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Take No Risks Quotes & Sayings

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Top Take No Risks Quotes

Take No Risks Quotes By Michael Josephson

There's some wisdom and no moral deficiency to one who holds courage in reserve and uses it as a last resort. Before we take the kind of risks that require courage, we ought to exhaust other less risky alternatives. — Michael Josephson

Take No Risks Quotes By Jason Statham

I'm prepared to take risks. And every movie that I do is a risk. No one knows what the movie is going out turn out like. — Jason Statham

Take No Risks Quotes By Hermann Maier

There is no pressure on me, I can take a lot of risks in the coming weeks. I feel free to ski the way I decide on race-day because the overall title was not my main target this winter. — Hermann Maier

Take No Risks Quotes By Frederick Buechner

If we are to believe he is really alive with all that that implies, then we have to believe without proof. And of course that is the only way it could be. If it could be somehow proved, then we would have no choice but to believe. We would lose our freedom not to believe. And in the very moment that we lost that freedom, we would cease to be human beings. Our love of God would have been forced upon us, and love that is forced is of course not love at all. Love must be freely given. Love must live in the freedom not to love; it must take risks. Love must be prepared to suffer even as Jesus on the Cross suffered, and part of that suffering is doubt. — Frederick Buechner

Take No Risks Quotes By Kathryn Finney

Entrepreneurs stand out from the rest of the pack because they are not afraid to take big risks and they aim to please no one except the people who truly matter. — Kathryn Finney

Take No Risks Quotes By Louis L'Amour

He revealed nothing. He nodded gravely. "I suppose it might be, ma'am, but I was hired to do the job and take the risks." "Figured I'd offer," Thomas said, unwilling to let the matter drop. "You tell me what you figure to do, and I'll be glad to help." "Another time." The marshal tasted his coffee again and looked directly at the girl. "You are new in Sentinel. Will you be staying long?" "No." "Do you have relatives here?" "No." He waited, but no explanation was offered. Fitz Moore was puzzled and he studied her from the corners of his eyes. There was no sound in the room but the ticking of the big, old-fashioned clock. The girl sat very still, the delicate line of her profile bringing to him a faint, lost feeling, a nostalgia from his boyhood when such women as she rode to hounds, when there was perfume on the air, blue grass, picket fences ... — Louis L'Amour

Take No Risks Quotes By Piper Kerman

I was a well-educated young lady from Boston with a thirst for bohemian counterculture and no clear plan. But I had no idea what to do with all my pent-up longing for adventure, or how to make my eagerness to take risks productive. — Piper Kerman

Take No Risks Quotes By Danielle Jamie

So do you want to be one of those people who goes through life never truly living? Never taking chances because you're too afraid of falling? Or do you want to take risks, no matter how scary they may be, for the slightest chance you may just get to experience something extraordinary in a rather ordinary life? — Danielle Jamie

Take No Risks Quotes By John Marsden

The biggest risk, is to take no risksJohn Marsden

Take No Risks Quotes By Josephine Decker

To be a great artist, you have to be willing to take risks and to do things that no one would ever pay you for
at first. — Josephine Decker

Take No Risks Quotes By G-Dragon

What we should really fear is not failure but the heart that is no longer brave enough to take risks and embrace challenges — G-Dragon

Take No Risks Quotes By H.G.Wells

Of the risks a man has got to take! Now the risk was inevitable, I no longer saw it in the same cheerful light. The fact is that, insensibly, the absolute strangeness of everything, the sickly jarring and swaying of the machine, — H.G.Wells

Take No Risks Quotes By Megyn Kelly

Upon graduation, go out into the world and try to find yourself. What do I mean by that? Read Socrates, no. Get a job? Not yet. Go out and do some crazy stuff. Don't hurt anybody including yourself, but take some risks. Travel a little bit. Make big mistakes that you have to apologize for. Do stuff that will make you relatable to the world. And whatever jobs you settle into, you will be better at it, for it. — Megyn Kelly

