Famous Quotes & Sayings

Supernatural Demon Quotes & Sayings

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Top Supernatural Demon Quotes

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Charlotte Munro

East Hollow is full of tormented souls.' I remark, only to hear his chuckle, his eyes moving forward just in time to step out of the way of a wayward man with armfuls of carrier bags.
'Now that is the attraction. — Charlotte Munro

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Believe is the beginning of blissful. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Tamara Rendell

Demon," the woman spat onto the road. "Well, girl, thank you. I grant no one's wishes and so you mark me 'demon.' I grant no wishes and I do as I see fit to be done. I will not answer to you, girl, nor to any one of yours, but I will always look. I am not the one who turns away. — Tamara Rendell

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Geezer Butler

Toward the later days of Sabbath, instead of going in and knocking out what songs we did in rehearsal, we would polish them to death. — Geezer Butler

Supernatural Demon Quotes By William Petersen

I can't figure out how they decide on those things. So I don't have any regrets about anything that I did that didn't get a lot of people to see it. — William Petersen

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Mark Hitchcock

these are ten manifestations of demon possession in the New Testament. 1. superhuman physical strength (Mark 5:3; Acts 19:16) 2. fits of rage and ferocious behavior (Mark 5:4) 3. high pain tolerance (Mark 5:5) 4. self-mutilation (Mark 5:5) 5. foaming at the mouth (Luke 9:39) 6. seizures or convulsions (Luke 9:42) 7. divided personality (Mark 5:6-7) (The demoniac ran to Jesus yet at the same time cried out in fear.) 8. resistance to spiritual things, especially the name of Jesus (Mark 5:7) 9. clairvoyance or supernatural knowledge (Mark 5:7; Acts 16:16) 10. change in voice (Mark 5:9) — Mark Hitchcock

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Jana Oliver

Wow! It's like magic! she exclaimed.
Simon shook his head. "It's God's love. That's stronger than any magic." - The Demon Trapper's Daughter — Jana Oliver

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Donna Grant

How different her life would be if Orrin hadn't contacted her in July. She wouldn't be embroiled in kidnapping, espionage, and murder. — Donna Grant

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Now you may have gotten the impression that there are absolutely no uses for Librarians. I'm sorry if I implied that. Librarians are very useful. For instance, they are useful if you are fishing for sharks and need some bait. They're also useful for throwing out windows to test the effects of concrete impact on horn-rimmed glasses. If you have enough Librarians, you can build bridges out of them. (Just like witches.)
And, unfortunately, they are also useful for organizing things. — Brandon Sanderson

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Cherie Colyer

I didn't spend an afternoon doing my hair and makeup to go on demon-duty. — Cherie Colyer

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Keith R.A. DeCandido

No, he focused on the one thing that he knew would keep him grounded the way the demon said he'd need to be.
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can - don't look back. Now, Dean, go!"
Sam's not dying. Not on my watch. You protect your family no matter what.
I'm coming for you, Sammy. Just hold tight.
And don't look back.
He opened his eyes. Behind him, he could hear Kat's voice muttering an incantation in a language he didn't recognize. It wasn't Latin, certainly. Since it was demon magic, it was probably some language that was even more dead than Latin.
The chanting stopped.
Dean screamed. — Keith R.A. DeCandido

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Orlando Bloom

I would love to have played Gollum. — Orlando Bloom

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Carmela Soprano

We often take these social rituals for granted, but we do so at our own peril. They are more fragile than we think. Like fine crystal, they break easily and are hard to glue back together. — Carmela Soprano

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Sugar Ray Leonard

When I'm not in training. I'll walk around the streets at 153, but it's not solid; it's my socializing weight. — Sugar Ray Leonard

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Margaret Stohl

Sam and Dean Winchester sitting on the top of the Impala sharing their feelings over a beer is a reward worth driving any 'Supernatural' demon away - but in real life, they'd have crippling co-dependency issues. — Margaret Stohl

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Jana Oliver

'The demon cried, waving its furry arms above his head like a demented orangutan. — Jana Oliver

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Nalini Singh

I don't want to be your snack, your chew-toy, your fuck-buddy. Find a vampire to sink your fang into. — Nalini Singh

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Srividya Srinivasan

You can demand that I accept who you are, You cannot demand that I should like you too. — Srividya Srinivasan

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Patricia Leever

After finishing my breakfast, I puttered around for the next hour and tried not to think about Daniel. I glared at the chair in the middle of the back room as if he were still perched in it, shirtless with that shit-eating grin plastered across his goddamned face. Once, I almost sat in the chair - after carefully locking the door, of course, so no one would accidentally wander in and find me with my nose pressed to the leather, trying to see if it still smelled like him. And then came the self-inflicted chiding and browbeating for even thinking about doing something as ridiculous and lame and downright girlie." ~Evelyn — Patricia Leever

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Roger Ebert

A young girl is possessed by a devil, and Constantine shouts, 'I need a mirror! Now! At least three feet high!' He can capture the demon in the mirror and throw it out the window, see, although you wonder why supernatural beings would have such low-tech security holes. — Roger Ebert

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Charlotte Munro

Such a pity, really; the prey falling for the predator. The victim in love with the killer ... A mere mortal girl thinking a demon was capable of love. — Charlotte Munro

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Ransom Riggs

The impostors in soldiers' costumes were nothing but animals themselves; more monstrous than even the hollowgast they controlled. The wights, at least, had minds that could reason - but they used that creative faculty to dismantle the world. To make living things into dead things. And for what? So that they might live a little longer. So that they might have a little more power over the world around them, and the creatures in it, for whom they cared so little.
Waste. Such a stupid waste. — Ransom Riggs

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Walter Moers

I never trained, however, because I was a spontaneous talent. Practising spoiled my style. — Walter Moers

Supernatural Demon Quotes By Gina Barreca

My cat is older than many fashion models. I won't even discuss the fact that she also weighs more. — Gina Barreca