Famous Quotes & Sayings

Strength Training Quotes & Sayings

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Top Strength Training Quotes

Strength Training Quotes By D'Brickashaw Ferguson

At the Jets training facility in Florham Park, N.J., we have strength and conditioning staff but also a nutritionist, Glen Tobias, who helps to whip everyone into shape. There is a heavy emphasis on grass-fed meat and on foods that aren't genetically modified. — D'Brickashaw Ferguson

Strength Training Quotes By Malcolm Muggeridge

So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over
a weary, battered old brontosaurus
and became extinct. — Malcolm Muggeridge

Strength Training Quotes By David H. Murdock

I expend a lot of energy in my 50-60 minutes of cardio and strength training every day. — David H. Murdock

Strength Training Quotes By Kelli Russell Agodon

Yes, it hurts to fall
ache, tenderness
- but each scar is a sign your system is working. — Kelli Russell Agodon

Strength Training Quotes By Ken Doherty

The five S's of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit. — Ken Doherty

Strength Training Quotes By Samantha Stosur

My workouts include aerobic exercise for a healthy cardiovascular system; strength training to maintain muscle tone and bone density; core strength exercise for a stable mid-section; and stretching to maintain mobility. — Samantha Stosur

Strength Training Quotes By Rebecca K. O'Connor

You can't forge a relationship with learned helplessness, you can only force one and it will always be tenuous. There is always the possibility the peregrine will rediscover the strength of his heart. — Rebecca K. O'Connor

Strength Training Quotes By Mike Berry

Hard work ain't so easy, strength training is just plain old hard work and it ain't easy. — Mike Berry

Strength Training Quotes By Chris Matakas

Have a clear-cut plan on what you wish to improve, and seek opportunities to improve it. The more conscious and honest we can be about our shortcomings, the more strength we will have to improve them. We are going to train hard anyway, we are not going to sweat any more or less. It is simply imperative that the sweat is properly directed. — Chris Matakas

Strength Training Quotes By Nasser El Sonbaty

To make a muscle grow, you must force it to go beyond its capabilities. The most potent way to apply that force is to train to failure. Training to failure means ... the muscles are forced to grow stronger and bigger — Nasser El Sonbaty

Strength Training Quotes By Sarah Jakes

consider trying to forgive him yet again. He did his part, so I returned to our home in Virginia that summer of 2010. I wasn't hopeful, but I didn't have the strength to end our marriage - or to save it. We attended counseling together for a while, but the conversations reached dead ends. Nonetheless, Robert attempted to rebuild our connection. He wasn't staying out all night. He helped with the kids and seemed committed to fixing the broken bond between us. Before we knew it, training camp was starting again and he would once again be competing for a spot on the roster. The coaching staff had experienced some changes, — Sarah Jakes

Strength Training Quotes By Kim Yuna

For the off-ice training, I do basic strength training, and for the on-ice training, I practice jumps, spins, steps, and my new long program with my new coach Peter Oppegard. — Kim Yuna

Strength Training Quotes By Roy Benson

Miguel Indurain, five-time winner of the Tour de France, reported a resting heart rate of only 28 bpm. The reason for this is that, with appropriate training, the heart muscle increases in both size and strength. — Roy Benson

Strength Training Quotes By Chloe Sevigny

I do a dance-based cardio workout infused with circuit training, and emphasizing strength and alignment. — Chloe Sevigny

Strength Training Quotes By Socrates

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. — Socrates

Strength Training Quotes By Bruce Lee

Training for strength and flexibility is a must. You must use it to support your techniques. Techniques alone are no good if you don't support them with strength and flexibility. — Bruce Lee

Strength Training Quotes By J.R. Rim

Some are born strong and others are made strong. — J.R. Rim

Strength Training Quotes By James Delingpole

I note that warmists are often banging on about the fact that sceptics like Christopher Booker and myself 'only' have arts degrees. But actually that's our strength, not our weakness. Our intellectual training qualifies us better than any scientist - social or natural sciences - for us to understand that this is, au fond, not a scientific debate but a cultural and rhetorical one. — James Delingpole