Take No Risks Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

There can be no happiness if there is a giant gap between the person you were meant to be and the person that you currently are. To close this gap, do small things well each day. Develop your intellectual base a little bit more. Be more loving. Be more innovative. Take more risks. Develop deeper relationships. And dream even 1% more. — Robin S. Sharma

Take No Risks Quotes By Richard Farson

Thomas Stanley has not only found no correlation between success in school and an ability to accumulate wealth, he's actually found a negative correlation. 'It seems that school-related evaluations are poor predictors of economic success,' Stanley concluded. What did predict success was a willingness to take risks. Yet the success-failure standards of most schools penalized risk takers. Most educational systems reward those who play it safe. As a result, those who do well in school find it hard to take risks later on. — Richard Farson

Take No Risks Quotes By Richard Wiseman

Unlucky people are stuck in routines. When they see something new, they want no part of it. Lucky people always want something new. They're prepared to take risks and relaxed enough to see the opportunities in the first place. — Richard Wiseman

Take No Risks Quotes By Sarah Addison Allen

Happiness meant taking risks. No one had ever told Paxton that before. It was like a secret the world had been keeping from her. Paxton didn't take risks, at least not when she was sober. She knew what she was getting into before she ever committed to anything. The fact that all the changes she'd made in the past few days scared her to death had to be a good sign. — Sarah Addison Allen

Take No Risks Quotes By Tony Robbins

Without a vision there is no possibility of creating something larger than what al-ready exists. An entrepreneur has to be able to bring something to the table through his or her vision that is not being provided by others - a special way of meeting needs, caring for others, treating patients, or marketing. An entrepreneur must have enormous faith. Risk-taking is critical to the development of an enterprise. You will not take risks unless you have the faith to do so. — Tony Robbins

Take No Risks Quotes By Caroline Leavitt

Do what you love. Live fearlessly and take risks. Don't take no for an answer from anyone - go ahead and prove the naysayers wrong. Believe that anything can be possible. — Caroline Leavitt

Take No Risks Quotes By Whitney Port

Find what you love and find a way to make that part of your every day. You have to find the confidence to take certain risks. You're going to hear a lot of no's before you get to the yes'. It's important to have that confidence to overcome that and know it's part of trying to grow something big — Whitney Port

Take No Risks Quotes By Tullian Tchividjian

The refrain repeated through this books is that everything we need, we already possess in Christ. This means that the what-if has been taken out of the equation. We can take absurd risks, push harder, go further, and leave it all on the field without fear
and have fun doing so. We can give with reckless abandon, because we no longer need to ensure a return of success, love, meaning, validation, and approval. We can invest freely and forcefully, because we've been freely and forcefully invested in. (188) — Tullian Tchividjian

Take No Risks Quotes By Joe Jamail

We've got some real greedy hogs who own no interest in the company they're running, whose sole interest is in whatever it takes to be able to get to the point to fly out on their golden parachute and milk the shareholder and take risks that they shouldn't take. — Joe Jamail

Take No Risks Quotes By Amy Poehler

So here we go, you and me. Because what else are we going to do? Say no? Say no to an opportunity that may be slightly out of our comfort zone? Quiet our voice because we are worried it is not perfect? I believe great people do things before they are ready. This is America and I am allowed to have healthy self-esteem. This book comes straight from my feisty and freckled fingers. Know it was a battle. Blood was shed. A war raged between my jokey and protective brain and my squishy and tender heart. I have realized that mystery is what keeps people away, and I've grown tired of smoke and mirrors. I yearn for the clean, well-lighted place. So let's peek behind the curtain and hail the others like us. The open-faced sandwiches who take risks and live big and smile with all of their teeth. These are the people I want to be around. This is the honest way I want to live and love and write. — Amy Poehler

Take No Risks Quotes By Kate Elliott

There are no chances." He favored her again with that unreadable look. "You succeed or you fail. Battles are not won by men who refuse to take risks." It — Kate Elliott

