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Quotes & Sayings About Taking Good Care Of Yourself

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Top Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Thomas S. Monson

We become so caught up in the busyness of our lives. Were we to step back, however, and take a good look at what we're doing, we may find that we have immersed ourselves in the 'thick of thin things.' In other words, too often we spend most of our time taking care of the things which do not really matter much at all in the grand scheme of things, neglecting those more important causes. — Thomas S. Monson

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By John William Tuohy

Father, I can't take this," I said.
"Why not?"
"Because you're a priest, Father."
"And my money's no good because of it? What are you? A member of the Masonic Lodge?"
"Naw, Father," I said. "I just feel guilty taking money from you."
"Well, you're Irish and Jewish. You have to feel guilty over somethin', don't ya? Take the money and be happy ye have it. — John William Tuohy

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By J.C. Lillis

Art doesn't depend on suffering. That's a crock. It's about discipline. Showing up to do the thing you do. It's about watching and listening to the world and telling the truth with your own voice. It's about learning from what other people make, whether it's good or bad. And the most important thing? It's about taking care of yourself. So you can keep making and finishing your shit, for as long as you can. — J.C. Lillis

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Eve Ensler

The people who are on the front lines every day in hospitals, nurses, the people who are running clinics, the people who are taking care of your children, those are the people who are the lovers of the world, are the good of the world. — Eve Ensler

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Mother Teresa

Jesus loved everyone, but he loved children most of all. Today we know that unborn children are the targets of destruction. We must thank our parents for wanting us, for loving us and for taking such good care of us. — Mother Teresa

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Kathleen Peacock

Did it ever occur to either of you that maybe MAC doesn't need protecting? That maybe MAC finds your he-man acts both insulting and chauvinistic? In case you haven't noticed, MAC is pretty good at taking care of herself. "
Kyle cleared his throat. He looked exhausted and wary.
"Why are you talking about yourself in the Thrid Person? — Kathleen Peacock

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Daniel G. Amen

When a woman understands the uniqueness of the female brain - how to care for it, how to make the most of its strengths, how to overcome its challenges, how to fall in love with it, and ultimately, how to unleash its full power - there is no stopping her. In her personal development, at work, and in her relationships, she can bring the best of herself to her family, her community, and her planet. By contrast, a woman who is not caring optimally for her brain, who is not giving it the full range of nutrients, exercise, sleep, and emotional support that it needs, is squandering her most valuable resource. If you are not taking good care of your brain, you are at a significantly higher risk of brain fog, memory problems, low energy, distractibility, poor decisions, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. — Daniel G. Amen

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Socrates

Nothing very new. By taking good care of yourselves you are of service to me and my family as well as yourselves, no matter what you do, even if you don't think so at present. But if you neglect yourselves and are unwilling to live, as though following tracks, in accordance with what we now say and have said in the past too, then no matter how much or how seriously you agree with me at present you will accomplish next to nothing. — Socrates

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Michael Klim

Milk is about helping guys feel good about their skin and relaxed about taking care of it. — Michael Klim

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Saying No gains you respect. When you say No, the other person may feel disappointed. But ultimately, they will respect you for taking good care of yourself. And most of all, you'll respect yourself because you are being true to yourself! — Doreen Virtue

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Jenna Ushkowitz

If you're working out and taking care of your body, you don't really want the greasy food that makes you feel tired or blah. You actually crave the good stuff! — Jenna Ushkowitz

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Kim Holden

I know no one's perfect, but Dimitri's perfect for me. We balance one another. And we've been through a lot. It feels so good to be at peace, taking care of each other day-to-day. — Kim Holden

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Bob Goff

The cool thing about taking Jesus up on His offer is that whatever controls you doesn't anymore. People who used to be obsessed about becoming famous no longer care whether anybody knows their name. People who used to want power are willing to serve. People who used to chase money freely give it away. People who used to beg others for acceptance are now strong enough to give love. When we get our security from Christ, we no longer have to look for it in the world, and that's a pretty good trade. — Bob Goff

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Emily VanCamp

It's important to me that a man is good at taking care of people. — Emily VanCamp

