Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sudanese People Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sudanese People Quotes

Sudanese People Quotes By Kola Boof

In 1998, I was trained by the SPLA [Sudanese People's Liberation Army ] in London how to pretend to be a geologist. — Kola Boof

Sudanese People Quotes By Jonathan Haidt

Eric Helzer and David Pizarro asked students at Cornell University to fill out surveys about their political attitudes while standing near (or far from) a hand sanitizer dispenser. Those told to stand near the sanitizer became temporarily more conservative.27 — Jonathan Haidt

Sudanese People Quotes By Wadah Khanfar

At Al Jazeera, we are getting our local Somalis, Yemenis and Sudanese, local correspondents from within the society, who understand much better than the people who come from overseas. We will get a much better insight. — Wadah Khanfar

Sudanese People Quotes By Magic The Gathering

Those who fear darkness have never seen what the light can do. — Magic The Gathering

Sudanese People Quotes By Carol Bly

Literature has low enough standards. But we can avoid writing the worst literature if we make ourselves ask ourselves, every two or three sentences we write, 'Is that what I really think?' — Carol Bly

Sudanese People Quotes By Rebecca Hamilton

Every indication is that the Sudanese government will be defining it as an Arab, Muslim country. But there are also a lot of Christians and a lot of people, like the Nuba, who are not Arab. And that is why it is going to be problematic that Sudan will be defined in this way. — Rebecca Hamilton

Sudanese People Quotes By Ruben Blades

At a certain point, people in Panama thought that everything was going to be solved as soon as Noriega was gone. Of course, the disappointment was huge. — Ruben Blades

Sudanese People Quotes By Kola Boof

I have never received full credit from the SPLA [Sudanese People's Liberation Army], because the men are very sexist and feel that I'm acting out of place, bringing too much attention to myself - but for the funeral of our leader John Garang, they had me write the poem "Chol Apieth" to eulogize him, and that was their way of acknowledging my contributions. — Kola Boof

Sudanese People Quotes By Evelyn Underhill

Spiritual achievement costs much, though never as much as it is worth. — Evelyn Underhill

Sudanese People Quotes By Kola Boof

I wrote about my life just as I remembered it. I named names and it's very detailed. Hundreds of Sudanese refugees and people from Africa say that my journey is very similar to theirs. — Kola Boof