Take No Risks Quotes By Laurence Gonzales

The perfect adventure shouldn't be that much more hazardous in a real sense than ordinary life, for that invisible rope that holds us here can always break. We can live a life of bored caution and die of cancer. Better to take the adventure, minimize the risks, get the information, and then go forward in the knowledge that we've done everything we can. No, — Laurence Gonzales

Take No Risks Quotes By Andrew Carnegie

The best time to expand is when no one else dares to take risks — Andrew Carnegie

Take No Risks Quotes By David Viscott

If your life is ever going to get better, you'll have to take risks. There is simply no way you can grow without taking chances. — David Viscott

Take No Risks Quotes By Dennis Stauffer

Without trust there's no way that any organization can sustain innovation. Because without trust no one is willing
to take the risks that innovation require. — Dennis Stauffer

Take No Risks Quotes By Morris Raphael Cohen

Liberalism, on the other hand, regards life as an adventure in which we must take risks in new situations, in which there is no guarantee that the new will always be the good or the true, in which progress is a precarious achievement rather than inevitability. — Morris Raphael Cohen

Take No Risks Quotes By Rachel Carson

If, having endured much, we have at last asserted out "right to know," and if by knowing, we have concluded that we are being asked to take senseless and frightening risks, then we should no longer accept the counsel of those who tell us that we must fill our world with poisonous chemicals; we should look about and see what other course is open to us. — Rachel Carson

Take No Risks Quotes By Juliet Marillier

There's a light shining in him, moving him forward: the light of freedom. That's what draws all of us to follow, to take risks, to keep on fighting when we see our comrades fall beside us. But there's no light without shadow. — Juliet Marillier

Take No Risks Quotes By Ben Lerner

Why reproduce if you believe the world is ending?
Because the world is always ending for each of us and if one begins to withdraw from the possibilities of experience, then no one would take any of the risks involved with love. — Ben Lerner

Take No Risks Quotes By P.D. James

In youth we take egregious risks because death has no reality for us. Youth goes caparisoned in immortality. It is only in middle age that we are shadowed by the awareness of the transitoriness of life. — P.D. James

Take No Risks Quotes By Alex Honnold

No matter the risks we take, we always consider the end to be too soon, even though in life, more than anything else, quality should be more important than quantity. — Alex Honnold

Take No Risks Quotes By Edward Abbey

A venturesome minority will always be eager to set off on their own, and no obstacles should be placed in their path; let them take risks, for godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches - that is the right and privilege of any free American. — Edward Abbey

Take No Risks Quotes By Anonymous

Time plays no favorites and will pass whether you act or not. Take control of your life. Dare to dream and take risks...Compete! If you aren't willing to work for you goals, don't expect others to! Believe in yourself. — Anonymous

Take No Risks Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

The merchant must be no more pessimist than optimist, since pessimism induces him to hold back his capital but optimism induces him to take such risks that he has more to tear than to hope. Abu al'Fadl Ja'far al-Dimishqi (c. 9th century) Arab writer. The Beauties of Commerce Business pays ... philanthropy begs. — W.E.B. Du Bois

Take No Risks Quotes By Guy Laliberte

Ironically, the opportunity to go into space brings you back down to Earth big time! My decision must also take into account my children, my family and my friends. I must be at peace with this decision. And I was. I weighed the risks without letting fear feed on fear. There is no room for fear in my life. — Guy Laliberte

Take No Risks Quotes By Martha Beck

No one else can take risks for us, or face our losses on our behalf, or give us self-esteem. No one can spare us from life's slings and arrows, and when death comes, we meet it alone. — Martha Beck