Strength Training Quotes By Paul V. Johnson

Sometimes we want to have growth without challenges and to develop strength without any struggle. But growth cannot come by taking the easy way. We clearly understand that an athlete who resists rigorous training will never become a world-class athlete. We must be careful that we don't resent the very things that help us put on the divine nature. — Paul V. Johnson

Strength Training Quotes By Heather O'Reilly

A suspension program like TRX provides consistency, is great for strength training, and you can do it anywhere, which is good for us because we're always on the go! — Heather O'Reilly

Strength Training Quotes By Aaron Scharf

The traditional difficulty of balancing the mechanical with the imaginative schools of photography still operates. In schools of photography meaningful art education is often lacking and on the strength of their technical ability alone students, deprived of a richer artistic training, are sent forth inculcated with the belief that they are creative photographers and artists. It is yet a fact that today, as in the past, the most inspiring and provocative works in photography come as much (and probably more) from those who are in the first place artists. — Aaron Scharf

Strength Training Quotes By Samantha Stosur

Flexibility is crucial to my fitness. Incorporating a good warm-up and cool-down into every session decreases my chances of injury. I use both dynamic and static stretching in my training. I've starting doing a few yoga sessions which incorporates muscle strength and flexibility. — Samantha Stosur

Strength Training Quotes By Gloria Furman

When we acknowledge our inability to mother our children apart from the Lord's provision and strength, we honor God. Of course we are not able to do this work of raising children and training them in the instruction of the Lord. That's why we desperately need the Lord! — Gloria Furman

Strength Training Quotes By Steve Ilg

Lack of Confidence, low Self-Esteem, and depleted Mojo are symptoms of inadequate Strength Training. — Steve Ilg

Strength Training Quotes By Jaime King

I've always been really athletic, which really helped, because when I first started doing the training for Bulletproof Monk, it required so much strength that if I didn't have a base I don't really know what I would have done. — Jaime King

Strength Training Quotes By John L. Parker Jr.

Training was a rite of purification; from it came speed, strength. Racing was a rite of death; from it came knowledge. Such rites demand, if they are to be meaningful at all, a certain amount of time spent precisely on the Red Line, where you can lean over the manicured putting green at the edge of the precipice and see exactly nothing. — John L. Parker Jr.

Strength Training Quotes By Rhea Seehorn

I exercise a lot. I enjoy exercising. I switch back and forth with cardio and strength training every other day, and I try to do something active every single day. Other than that, I try to make sure I have enough quiet time to myself to recharge every week as well. — Rhea Seehorn

Strength Training Quotes By Arthur Lewis

The strength of the scientific establishment in any country is related to its general level of education, not only in supplying large numbers of eager minds for further training, but also in ensuring a public opinion that holds science in esteem and approves financial support. — Arthur Lewis

Strength Training Quotes By Ryan Hall

I constantly remind myself that resting takes confidence. Anyone can train like a mad man but to embrace rest and to allow all the hard training to come out takes mental strength. — Ryan Hall

Strength Training Quotes By Tommy Caldwell

I travel and climb about eight months a year. That's pretty great training in itself. When I am home, I do a lot of bouldering, gym climbing, and specific strength training in a effort to get stronger for climbing. — Tommy Caldwell

Strength Training Quotes By Alison Sweeney

I'll do strength training in my dressing room between shoots, and I've been known to make business calls while out jogging. I try to mute myself on Bluetooth so they can't hear me huffing and puffing, but I usually end up getting caught. — Alison Sweeney

Strength Training Quotes By Tsutomu Ohshima

Each one of us starts Karate with some particular reason: to be a good fighter, to keep in good shape, to protect oneself. I wanted to become very strong myself when I first began. But Karate training soon teaches that real strength is facing oneself strictly, with severe eyes. This is the first condition of martial arts training. Therefore, all karateka must be strong inwardly, but quite gentle to others. As we train together, each contributing to a good atmosphere, let's try to bring out that serious strong mentality from deep inside. — Tsutomu Ohshima