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Michael J. Collins

I'm taking inorganic chem and physics not because I want to but because I have to. Not every doctor wants to be a scientist. Some of us just want to take care of sick people. I can't help thinking that medicine is more closely aligned to the humanities than to the sciences. I can't help thinking that I could learn more about being a good doctor from William Shakespeare than I could from Isaac Newton. After all, isn't understanding people at least as important as understanding pathology? — Michael J. Collins

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By George Eliot

Mrs. Cadwallader said, privately, 'You will certainly go mad in that house alone, my dear. You will see visions. We have all got to exert ourselves a little to keep sane, and call things by the same names as other people call them by. To be sure, for younger sons and women who have no money, it is a sort of provision to go mad: they are taken care of then. But you must not run into that. I daresay you are a little bored here with our good dowager; but think what a bore you might become yourself to your fellow-creatures if you were always playing tragedy queen and taking things sublimely. Sitting alone in that library at Lowick you may fancy yourself ruling the weather; you must get a few people round you who wouldn't believe you if you told them. That is a good lowering medicine. — George Eliot

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Eva Mendes

I'm actually taking advantage of my time off. You know, I had a film that was pushed, so I'm home spending time with my family, going to the gym and actually enjoying taking care of myself ... This year has been great for me because I've learned how to relax. The last three years have been amazing but kind of crazy. So I don't know, I feel grounded. I feel really good. — Eva Mendes

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Susan Mallery

What will you do if you lose your real estate license?"
"I've been trying to figure that out. I need to have a plan. So far, nothing's been coming to me. I was talking to Manny about it and--" She broke off. "Just so you know, Manny doesn't answer."
"Good thing. If he did, I'd worry about you both."
"I would hope so. Anyway, I don't have a plan yet. I always thought I'd stay in LA, but having been out here has shown me that maybe I'd like something different. Fool's Gold seems like a special place." She smiled. "Think I could get a job rustling cattle?"
"Rustling? That's stealing."
"Oh. I mean taking care of them."
"You'd better learn your terms before you apply. — Susan Mallery

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Joe Zieja

A fair-skinned man with a cherub face, he had taken quite some time to grow it, and taking good care of his beard was Priority Number One. Well, maybe Priority Number Fourteen; he had lost his list somewhere on the Awesome (and he rarely paid attention to it, anyway). Maybe he could get "them" to bring him a trimmer and a mirror, whoever "they" were. By god, he hated putting pronouns in imaginary quotes. The — Joe Zieja

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Richard Simmons

When you gather up all the balls of life that you try to juggle, it is a very difficult thing to try to focus in on taking good care of yourself. But that's why God invented me - so I can come and teach and preach and make people laugh and give them some education so they can start liking themselves better. — Richard Simmons

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By David Hackworth

Our generals talk a good game about taking care of their grunts, and the majority of our Beltway politicians bay with moralistic fervor about how they, too, support the troops. — David Hackworth

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Lia Habel

Now. Bram, you are a good friend and an uptanding young man, but I'm afraid that tradition dictates I now attempt to scare you within an inch of your unlife."
"Understood," Bram said, taking his arm back as I got myself under control.
My father is a gentle-looking man. Thus, why I started laughing again as he attempted to look stern. "What are your intentions concerning my daughter?"
Bram cast a look my way, laughing himself, before clearing his throat and doing his best to look scared. "Why, to care for and protect her until I rot away, sir. — Lia Habel

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Jennifer James

We receive mixed messages about taking good care of ourselves. Love thy neighbor as thyself means to love thyself and thy neighbor. Yet, self-love often is confused with selfishness and conceit. We are selfish when we do not love and accept ourselves, and attempt to take from others to fill the emptiness. Conceit indicates low self-worth and an attempt to conceal it. It is difficult to extend to others what you have not been able to give yourself. Take good care of yourself so you can care about the rest of us. — Jennifer James

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By James Sinegal

It doesn't do much good to have a quality image, whether it's with the facility or whether it's with the merchandise, if you don't have real quality people taking care of your customers. — James Sinegal

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Dominique Moceanu

I believe you can be young and compete in gymnastics if you have a coach who is looking out for you and if there is a good gym environment where the coaches are taking care of you emotionally and physically. — Dominique Moceanu

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Tarthang Tulku

If you want to do your best for future generations of humanity, for your friends and family, you must begin by taking good care of yourself. — Tarthang Tulku

