Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sutch Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sutch Quotes

Sutch Quotes By Victor Hugo

But the work of the wise is one thing and the work of the merely clever is another. — Victor Hugo

Sutch Quotes By Susan Olsen

I was always an Olsen. I never thought of myself as a Brady. I never actually wanted to be a Brady. I always preferred my own family to the Bradys. — Susan Olsen

Sutch Quotes By J.M. Colail

Don't answer the door without a shirt! Now, go get dressed before you catch a cold," I scolded.
"Why? He was kinda cute. Do you think he would've went for it if I said I didn't have any money?" Wesley asked.
"You're mine and I wouldn't let you prostitute yourself for pizza. Now go put on a shirt," I said, pulling two slices onto a plate. — J.M. Colail

Sutch Quotes By Ilona Andrews

When alone in a dark forest waiting for an audience with an evil god, the most prudent course of action is to be quiet and wait. 'Prudent' wasn't one of my favourite words.
"Hello? I've come to borrow a cup of sugar. Anybody? Perhaps there is an old woman with a house made of candy who could help me?"
"Marrying for love isn't wise."
The voice came from somewhere to the left. Melodious, but not soft, definitely female and charged with a promise of hidden power. Something told me that hearing her scream would end very badly for me.
I stopped and pivoted toward the voice.
"Marry for safety. Marry for power. But only fools marry for love."
When a strange voice talks to you in the black woods, only idiots answer.
I was that idiot. "Thank you, counsellor. How much do I owe you for this session? — Ilona Andrews

Sutch Quotes By John Bunyan

Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer. — John Bunyan

Sutch Quotes By Horace

Youth is unduly busy with pampering the outer person. — Horace

Sutch Quotes By Elizabeth Eulberg

We had both made mistakes and been admittedly stubborn, but we need to move on with, not away from, each other. — Elizabeth Eulberg

Sutch Quotes By Anonymous

Maybe there is a law after all. Of nature. Like gravity. An unwritten axiom that governs our emotional dealings. What you do comes back to you with twice the force, fuck it, three times the force. We are not punished for our sins we are punished by them. — Anonymous

Sutch Quotes By John Green

It was nice to spend time with someone so interesting. — John Green

Sutch Quotes By Jamie Whyte

It is only when someone cannot defend his opinion, and is not interested in believing the truth, that he will attempt to stifle discussion with good manners. Those who take religion, politics and sex seriously do not adhere to the general prohibition on discussing these topics. And they do not take offence when they are shown to be wrong.
If you start to feel during a discussion, that you are not so much incorrect as insensitive, then you are probably dealing with a respectable bigot. — Jamie Whyte