Take No Risks Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Laisha had got a glimpse of the vast ocean that lay before her. She could either eatch it recede from her sight or plunge into it. It was not possible to take the risk of plunging headlong into the ocean. No one viewed the ocean to be drowned into it. Everyone caught only a glimpse of it, exulted in having got this farand returned home with renewed zest. The knowledge that the ocean existed was overwhelming enough. One could wallow in the idea that there was indeed a further possibility, but one merely desisted. it was not right to acknowledge that one was also frightened of it. — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Take No Risks Quotes By Sophia Amoruso

Nasty Gal Obsessed: We keep the customer at the center of everything we do. Without customers, we have nothing. Own It: Take the ball and run with it. We make smart decisions, put the business first, and do more with less. People Are Important: Reach out, make friends, build trust. No Assholes: We leave our egos at the door. We are respectful, collaborative, curious, and open-minded. Learn On: What we're building has never been built before - the future is ours to write. We get excited about growth, take intelligent risks, and learn from our mistakes. Have Fun and Keep It Weird. — Sophia Amoruso

Take No Risks Quotes By Marla Gibbs

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door. — Marla Gibbs

Take No Risks Quotes By Linda Olsson

Take risks! That is really what life is about. We must pursue our own happiness. Nobody has ever lived our lives; ther are no guidelines. Trust your instincts. Accept nothing but the best. But then also look for it carefully. Don't allow it to slip between your fingers. Sometimes, good things come to us in a such a quiet fashion. And nothing comes complete. It is what we make of whatever we encounter that determines the outcome. What we choose to see, what we choose to save. And what we choose to remember. Never foget that all the love in your life is there, inside you, always. — Linda Olsson

Take No Risks Quotes By Mordred

We're making a new pact... That no matter what, no matter what sort of risks we take on ourselves, we will give our life to any one in this room, no questions asked. We will sacrifice for each other, as long as the outcome is right. If Voldemort has a wand to my head, and says that he's going to kill me if James doesn't turn, then so be it. He can kill me. Are we all agreed on this?"
- Sirius Black — Mordred

Take No Risks Quotes By Nick Bostrom

Our approach to existential risks cannot be one of trial-and-error. There is no opportunity to learn from errors. The reactive approach - see what happens, limit damages, and learn from experience - is unworkable. Rather, we must take a proactive approach. This requires foresight to anticipate new types of threats and a willingness to take decisive preventive action and to bear the costs (moral and economic) of such actions. — Nick Bostrom

Take No Risks Quotes By Anonymous

What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our comfort zones, which are, in truth, the least safe places in which to live. Indeed, the greatest risk in life is taking no risks. But every time we do that which we fear, we take back the power that fear has stolen from us - for on the other side of our fears lives our strength. — Anonymous

Take No Risks Quotes By Howard Zinn

Frederick Douglass, former slave, extraordinary speaker and writer, wrote in his Rochester newspaper the North Star, January 21, 1848, of "the present disgraceful, cruel, and iniquitous war with our sister republic. Mexico seems a doomed victim to Anglo Saxon cupidity and love of dominion." Douglass was scornful of the unwillingness of opponents of the war to take real action (even the abolitionists kept paying their taxes): The determination of our slaveholding President to prosecute the war, and the probability of his success in wringing from the people men and money to carry it on, is made evident, rather than doubtful, by the puny opposition arrayed against him. No politician of any considerable distinction or eminence seems willing to hazard his popularity with his party . . . by an open and unqualified disapprobation of the war. None seem willing to take their stand for peace at all risks; and all seem willing that the war should be carried on, in some form or other. — Howard Zinn

Take No Risks Quotes By Barry Eisler

If you knew at the outset what you understood at the end, would you make the same choices, take the same risks, accept the same sacrifices? No. No one would. You can't appreciate the weight of that burden until after you've assumed it. You can't comprehend what it really means. — Barry Eisler

Take No Risks Quotes By Keira Knightley

I think you've got to take the risks. There's no point playing it safe, because either you'll get bored or the audiences will get bored. Sometimes, you're going to make mistakes, and that's fine, but you have to take the risks. I think Pirates is one of the prime examples of that with Johnny Depp's performance, and part of the reason that people love it so much is that you watch it and go, "Gutsy, really gutsy!" — Keira Knightley

