Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sunana In English Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sunana In English Quotes

Sunana In English Quotes By Sydney, Lady Morgan

Amiability is very often a weakness, but the most unobjectionable one as a rule. — Sydney, Lady Morgan

Sunana In English Quotes By Moira Weigel

Walking through the West Village one night, he had a eureka moment: He would make a gay bar, but for straight people. It was a brilliant idea. Soon after, he opened the first T.G.I. Friday's on the Upper East Side. — Moira Weigel

Sunana In English Quotes By Jack Canfield

I used to define success as being able to produce any result you wanted, whether it was a relationship, weight-loss, being a millionaire, impacting the culture, changing society, whatever it might be - it might be homelessness, whatever - and lately, I've redefined success as 'fulfilling your soul's purpose.' — Jack Canfield

Sunana In English Quotes By T.D. Jakes

Timing is so important! If you are going to be successful in dance, you must be able to respond to rhythm and timing. It's the same in the Spirit. People who don't understand God's timing can become spiritually spastic, trying to make the right things happen at the wrong time. They don't get His rhythm - and everyone can tell they are out of step. They birth things prematurely, threatening the very lives of their God-given dreams. — T.D. Jakes

Sunana In English Quotes By Gloria Gaither

When we're in trouble, it's usually a line from a song that saves us. I wish it was sermons, but, I'm sorry, it's not. When you're in crisis, what comes to mind is 'O love that would not let me go.' You know? — Gloria Gaither

Sunana In English Quotes By Kelly Martin

God, the universe, life, whatever name you give to the bigger picture, is experiencing itself through you as a human being. A journey from effortlessness, playfulness, freedom, to human doing, suffering and beyond. You can all return to the effortlessness, playfulness, freedom and being, by allowing your moment-by-moment experience, allowing your feelings of pain, suffering, rage, anger and envy to be felt, observed and tenderly allowed. No more self-beating, no more rushing against the tide, no more trying to steer that canoe, for life knows the way, always has and always will. — Kelly Martin

Sunana In English Quotes By Gore Vidal

No, not death. We have chosen life eternal, the resurrection of the ... '
'That is a story to tell children. The truth is that for thousands of years we looked to what was living. Now you look to what is dead, you worship a dead man and tell one another that this world is not for us, while the next is all that matters. Only there is no next world. — Gore Vidal

Sunana In English Quotes By Sally Brampton

There is a saying, 'it's never too late to have a happy childhood'. I'd rephrase that. I'd say, it's never too late to stop a difficult childhood from turning us into unhappy adults. — Sally Brampton

Sunana In English Quotes By Pema Chodron

The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes. — Pema Chodron

Sunana In English Quotes By Fernando Flores

Our best comes out when we have honest discussions. — Fernando Flores

Sunana In English Quotes By 'Little' Jimmy Dickens

I've developed a stiff neck that's about to drive me insane ... — 'Little' Jimmy Dickens

Sunana In English Quotes By Nick Cave

I have a particular dislike for children's films. I'm way past the novelty aspect. — Nick Cave

Sunana In English Quotes By Herman Melville

Of such a letter, Death himself might well have been the post-boy. — Herman Melville