Famous Quotes & Sayings

Support Worker Quotes & Sayings

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Top Support Worker Quotes

Support Worker Quotes By Joseph Bernardin

Those who defend the right to life of the weakest among us must be equally visable in support of the quality of life of the powerless among us: the old and the young, the hungry and the homeless, the undocumented immigrant and the unemployed worker. — Joseph Bernardin

Support Worker Quotes By Bob Goodlatte

A guest worker program should help farmers who are willing to pay a fair wage for law-abiding, dependable workers - not punish them ... And for this reason I support replacing the H-2A program and implementing new policies that will bring our illegal agricultural workers out of the shadows, as a first step in the process of overhauling our nation's immigration system. — Bob Goodlatte

Support Worker Quotes By Michael Fullan

A miracle worker who can do more with less, pacify rival groups, endure chronic second guessing, tolerate low levels of support, process large volumes of paper, and work double shifts. He or she will have carte blanche to innovate, but cannot spend much money, replace any personnel, or upset any constituency. — Michael Fullan

Support Worker Quotes By Barack Obama

Estiven Rodriguez couldn't speak a word of English when he moved to New York City at age nine. But last month, thanks to the support of great teachers and an innovative tutoring program, he led a march of his classmates - through a crowd of cheering parents and neighbors - from their high school to the post office, where they mailed off their college applications. And this son of a factory worker just found out he's going to college this fall. — Barack Obama

Support Worker Quotes By David Dewhurst

I support secure borders both north and south and I support a guest worker program for those here today illegally. Labor and skilled workers are critical to our Texas economy. — David Dewhurst

Support Worker Quotes By Ayn Rand

This was solidarity. The debutante having her toenails pedicured - the housewife buying carrots from a pushcart - the bookkeeper who had wanted to be a pianist, but has the excuse of a sister to support - the businessman who hated his business - the worker who hated his work - the intellectual who hated everybody - all were united as brothers in the luxury of common anger that cured boredom and took them out of themselves, and they knew well enough what a blessing it was to be taken out of themselves. — Ayn Rand

Support Worker Quotes By Annette J. Dunlea

He had no fear for there was nothing to fear. He was going to a better place. Katie told him have no fear God had called him his was pain and suffering was to coming to an end. It was the next stage of their life together. This was a beautiful place where there was no pain and suffering but lots of Gods work to be done. As a social worker he had helped a lot of families in Kerry and his life had achieved a lot. Emma felt Katie's presence and prayed to her to take him quickly he had suffered too much already. Ronan was on life support — Annette J. Dunlea

Support Worker Quotes By Warren Farrell

Why do we resist giving help to homeless men? In part because we don't understand how our pressure on men to support families often forces men to take transient jobs that are but a step away from homelessness (the death-of-a-salesman jobs, the migrant worker jobs ... ) and in part because we respond differently to men who fail [than women who fail]. — Warren Farrell

Support Worker Quotes By Ann Coulter

Ed "The Truth Is Illegal" Markey responded to Teamster support for ANWR by dismissively sniffing, it was only "one issue." Luckily, the Democrats have all those other issues dear to the heart of the average blue-collar worker: abortion on demand, gay marriage and taxpayer-funded crucifixes submerged in urine. — Ann Coulter

Support Worker Quotes By Ed Pastor

I will support legislation that benefits the American worker and prevents the outsourcing of American jobs. — Ed Pastor

Support Worker Quotes By Anonymous

Some of the biggest companies in the world have security that is only as good as a minimum-wage phone support worker who has the power to reset your account. And they have valid business reasons for giving them this power. — Anonymous

Support Worker Quotes By Gloria Steinem

We are still behaving as if a worker really doesn't have a family because the work pattern really was meant for men who really were the financial support but weren't looking after their families. We need to change this, and we can easily do that. — Gloria Steinem

Support Worker Quotes By Laura Wasser

Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support. — Laura Wasser