Strength Training Quotes By Grete Waitz

If you are training properly, you should progress steadily. This doesn't necessarily mean a personal best every time you race ... Each training session should be like putting money in the bank. If your training works, you continue to deposit into your 'strength' account ... Too much training has the opposite effect. Rather than build, it tears down. Your body will tell when you have begun to tip the balance. Just be sure to listen to it. — Grete Waitz

Strength Training Quotes By Karen Pryor

My idea of recreation in those busy years, was to leave the porpoise training for an hour or two, round up a bunch of children, and go play at training the ponies. I don't know where I found the strength. — Karen Pryor

Strength Training Quotes By Mas Oyama

Although it is important to study and train for skill in techniques, for the man who wishes to truly accomplish the way of budo, it is important to makehis whole life in training and therefore not aiming for skill and strength alone, but also for spiritual attainment. — Mas Oyama

Strength Training Quotes By Sun Tzu

These are the six ways of courting defeat - neglect to estimate the enemy's strength; want of authority; defective training; unjustifiable anger; nonobservance of discipline; failure to use picked men ... — Sun Tzu

Strength Training Quotes By Aristotle.

First then this must be noted, that it is the nature of such things to be spoiled by defect and excess; as we see in the case of health and strength (since for the illustration of things which cannot be seen we must use those that can), for excessive training impairs the strength as well as deficient: meat and drink, in like manner, in too great or too small quantities, impair the health: while in due proportion they cause, increase, and preserve it. — Aristotle.

Strength Training Quotes By Dan Hague

We want climbers to be extremely fit, but we also want you to understand how strength works in climbing and to use training methods that closely resemble the performance demands required by the routes you select.
The — Dan Hague

Strength Training Quotes By Hajime Isayama

Believe in yourself ... or believe in me and them ... the Survey Corps. I don't know the answer. I never have. Whether you trust in your own strength ... or trust in the choies made by reliable comrades. No one knows what the outcome will be. So as much as you can ... choose whatever you'll regret the least. — Hajime Isayama

Strength Training Quotes By Barbara W. Tuchman

Finished their compulsory training under universal service and were between the ages of twenty-three and thirty-four were classed as reserves. Upon mobilization the youngest classes filled out the regular army units to war strength; the others were formed into reserve regiments, — Barbara W. Tuchman

Strength Training Quotes By Chadwick Boseman

Baseball players need strength but also the ability to make fast-paced, explosive movements, so their training is all about strengthening the tendons around the bone and the joint so you don't tear the muscles from the bones. And so the muscles will have endurance and stability. And flexibility, which helps you throw the ball harder or have the snap to hit a ball. Or to take off quickly to steal a base. — Chadwick Boseman

Strength Training Quotes By Bruce Lee

The athlete who is building muscles though weight training should be very sure to work adequately on speed and flexibility at the same time. In combat, without the prior attributes, a strong man will be like the bull with its colossal strength futilely pursuing the matador or like a low-geared truck chasing a rabbit. — Bruce Lee

Strength Training Quotes By Marco Cardinale

Heavy resistance strength training (loads 85% 1RM) appears to evoke significant gains in maximal eccentric muscle strength. — Marco Cardinale

Strength Training Quotes By Mohsin Hamid

Writing a long novel is like survival training. Physical strength is as necessary as artistic sensitivity. — Mohsin Hamid

Strength Training Quotes By Hiroko Sakai

Believe me. Your hardship, tears and sorrows you are facing now are the training of your spirit. The strength you learn from there brings you more love and smiles in your future. Wherever you are, love all the people around you like your family. then you are not alone anymore. — Hiroko Sakai

Strength Training Quotes By Arnold Schwarzenegger

Try to keep your rest periods between sets down to a minute or less. In the first minute after a weight-training exercise you recover 72 percent of your strength, and by 3 minutes you have recovered all you are going to recover without extended rest. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Strength Training Quotes By Max Gladstone

You people get so closed up inside those little brains. Their structure changes in response to thought, you know, like your muscles respond to use. The used parts bulk up. Bad training develops uneven strength; it takes time and painful work to balance unbalanced muscles. — Max Gladstone

Strength Training Quotes By Richard Simmons

It's my life dream to be able to go and continue going to schools and teaching them about stretching and aerobics, cardio and strength training, because I want them to have a better life than I did. I don't want them to grow up to be me. I want them to be healthy. I want them not to go through eating disorders [like me]. — Richard Simmons

Strength Training Quotes By Ao Jyumonji

Don't get salty with me!"
"Whoops... Sorry, put a little too much strength into it there."
"...Ohhh..." Haruhiro came close to fainting in agony. Barbara-sensei had struck him in the crotch.