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Richard O'Connor

Get up with the alarm, shower, get dressed, and have breakfast. Without much effort, you've already put yourself in a good position for the rest of the day. If you have to struggle to get out of bed and decide every single day about showering and breakfast and what to wear, you've put yourself in a depleted state before the day has really started. The person who's taking care of herself without thinking about it, getting to work on time without procrastinating, has much more will power left in reserve when important decisions come up. This is why people with high self-control consistently report less stress in their lives; they use their will power to take care of business semiautomatically, so they have fewer crises and calamities. When there is a real crisis, they have plenty of discipline left in reserve. — Richard O'Connor

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

There's a lot of pressure to look good, have the gun, know what you're doing and be one of the boys. I was like, "I don't want to be one of the boys. I want to be a doctor. I want to be cerebral. I want to sit back and just use something else. I don't want to do the stunts. Let the boys do that. I'm just going to be the doctor who's about taking care of other people." — Moon Bloodgood

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Kim Harrison

What are you doing in Nicky's room, Rachel? Oooh! He summoned you to the west coast, didn't he? Did you kill him? Good for you taking care of that little problem? I should give you a bunny! - Algaliarept — Kim Harrison

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Margaret Cavendish

My mother was a good mistress to her servants, taking care of them in their sicknesses, not sparing any cost she was able to bestow for their recovery. — Margaret Cavendish

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Jennifer Weiner

You've got to make time. It's important. You know how they tell you on planes, in case of an emergency, the adults should put their oxygen masks on first? You're not going to be any good to anyone if you're not taking care of yourself. — Jennifer Weiner

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Patricia Briggs

She's a good person, but she is a weak person, too. She can't take care of anyone else because she's too busy taking care of herself." I — Patricia Briggs

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Anna Deavere Smith

People realize that we're very good at sending people to war, but we're not good at taking care of them. And people are coming back from war now; years ago, they would have been killed, now they're wounded; and they're coming back alive and with post-traumatic stress. So, I think Americans are sensible enough to know we've got to figure out a way to take care of them. — Anna Deavere Smith

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Laura Weakley

We are images of Adonai, and are responsible for one another, and for taking care of all on earth created by Adonai: just as Adonai is responsible for everything created. We learned to differentiate between good and evil. We can even create order out of chaos, as Adonai did on day one. We not only procreate, but also teach the next generations. (Deuteronomy 6:7). All of these abilities and responsibilities, we inherited when created in the image of Adonai. Every person also has a spark of Adonai within. We can choose to ignore this, or to embrace this. We have the power of choice. With this great power, comes great responsibility. You see, not only were we given the ability to reason, but also, we have the ability to create a new and different future, because we have the ability to change, both ourselves, and the world. — Laura Weakley

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Dolly Parton

My music is so mine, it's hard to turn it over to someone else. I have to be really involved in the production. It's like someone else taking care of your kids - if they don't treat them well, you're going to be pissed off. I'm actually co-producing [Backwoods] with my guitar player of 20 years, Kent Wells. We make a good combination ... I think we're going to have a real good record. — Dolly Parton

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By John Galsworthy

Every phase and question of life is brought more and more into the limelight. Theatres, cinemas, the radio, and even lectures, assist the process. But they do not, and should not replace reading, because when we are just watching and listening, somebody is taking very good care that we should not stop and think. The danger in this age is not of our remaining ignorant; it is that we should lose the power of thinking for ourselves. Problems are more and more put before us, but, except to crossword puzzles and detective mysteries, do we attempt to find the answers for ourselves? Less and less. The short cut seems ever more and more desirable. But the short cut to knowledge is nearly always the longest way round. There is nothing like knowledge, picked up by or reasoned out for oneself. — John Galsworthy

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Joseph P. Kauffman

By taking a look back at history, we can easily come to understand how the elite gained so much control over society, and what their motives are. The people in power do not care about the power of the people. They care about control, they do not want people to be smart or independent, they want them to be good workers, obedient and unaware. — Joseph P. Kauffman

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Halle Berry

Facials are my biggest beauty indulgence. Looking good is about having a good base. It's about taking care of your skin. — Halle Berry

