Famous Quotes & Sayings

Summer Love Ending Quotes & Sayings

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Top Summer Love Ending Quotes

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Jandy Nelson

In a flash, we're through the door, across the street and into the woods, running for no reason and laughing for no reason and totally out of breath and out of our minds when Brian catches me by my shirt, whips me around, and with one strong hand flat against my chest, he pushes me against a tree and kisses me so hard I go blind. — Jandy Nelson

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Munia Khan

A moment's beginning ends in a moment — Munia Khan

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Tegan Quin

The night still confuses me, we'd all get tired and have to sleep eventually. Regardless of the sun's demands. Regardless if it made much sense. — Tegan Quin

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Miranda Kenneally

I once read that football was invented so people wouldn't notice summer ending. But I couldn't wait for summer vacation to end. I couldn't wait for football. Football, dominator of fall - football, love of my life. — Miranda Kenneally

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Robert Pattinson

I don't really see the point in washing your hair. If you don't care if your hair's clean or not then why would you wash it? — Robert Pattinson

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Evan Dando

Since Elizabeth, I certainly live a healthier lifestyle. — Evan Dando

Summer Love Ending Quotes By William Morley Punshon

Don't aim at any impossible heroisms. Strive rather to be quiet in your own sphere. Don't live in the cloudland of some transcendental heaven; do your best to bring the glory of a real heaven down, and ray it out upon your fellows in this work-day world. — William Morley Punshon

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Ernest Holmes

We must have a spiritual rebirth. We must be born out of the belief in externalities into the belief of inner realities, out of the belief that we are separated from God, into the belief that we are part of a Unitary Wholeness. — Ernest Holmes

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Madeline Miller

Achilles was looking at me. "Your hair never quite lies flat, here." He touched my head, just behind my ear. "I don't think I've ever told you how I like it."
My scalp prickled where his fingers had been. "You haven't," I said.
"I should have." His hand drifted down to the vee at the base of my throat, drew softly across the pulse. "What about this? Have I told you what I think of this, just here?"
"No," I said.
"This surely then." His hand moved across the muscles of my chest; my skin warmed beneath it. "Have I told you of this?"
"That you have told me." My breath caught a little as I spoke.
"And what of this?" His hand lingered over my hips, drew down the line of my thigh. "Have I spoken of it?"
"You have."
"And this? Surely I would not have forgotten this." His cat's smile. "Tell me I did not."
"You did not."
"There is this too." His hand was ceaseless now. "I know I have told you of this."
I closed my eyes. "Tell me again," I said. — Madeline Miller

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Bertolt Brecht

The finest plans are always ruined by the littleness of those who ought to carry them out, for emperor himself can actually be nothing. — Bertolt Brecht

Summer Love Ending Quotes By Beatriz Williams

Turn your head. No, the other way. Out the window.' I turn to the steamed-over plate glass, the shadowed buildings across the street. 'What, like this?' 'Now move your eyes and look at me. Just your eyes. Tilting up a bit. Yes.' He breathes out. 'Just like that. that, Miss Lily Dane, of only the best sorts of places, that is why I couldn't go back to sleep last night. — Beatriz Williams