of course. But after a while, he looks about him. The territory is unfamiliar, the forest ahead forbidding. Just how 'different' dare he be? He looks at his resources, and then at the established successes of the past. He suddenly realizes he must play safe, be sure. The unknown is a gamble; the known isn't-at least comparatively. The safest plan, obviously, is to follow the trailblazers. So he produces an imitation of one of the current successes. Usually it is a mediocre imitation. — Irving Thalberg

Talion Quotes By Rene Char

A poem is the realization of love ... — Rene Char

Talion Quotes By Eleanor Brownn

You've climbed too many mountains and crossed too many rivers to stop and turn back now. — Eleanor Brownn

Talion Quotes By Abdallah Laroui

Arab culture both in its classical expression and in the most influential aspect of its present-day expression is opposed in almost every particular to liberal culture — Abdallah Laroui

Talion Quotes By Maurice Sendak

Can you draw a picture on the blackboard when somebody doesn't want you to? asked the rooster promptly.
"Yes," answered Kenny," if you write them a very nice poem."
"What is an only goat?"
"A lonely goat," answered Kenny.
The rooster shut one eye and looked at Kenny.
"can you hear a horse on the roof?" he asked.
"If you know how to listen in the night," said Kenny.
"Can you fix a broken promise?"
"Yes," said Kenny,"if it only looks broken,but really isn't."
The rooster drew his head back into his feathers and whispered, "What is a very narrow escape?"
"When somebody almost stops loving you," Kenny whispered back. — Maurice Sendak

Talion Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

I scowled defensively. "My conversations don't usually include the subject of erections."
"Too bad," he said. "All the best conversations do. — Lisa Kleypas

Talion Quotes By Richard Engel

Kidnapping is always a threat in this life of reporting on men hurting one another because of religion and politics. — Richard Engel

Talion Quotes By Kristin Cashore

His last thought was that it hadn't been stupidity that had allowed his son to enchant him so easily with words. It had been love. — Kristin Cashore

Talion Quotes By Tryon Edwards

Happiness is like manna; it is to be gathered in grains, and enjoyed every day. It will not
keep; it cannot be accumulated; nor have we got to go out of ourselves or into remote
places to gather it, since it has rained down from a Heaven, at our very door. — Tryon Edwards

Talion Quotes By Rod Dubey

Turning love into a commodity contributed greatly to the expansion of modern alienation ... It is the love of an actual person that transgresses the checklists and lets us accept another as they actually are. — Rod Dubey

Talion Quotes By Nayyirah Waheed

i have lost millions and millions
of words to fear.
tell me that is not violence.

- the deaths — Nayyirah Waheed

Talion Quotes By Nuh Ha Mim Keller

A familiar example cited by ulama is the law of talion, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", which was obligatory in the religious law of Moses (upon whom be peace), subsequently forbidden by the religious law of Jesus (upon whom be peace) in which "turning the other cheek" was obligatory; and finally both were superseded by the law of Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), which permits victims to take retaliation (qisas) for purely intentional physical injuries, but in which it is religiously superior not to retaliate but forgive. — Nuh Ha Mim Keller

Talion Quotes By David Letterman

The Japanese Prime Minister has apologized for Japan's part in World War II. However, he still hasn't mentioned anything about karaoke. — David Letterman

Talion Quotes By Hilary Mantel

I was bound to step out of line, if only because I did not know where the line was: if only because I did not know anything. — Hilary Mantel

Talion Quotes By Bob Barr

Presidential and vice-presidential debates are not about campaign staff or consultants, and it is high time we as a people took control and reminded them and their candidates of that important fact. — Bob Barr

Talion Quotes By Karel Capek

If one must fight or create, it is necessary that this be preceded by the broadest possible knowledge. — Karel Capek