If I keep training here, am I eventually going to end up impotent!? he wondered. — Ao Jyumonji

Strength Training Quotes By Laurieann Gibson

I dance but I also work out. I run, do strength training ... you name it. I've got to! — Laurieann Gibson

Strength Training Quotes By James E. Faust

In my opinion, the teaching, rearing, and training of children requires more intelligence, intuitive understanding, humility, strength, wisdom, spirituality, perseverance, and hard work than any other challenge we might have in life. — James E. Faust

Strength Training Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

And he realized then that he had not lost all those times in the training square because he lacked the skill, or the strength, or even a hand. He had lacked the will. And somewhere on the South Wind, somewhere in the trackless ice, somewhere in this ancient ruin, he had found it. — Joe Abercrombie

Strength Training Quotes By Jill Wagner

At the gym, I do full-body circuits with low weights and high repetitions, as well as four or five cardio intervals thrown into the mix. I put a lot of emphasis on core strength and flexibility training. I also do a lot of running in my free time. Anytime I can move my cardio outside in the sunshine, I do. — Jill Wagner

Strength Training Quotes By Liz Halliday

I horse ride. I find it is the best way to maintain my fitness and stay physical. I have to practise anyway for my equestrian front. I do dressage and schooling too. I also do physical training where I work on my neck and upper body strength. Racing is a high endurance sport and you are in the car for a long time so this area is crucial. — Liz Halliday

Strength Training Quotes By Benjamin Millepied

'Swan Lake' is the most difficult thing to portray for a female ballet dancer; it really requires such specific qualities of articulation, agility, strength, and the arm work is something that takes a lot of training. — Benjamin Millepied

Strength Training Quotes By Kimberly Loving Ross

Why are we here? Why didn't God just make us and place us in Heaven? What is this place called Earth we're sent to reside in until we're called to live in Heaven for eternity? Training Camp Earth...it is the reason we're here. It is simply a training camp of lesson after lesson to build strength and our relationship with God before we go home. What lesson is God working on in your life today? — Kimberly Loving Ross

Strength Training Quotes By Andrew Luck

I think I feel fortunate to have been very well educated in terms of strength and training while I was at school at Stanford, and I think our strength coaches here on the Colts do a great job. A big part of being able to withstand hits is making sure that you've got a good base. — Andrew Luck

Strength Training Quotes By Hans Brick

For several thousand years man has been in contact with animals whose character and habits have been deformed by domestication. He has ended by believing that he understands them. All he means by this is that he is able to rely on certain reflex actions which he himself has implanted in them. He will flatter himself at times on the grasp of animal psychology which has brought him the love of the dog and the purr of the cat; and on the strength of such assumptions he approaches the beasts of the jungle. The old tag about nature being an open book is just not true. What nature offers on a first examination may appear to be simple but it is never as simple as it appears. — Hans Brick

Strength Training Quotes By B.D. Messick

From everything that I've read, people before the collapse were what I would politely call "weak". I'm sure they were nice enough, smart enough, and probably thought they had everything under control, but it doesn't take much to shatter your world. Luk and I had been training for this our entire lives, preparing to enter a world of harsh realities and it's nearly been the end us both multiple times. Back in the day, when chaos reigned, it was kill or be killed, there was little middle ground. The weak definitely did not inherit the Earth. Strength is survival.