Take No Risks Quotes By Shannon Messenger

And now I need you to promise something to me. Don't worry, I won't tell you not to take risks, or not to worry about us, or any other impossible things. I just need you to promise that you'll never give up. No matter how hard it gets. Or how hopeless it feels. Never, ever give up." "I won't if you won't," Sophie whispered. "Never," Edaline promised. — Shannon Messenger

Take No Risks Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

Loving kindness is a form of love that truly is an ability, and, as research scientists have show, it can be learned. It is the ability to take some risks with our awareness-to look at ourselves and others with kindness instead of reflexive criticism; to include in our concern those to whom we normally pay no attention; to care for ourselves unconditionally instead of thinking, "I will love myself as long as I never make a mistake." It is the ability to gather our attention and really listen to others, even those we've written off as not worth our time. It is the ability to see the humanity in people we don't know and the pain in people we find difficult. — Sharon Salzberg

Take No Risks Quotes By T. S. Eliot

It will do you no harm to find yourself ridiculous.
Resign yourself to be the fool you are ...
... We must always take risks. That is our destiny ... — T. S. Eliot

Take No Risks Quotes By Francis Fukuyama

A high degree of autonomy is what permits innovation, experimentation and risk taking in a bureaucracy. If the slightest mistake can end a career, then no one will ever take risks. — Francis Fukuyama

Take No Risks Quotes By Jason Kilar

Take risks. Fail. Pick yourself back up again. And always, always remember this: there is no adversity capable of stopping you once the choice to persevere is made. — Jason Kilar

Take No Risks Quotes By Danny Gregory

There are no bad drawings.
Drawings are experiences.
The more you draw, the more experienced you'll get.
In fact, you'll learn more from bad or unpredictable or weird experiences than from those that go exactly as you'd hoped and planned.
So let it go.
Release your ego's desire for perfection.
Take risks.
Create as much as you can, whenever you can. — Danny Gregory

Take No Risks Quotes By Jon Meacham

On Wednesday, April 9, 1969, Bush, who was just beginning his second term as a congressman, flew to see the former president at LBJ's ranch at Stonewall, Texas, about 220 miles from Houston. "Mr. President, I've still got a decision to make and I'd like your advice," Bush said. "My House seat is secure - no opposition last time - and I've got a position on Ways and Means. I don't mind taking risks, but in a few more terms, I'll have seniority on a powerful committee. I'm just not sure it's a gamble I should take, whether it's really worth it." "Son," Johnson said, "I've served in the House. And I've been privileged to serve in the Senate, too. And they're both good places to serve. So I wouldn't begin to advise you what to do, except to say this - that the difference between being a member of the Senate and a member of the House is the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit." The former president paused. "Do I make my point? — Jon Meacham

Take No Risks Quotes By Ronald Reagan

No matter what your background, no matter how low your station in life, there must be no limit on your ability to reach for the stars, to go as far as your God-given talents will take you. Trust the people; believe every human being is capable of greatness, capable of self-government ... only when people are free to worship, create, and build, only when they are given a personal stake in deciding their destiny and benefiting from their own risks, only then do societies become dynamic, prosperous, progressive, and free. — Ronald Reagan

Take No Risks Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Congressman Frank and Senator Dodd wanted the government to push financial institutions to lend to people they would not lend to otherwise, because of the risk of default ... The idea that politicians can assess risks better than people who have spent their whole careers assessing risks should have been so obviously absurd that no one would take it seriously. — Thomas Sowell

Take No Risks Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Everything tells me that I am about to make a wrong decision, but making mistakes is just part of life. What does the world want of me? Does it want me to take no risks, to go back to where I came from because I didn't have the courage to say "yes" to life? — Paulo Coelho

