Famous Quotes & Sayings

Document And Receipt Quotes & Sayings

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Top Document And Receipt Quotes

Document And Receipt Quotes By Dodie Smith

Sacrifice is the secret - you have to sacrifice things for art and it's the same with religion; and then the sacrifice turns out to be a gain." Then I got confused and I couldn't hold on to what I meant - until Miss Blossom remarked: "Nonsense, duckie - it's perfectly simple. You lose yourself in something beyond yourself and it's a lovely rest. — Dodie Smith

Document And Receipt Quotes By Robert B. Parker

Hawk and I lay behind the rock — Robert B. Parker

Document And Receipt Quotes By Yehuda Berg

Overthinking is often a product of underdoing. — Yehuda Berg

Document And Receipt Quotes By Alan Jackson

'After 17' is a song I wrote when my first daughter went to college, so that's kind of where I'm at in that part of my life. If you listen to that song and knew anything about me, you'd say, 'Oh yeah, he wrote that about his daughter,' but I try not to write them that they are so specific that they wouldn't apply to anybody that has a child. — Alan Jackson

Document And Receipt Quotes By Gabrielle Zevin

A question I've thought about a great deal is why it is so much easier to write about the things we dislike/hate/acknowledge to be flawed than the things we love. — Gabrielle Zevin

Document And Receipt Quotes By Ratan Tata

I admire people who are very successful. But if that success has been achieved through too much ruthlessness, then I may admire that person, but I can't respect him. — Ratan Tata

Document And Receipt Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I suppose it's comfort, perhaps a sense of self-control, doing worse things to yourself than the world will ever dare inflict. — Chuck Palahniuk

Document And Receipt Quotes By Clementine Von Radics

You are now 18
standing on the precipice,
trembling before your own greatness.

This is your call to leap.

There will always being those
who say you are too young and delicate
to make anything happen for yourself.
They don't see the part of you that smolders.
Don't let their doubting drown out
the sound of your own heartbeat.

You are the first drop of a hurricane.

Your bravery builds beyond you
You are needed by all the little girls
still living in secret, writing oceans
made of monsters and
throwing like lightening.

You don't need to grow up to find greatness.

You are stronger than the world
has ever believed you to be.
The world is waiting for you to set it on fire
Trust in yourself
and burn. — Clementine Von Radics