Sojourn Book III - The Beastlands — B.D. Messick

Strength Training Quotes By Laurent Blanc

Scholes is the best English player. Intelligence, technique, strength ... all the attributes are there. At Manchester United I saw what he could do on the training field. Phew! — Laurent Blanc

Strength Training Quotes By Hiroshi Sakurazaka

The human body is a funny machine. When you want to move something - say, your arm - the brain actually sends two signals at the same time: "More power!" and "Less power!" The operating system that runs the body automatically holds some power back to avoid overexerting and tearing itself apart. Not all machines have that built - in safety feature. You can point a car at a wall, slam the accelerator to the floor, and the car will crush itself against the wall until the engine is destroyed or runs out of gas.
Martial arts use every scrap of strength the body has at its disposal. In martial arts training, you punch and shout at the same time. Your "Shout louder!" command helps to override the "Less power!" command. With practice, you can throttle the amount of power your body holds back. In essence, you're learning to channel
the body's power to destroy itself. — Hiroshi Sakurazaka

Strength Training Quotes By Edith Wharton

But she could not breathe long on the heights; there had been nothing in her training to develop any continuity of moral strength: what she craved, and really felt herself entitled to, was a situation in which the noblest attitude should also be the easiest. Hitherto her intermittent impulses of resistance had sufficed to maintain her self-respect. — Edith Wharton

Strength Training Quotes By Angelo Dundee

Training fighters is like trying to catch a fish. It's technique, not strength. — Angelo Dundee

Strength Training Quotes By Kano Jigoro

Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. By training you in attacks and defenses it refines your body and your soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of Judo a part of your very being. In this way you are able to perfect yourself and contribute something of value to the world. This is the final goal of Judo discipline. — Kano Jigoro

Strength Training Quotes By Dylan Andrews

It was going to be really tough to juggle the two as far as rehab and strength training, getting the shoulder back to where it needed to be and also worrying about the weight cut. We thought as a team that the best option for me right now with the recovery was to stay at middleweight, for this fight at least. We'll see what happens after this. — Dylan Andrews

Strength Training Quotes By Meryl Davis

Part of the strength that Charlie and I have as a team is we've been able to keep our priorities straight through our entire partnership. We've been able to maintain a life outside of skating, and though we've given up a lot of things and we've been training really hard our entire lives, we've been able to maintain great social lives. — Meryl Davis

Strength Training Quotes By Moshe Feldenkrais

The problem is that much of what we have learned is harmful to our system because it was learned in childhood, when immediate dependence on others distorted our real needs. Long-standing habitual action feels right. Training a body to be perfect in all the possible forms and configurations of its members changes not only the strength and flexibility of the skeleton and muscles, but makes a profound and beneficial change in the self-image and quality of the direction of the self. — Moshe Feldenkrais

Strength Training Quotes By Kerri Walsh

I do a program called Fast Twitch twice a week, basically my lifting and strength training, I'm working with a spine specialist, which has been a new addition for me since my surgery to really get some great support for my shoulder, and I really love the way my body feels. It takes the pressure off my lower back and kind of just shares duties, really, with my body. — Kerri Walsh

Strength Training Quotes By T.K. Naliaka

The strength of human instinct seems to be quite overrated as it is so feeble it requires a lifetime of guidance, education, training and practical experience to develop. More critically, without conscious and diligent effort across one generation to pass its knowledge on to the next generation, all that was gained will be lost, forewarned by an increasing rarity of the reminiscence, "Every secret of life I know, I learned at my grandfather's knee. — T.K. Naliaka

Strength Training Quotes By Frank Donoghue

Andrew Ross makes sense of this sad artifice [decreasing academic pay] by explaining that academics of all ranks, along with artists, are uniquely willing to tolerate exploitation in the workplace. Ross claims that scholars' readiness "to accept a discounted wage out of 'love for their subject' has helped not only to sustain the cheap labor supply but also to magnify its strength and volume. Like artists and performers, academics are inclined by training to sacrifice earnings for the opportunity to exercise their craft." (p. 64) — Frank Donoghue

Strength Training Quotes By Margaret James

and ammunition for the great attack meant Alex was kept busy. Miles and miles more trenches spread tentacles across the ruined countryside. Ammunition dumps proliferated, and riding schools and training camps sprang up where there had once been fields. At the beginning of a dull, damp February, Alex caught a cold that turned into a raging fever. He spent a week in hospital, then was given a few days leave and told to get his strength back before returning to his company. Rose was delighted when he wrote to tell her he was staying at a guest house near Harfoix, and had asked the owner if his femme could come and stay. — Margaret James