Take No Risks Quotes By John Marsden

The biggest risk is to take no risk. or to take crazy risks. — John Marsden

Take No Risks Quotes By Henry Hazlitt

The proposal is frequently made that the government ought to assume the risks that are "too great for private industry." This means that bureaucrats should be permitted to take risks with the tax payer's money that no one is willing to take with his own. — Henry Hazlitt

Take No Risks Quotes By Sophia Amoruso

Never let go of your appetite to go after new ideas, new experiences, and new adventures. Compete with yourself, not with others. Judge yourself on what is your personal best and you'll accomplish more than you could ever have imagined. Life stops for no one, so keep moving. Stay awake and stay alive. There's no AutoCorrect in life - think before texting the universe. Breaking the rules just for fun is too easy - the real challenge lies in perfecting the art of knowing which rules to accept and which to rewrite. The more you experiment, take risks, and make mistakes, the better you'll know yourself, the better you'll know the world, and the more focused you'll be. — Sophia Amoruso

Take No Risks Quotes By Agatha Christie

From now on, it is our task to suspect each and everyone amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all. — Agatha Christie

Take No Risks Quotes By Philip E. Tetlock

The Yale professor Dan Kahan has done much research showing that our judgments about risks - Does gun control make us safer or put us in danger? - are driven less by a careful weighing of evidence than by our identities, which is why people's views on gun control often correlate with their views on climate change, even though the two issues have no logical connection to each other. Psycho-logic trumps logic. And when Kahan asks people who feel strongly that gun control increases risk, or diminishes it, to imagine conclusive evidence that shows they are wrong, and then asks if they would change their position if that evidence were handed to them, they typically say no. That belief block is holding up a lot of others. Take it out and you risk chaos, so many people refuse to even imagine it. — Philip E. Tetlock

Take No Risks Quotes By Guy De Maupassant

Do women feel anything more keenly than curiosity? No, they will go to any lengths to find out, to know,to feel, what they have always dreamed of! Once their excited curiosity has been aroused, women will stoop to anything, commit any folly, take any risks. They stop at nothing. I am speaking of women who are real women, who operate on three different levels. Superficially cool and rational, they have three secret compartments: the first is constantly full of womanly fret and anxiety; the second is a sort of innocent guile, like the fearsome sophistry of the self-righteous; and the last is filled with an engaging dishonesty, a charming deviousness, a consummate duplicity, with all those perverse qualities in fact that can drive a foolish, unwary love to suicide, but which by others may be judged quite delightful. — Guy De Maupassant

Take No Risks Quotes By Richard M. Nixon

If you take no risks, you will suffer no defeats. But if you take no risks, you win no victories. — Richard M. Nixon

Take No Risks Quotes By Joanna Macy

Because the relationship between self and world is reciprocal, it is not a matter of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the Earth, the Earth heals us. No need to wait. As we care enough to take risks, we loosen the grip of ego and begin to come home to our true nature. — Joanna Macy

Take No Risks Quotes By Katie Couric

Be fearless. Have the courage to take risks. Go where there are no guarantees. Get out of your comfort zone even if it means being uncomfortable. The road less traveled is sometimes fraught with barricades bumps and uncharted terrain. But it is on that road where your character is truly tested And have the courage to accept that you're not perfect nothing is and no one is - and that's OK. — Katie Couric

Take No Risks Quotes By Sahndra Fon Dufe

There is no playing safe with me any longer. I only take huge risks. I know this means I can lose big time, but so long as there is a chance that I will win big time, I will take it — Sahndra Fon Dufe

Take No Risks Quotes By John Howard Griffin

However it might go, I should have no regrets. If I should be reduced to begging in the street, then I should enjoy the feel of pavement beneath my feet and the odors of asphalt and automobile exhausts. Good and bad fortune were equally attractive when viewed in such a context. Hunger was as interesting as satiety. A life without sight was as interesting as life with sight. Who was to say different? Society? The bulk of humanity?
They were living their first lives, cautiously aware that someday they would die. They had everything to lose. They could not take the risks. But I had been through death, had my insides burned out by it twice.
I was living a second life, freed of those cautious awarenesses.
I had nothing to lose. I could take all the risks. — John Howard Griffin