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Veronica Roth

Joel Tippie, as well as Amy Ryan and Barb Fitzsimmons, for making these books so gorgeous Every. Single. Time. The amazing Brenna Franzitta, Josh Weiss, Mark Rifkin, Valerie Shea, Christine Cox, and Joan Giurdanella, for taking such good care of my words. Lauren Flower, Alison Lisnow, Sandee Roston, Diane Naughton, Colleen O'Connell, Aubry Parks-Fried, Margot Wood, Patty Rosati, Molly Thomas, Megan Sugrue, Onalee Smith, and Brett Rachlin, for all your marketing and publicity efforts, which are far too substantial to name. — Veronica Roth

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By J.D. Robb

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was so pissed off at what happened, at myself, I didn't think."
He stroked a hand down her hair first, then gave the choppy ends a quick tug. "I'm not angry with you."
"I know. You could be, but you're not. So I have to be even sorrier."
"Your logic is fascinating, and elusive."
"I can't pay you back with sex or salt-crusted sea bass or whatever because you're too busy taking care of me. So now I've got this black mark in my column against the bright shiny star in yours, and - "
He tipped her head up. "Are we keeping score?"
"No. Maybe. Shit."
"How am I doing?"
"Undisputed champ."
"Good. I like to win." He brushed her bangs back to study the injury himself. "You'll do. Let's eat. — J.D. Robb

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Garth Risk Hallberg

It swept him forward, and though the crowd grew denser with every step - his advance was checked several yards short of the stage by a wall of spike-studded leather jackets - he was now closer than he had ever been to live music, save for at his bar mitzvah. The sheer monophonic power of this sound blew away any impression those tuxed fucks had left. It was an avalanche, hurtling downhill, snapping trees and houses like tinkertoys, taking up every sound in its path and obliterating it in a white roar. As Charlie felt himself being taken up into it, totally, unable to decide whether it was good or bad - unable, even, to care. — Garth Risk Hallberg

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Paige Tyler

Everly heard people talk about a kiss taking their breath away. She'd always thought that was crap - or poor technique. But when Landry's other hand slid down to cup her ass through the material of her dress while his tongue had its way with hers, she actually went light-headed. But there was no way in hell she was going to stop kissing him. She didn't care if she passed out. So, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave as good as she got. — Paige Tyler

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

God indeed could show up, but we must first show good stewardship by taking good care of our land. — Sunday Adelaja

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Jen Sincero

Forgiveness is all about taking care of you, not the person you need to forgive. It's about putting your desire to feel good before your desire to be right. It's about taking responsibility for your own happiness instead of pretending it's in somebody else's hands. It's about owning your power by giving all your anger, resentment, and hurt the heave-ho. — Jen Sincero

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sway says you've been taking really good care of him for me. (Claria)
Well, his mom did a great job housebreaking him, so he doesn't require too much work. Not to mention Vik doesn't mind walking him once a day. It's all good. (Devyn)
You're such a smartass. (Claria) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Harvey Fierstein

I do believe we're all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other. — Harvey Fierstein

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Lea Michele

Working out for me is something I do when I feel like it. But it's really about feeling good and taking care of my body rather than having to fit into any sort of model or anything like that. I try to eat well, and everything I do is really just to make me feel my best so that I can come to my job or my personal life and just feel really good. — Lea Michele

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

The years fell away from him till, in an instant, from being a rather poorly preserved, liverish greybeard of sixty-five or so, he became a sprightly lad of twenty-one in a world of springtime and flowers and laughing brooks. In other words, taking it by and large, George felt pretty good. The impossible had happened; Heaven had sent him an adventure, and he didn't care if it snowed. — P.G. Wodehouse

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Lucille Zimmerman

Taking good care of yourself means the people in your life receive the best of you rather than what is left of you. — Lucille Zimmerman

Taking Good Care Of Yourself Quotes By Helen Simonson

I have produced no children of my own and my husband is dead," she replied, an acid tone in her voice. "Thus I am more to be pitied than revered. I am expected to give up the shop to my nephew, who will then be able to afford to bring a very good wife from Pakistan. In exchange, I will be given houseroom and no doubt, the honor of taking care of several small children of other family members."
The Major was silent. He was at once appalled and also reluctant to hear any more. This was why people usually talked about the weather. — Helen Simonson