Strength Training Quotes By Various

Tennis lessons westlake village provide a good coaching for youngest.Because that are very experiance men in tennis.His students on the importance of strength and agility training as well as mental and psychological strength and the roles they play within the game of tennis. — Various

Strength Training Quotes By Dana L. Ayers

Strength training with weights really does improve running. — Dana L. Ayers

Strength Training Quotes By Dinaw Mengestu

What I didn't know until then was that loving someone and feeling loved in return was the best exercise for the heart, the strength training needed to do more than simply make it through life. — Dinaw Mengestu

Strength Training Quotes By Daniel Coyle

People think doping is for lazy people who want to avoid hard work. That might be true in some cases, but in mine, as with many riders I knew, it was precisely the opposite. EPO granted the ability to suffer more; to push yourself farther and harder than you'd ever imagined, in both training and racing. — Daniel Coyle

Strength Training Quotes By David Allen

Strength; just the ability to generate a focused thrust with speed. But a tense muscle is a slow one. So the high levels of training in the martial arts teach and demand balance and relaxation as much as anything else. Clearing the mind to being open and appropriately responsive is the key. — David Allen

Strength Training Quotes By A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Kshatriya, or the man who is qualified to protect the sufferers, is meant to rule the state. Untrained, lower class men or men without ambition to protect the sufferers cannot be placed on the seat as an administrator. Unfortunately in the age of Kali the lower class men without training occupy the post of a ruler by strength of popular votes and instead of protecting the sufferers, such men create a situation quite intolerable for everyone. Such rulers illegally gratify themselves at the cost of all comforts of the citizens, and thus the chaste mother earth cries to see the pitiable condition of her sons, both men and animals. — A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Strength Training Quotes By Miesha Tate

I train twice a day and I make sure I eat right. I'm an avid tea drinker and I enjoy the benefits of drinking MateFit. It gives me energy, speeds up my metabolism and helps me shed excess water weight. I also do everything from MMA sparring to strength and conditioning. I make sure to do a combination of different things with my training. — Miesha Tate

Strength Training Quotes By Ameen Rihani

Training the will in trivial and grave matters increases its strength and flexibility, and enables man to constantly strive and persevere. — Ameen Rihani

Strength Training Quotes By Jorge Cruise

I'm not against working out. It's just not effective for weight loss. I like strength training to tone and firm the body so you look tight. But working out just makes you hungrier. — Jorge Cruise

Strength Training Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt

I always believe in going hard at everything, whether it is Latin or mathematics, boxing or football, but at the same time I want to keep the sense of proportion. It is never worth while to absolutely exhaust one's self or to take big chances unless for an adequate object. I want you to keep in training the faculties which would make you, if the need arose, able to put your last ounce of pluck and strength into a contest. But I do not want you to squander these qualities. — Theodore Roosevelt

Strength Training Quotes By Wesley Chu

Look to your right ... It is the path back home. If you choose, you can take it. It is safe, easy, and comfortable. You do not have to work out or fight or do anything else you do not want to ...
Or you can keep moving forward. I will not lie to you. I cannot predict what may become of you. It will require a lot of training, hard work, study, and danger. But in the very end, you will know strength. I swear it. You might just become someone who will make a difference in the world. — Wesley Chu

Strength Training Quotes By Haruki Murakami

When a writer develops a story, he is confronted with a poison that is inside him. If you don't have that poison, your story will be boring and uninspired. It's like fugu: The flesh of the pufferfish is extremely tasty, but the roe, the liver, the heart can be lethally toxic. My stories are located in a dark, dangerous part of my consciousness, I feel the poison in my mind, but I can fend off a high dose of it because I have a strong body. When you are young, you are strong; so you can usually conquer the poison even without being in training. But beyond the age of 40 your strength wanes, you can no longer cope with the poison if you lead an unhealthy life. — Haruki Murakami