Take No Risks Quotes By Susan Meissner

Everything in my life suddenly shifted into focus. It was like time froze and I was given a dazzling moment to comprehend the difference between that moment and the one before it. No one made choices for me. I made them. If I took no risks in the choices I'd made, it was because I didn't have the courage to take them or didn't want to live with the consequences. I didn't want to risk disappointment myself. It had been safer to defer than to strike our on my own. — Susan Meissner

Take No Risks Quotes By Susan McCutcheon

Drugs and medical technology can be enormously beneficial when used to take care of real complications, but too often they are abused when applied to women birthing normally. These women are thus subjected to unnecessary risks. The key to this problem is informed consent, an ideal too seldom realized. Informed consent means that no woman during pregnancy or labor should ever be deceived into thinking that any drug or procedure (Demerol, Seconal, spinals, caudals, epidurals, paracervical block, etc.) is guaranteed safe. Not only are there no guaranteed safe drugs, but many of them have well-known, recognized side effects and potential side effects.
Informed consent should mean that no woman would ever hear such falsehoods as, "This is harmless," or, "I only give it in such a small dose that it can't affect the baby," or, "This is just a local and won't reach the baby. — Susan McCutcheon

Take No Risks Quotes By Mark Haddon

Mr. Jeavons, the psychologist at the school, once asked me why 4 red cars in a row made it a Good Day, and 3 red cars in a row made it a Quite Good Day, and 5 red cars in a row made it a Super Good Day, and why 4 yellow cars in a row made it a Black Day, which is a day when I don't speak to anyone and sit on my own reading books and don't eat my lunch and Take No Risks. He said that I was clearly a very logical person, so he was surprised that I should think like this because it wasn't very logical. I said that I liked things to be in a nice order. And one way of things being in a nice order was to be logical. Especially if those things were numbers or an argument. But there were other ways of putting things in a nice order. And — Mark Haddon

Take No Risks Quotes By Diane Nelson

There are no easy answers for the balance of how you protect the core business of the books with what the digital future will look like, but that would be our job with DC Comics, to figure that out and experiment and take some risks while always protecting the core business. — Diane Nelson

Take No Risks Quotes By Richie Sambora

Dare to fail. If you never fail, you're never taken risks and that's no way to take on this life. — Richie Sambora

Take No Risks Quotes By John Scofield

One thing people always ask me is 'How do you play outside?' ... I have no idea how to teach that, but when I was discussing this with our bass player Jesse Murphy, he said 'tell them to go cliff diving' ... In other words, when you're jamming, you have to take risks if you want to find new sounds ... — John Scofield

Take No Risks Quotes By James Cameron

But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration - because it's a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks ... — James Cameron

Take No Risks Quotes By Ray Kroc

Achievement must be made against the possibility of failure, against the risk of defeat. It is no achievement to walk a tightrope laid flat on the floor. Where there is no risk, there can be no pride in achievement and, consequently, no happiness. The only way we can advance is by going forward, individually and collectively, in the spirit of the pioneer. We must take the risks involved in our free enterprise system. This is the only way in the world to economic freedom. There is no other way. — Ray Kroc

Take No Risks Quotes By Katie Kacvinsky

It's dying," I say. "When the center is exposed like that, it doesn't have a chance."
"But it's beautiful," she points out, I stare at the shriveling cactus and try to see the beauty in it.
"That's the way I want to go out," she decides.
"What?" I ask. "Torn up and ripped open?"
She shakes her head. "Totally exposed, with no regrets. You can tell this cactus lived; it has the battle scars to prove it. Why go out looking perfect and put together? It means you didn't experience anything. You didn't take any risks. — Katie Kacvinsky