Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sufian Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sufian Quotes

Sufian Quotes By Sufian Chaudhary

When you enter the House of God, you leave your ego at the door and embrace purity as if your life depended on it. — Sufian Chaudhary

Sufian Quotes By Sufian Chaudhary

What we recognize as Life is actually a premise that enforces the belief of the separateness from God. — Sufian Chaudhary

Sufian Quotes By Jane Lotter

We're half siblings, after all. We share the same DNA - and in our family, DNA stands for Denial Now and Always. — Jane Lotter

Sufian Quotes By Mike Ditka

I do some weights and I do a lot of stretching. — Mike Ditka

Sufian Quotes By Idries Shah

Sufian said:
'The wisdom which is invisible but which sustains is a hundred times better than the appearance of wisdom, for that has itself to be sustained. — Idries Shah

Sufian Quotes By Emmeline Pankhurst

Once they are aroused, once they are determined, nothing on earth and nothing in heaven will make women give way; it is impossible. — Emmeline Pankhurst

Sufian Quotes By Tony Robbins

When you hit a plateau you have to be willing to get a little bit worse before you get massively better. — Tony Robbins

Sufian Quotes By Marcus Luttrell

The SEALs place a premium on brute strength, but there's an even bigger premium on speed. That's speed through the water, speed over the ground, and speed of thought. There's no prizes for gleaming a set of well-oiled muscles in Coronado. Bulk just makes you slow, especially in soft sand, and that's what we had to tackle every day of our lives, mile after mile. — Marcus Luttrell

Sufian Quotes By Meg Wolitzer

Soon, she and the rest of them would be ironic much of the time, unable to answer an innocent question without giving their words a snide little adjustment. Fairly soon after that, the snideness would soften, the irony would be mixed in with seriousness, and the years would shorten and fly. — Meg Wolitzer

Sufian Quotes By Sufian Chaudhary

Fear is only an enemy of those who have not learned to befriend its cause. — Sufian Chaudhary

Sufian Quotes By David Letterman

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has new balloons this year including the Pillsbury Doughboy balloon and the first openly gay balloon. Also the Thomas Tank Engine balloon, and they even have the Ebola nurse balloon. — David Letterman

Sufian Quotes By Kelsey Miller

I had to get comfortable with uncomfortable thoughts, worry, and doubt. To expect uncompromised happiness was as unreasonable as looking for solutions at the bottom of a bowl of ice cream. — Kelsey Miller

Sufian Quotes By Andrew Weil

I have argued for years that we do not have a health care system in America. We have a disease-management system - one that depends on ruinously expensive drugs and surgeries that treat health conditions after they manifest rather than giving our citizens simple diet, lifestyle and therapeutic tools to keep them healthy. — Andrew Weil

Sufian Quotes By Melina Marchetta

This is the best night of my life," Raffy says, crying.
"Raffy, half our House has burnt down," I say wearily. "We don't have a kitchen."
"Why do you always have to be so pessimistic?" she asks. "We can double up in our rooms and have a barbecue every night like the Cadets."
Silently I vow to keep Raffy around for the rest of my life. — Melina Marchetta

Sufian Quotes By Sharon Shinn

My shoes made an odd, clacking sound on the cobblestones of the courtyard, no matter how quietly I placed my feet. It was like being followed by the audible manifestation of my own shadow. — Sharon Shinn