Famous Quotes & Sayings

Superman And Lois Quotes & Sayings

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Top Superman And Lois Quotes

Superman And Lois Quotes By Cecily White

You can't deny we work well together. I could be your sidekick, if you want. Like Superman and Lois Lane. Or Peter Pan and Tinker Bell."
"Tinker Bell isn't menacing."
"Which proves how much you need me," I insisted. "Fairies are terrifying."
He sat up straighter and dusted off his pants. "Fairies don't exist. Neither do Graymasons."
"That's what humans say about vampires and werewolves," I argued. "So we're agreed. — Cecily White

Superman And Lois Quotes By Margot Kidder

I liked the fact that Lois was one person with Clark and another with Superman. I think that, as women, we do that a lot when we fall in love. — Margot Kidder

Superman And Lois Quotes By Gwenda Bond

My problem was that I had bad luck. And I spoke up when I saw something wrong. I did it because I could, without having to worry about the fallout lasting years. And yes, there was always fallout. — Gwenda Bond

Superman And Lois Quotes By Jim Lee

Lois pursues the truth no matter what sort of adversity faces her. I think Superman sees that, and it's the same moral compass that he has from the Kents. — Jim Lee

Superman And Lois Quotes By C.J. Cherryh

Clark. Superman. She loved two men. It was extraordinary how alike and how different they were.-Lois Lane — C.J. Cherryh

Superman And Lois Quotes By Bryan Singer

'Superman' has always been about Lois Lane, Superman and Clark Kent and this love triangle between these three people who really are only two people. — Bryan Singer

Superman And Lois Quotes By Jaree Francis

When I was young there were some things I didn't understand.
I never understood how Superman could love Lois Lane ... — Jaree Francis

Superman And Lois Quotes By Brandon Routh

I think Superman's journey is to become comfortable on earth. Of course he's got his role as earth's greatest protector but he also wants to be as happy as he can and if that happens to be with Lois then he's going to find a way. — Brandon Routh

Superman And Lois Quotes By Gwenda Bond

I was many things, but I wasn't a quitter. I didn't give up, and I wasn't going to start. — Gwenda Bond

Superman And Lois Quotes By Gwenda Bond

There probably were things worse than the guy you had a crush on saying that kind of thing about your sister, but not many. Maddy could do way better than teeth-and-hair guy. — Gwenda Bond

Superman And Lois Quotes By Jodi Picoult

Think about it: Romeo and Juliet bucked the system, and look where it got them. Superman has the hots for Lois Lane, when the better match, of course, would be with Wonder Woman. — Jodi Picoult

Superman And Lois Quotes By Kevin Sorbo

On losing the opportunity to star in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 'You know what? It happened for the right reason. Although I would have made a good Clark Kent. I look better in glasses. — Kevin Sorbo

Superman And Lois Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

I can't always be Lois Lane," I insisted. "I want to be Superman, too. — Stephenie Meyer

Superman And Lois Quotes By Cindy Gerard

I'm not Lois Lane and you are neither Superman nor Clark Kent," she fired back. "It's crazy for you to go anywhere in this condition, and if you had the sense God gave a rock, you'd stay put."
Gabe stopped in his tracks. "Did you just compare me to a rock?"
She snorted. "I have the utmost respect for rocks. They're hard, they're heavy. They make good paperweights. — Cindy Gerard

Superman And Lois Quotes By Jim Lee

There was something special and unique about the love triangle that existed between Clark Kent, Superman and Lois Lane. — Jim Lee

Superman And Lois Quotes By Joe Kelly

[note to Lois]Believe. Always believe. — Joe Kelly

Superman And Lois Quotes By Kristen Ashley

I demoted him from The Best Man Ever to just The Best Man I'd Ever Met. Superman would have charged out (hell, he'd have flown) to get Lois Lane cookies. I was pretty sure of it. — Kristen Ashley

Superman And Lois Quotes By Jim Lee

Al Plastino helped redefine Superman in the 1950s. His work on 'Superman's Girlfriend,' 'Lois Lane,' 'Adventure Comics' and pretty much any title in the Superman family will be fondly remembered for years to come. He will be missed. — Jim Lee

Superman And Lois Quotes By Cuthbert Soup

Well," Mr. Cheeseman interjected. "Perhaps there's an easy solution to this. Maybe Captain Fabulous has an alter ego."
"What's an alter ego?" asked Gerard.
"It's a superhero's true but secret identity," said Chip. "You know, the way that Superman is really Clark Kent." "Superman is really Clark Kent?"
"It's pretty obvious," said Penny. "To everyone but you and Lois Lane."
"Okay," Gerard conceded. "Captain Fabulous's alter ego will be ... Teddy Roosevelt. — Cuthbert Soup

Superman And Lois Quotes By Jim Lee

[Superman and Lois are] kindred spirits, and they always choose to do the right thing. — Jim Lee

Superman And Lois Quotes By Dennis O'Neil

Writing about real stuff that really concerned me brought out my craft. If you're writing a story about, 'Is Lois Lane gonna figure out that Superman is Clark Kent?' - it's really hard to get involved in that on anything other than a craft level. And I'm not gonna put down craftsmanship; it is a noble enough thing to have made a table that you can pound on and it doesn't fall down. But occasionally, we might have an assignment that engages some other parts of ourselves, and those tend to be the good stories. — Dennis O'Neil

Superman And Lois Quotes By Dave Gibbons

I think probably the first time I wanted to be an artist was when I was about six or seven years old. I used to get British comics and I clearly remember seeing my first American comic: an issue of 'Action Comics', with Superman on the cover with a treasure horde in a cave, and Lois saying something like 'I don't believe Superman is a miser!' — Dave Gibbons