Famous Quotes & Sayings

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes & Sayings

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Top Stockum Boekhandel Quotes

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Oscar Wilde

he loathed his own beauty, and flinging the mirror on the floor, crushed it into silver splinters beneath his heel. It was his beauty that had ruined him, his beauty and the youth that he had prayed for. But for those two things, his life might have been free from stain. His beauty had been to him but a mask, his youth but a mockery. What was youth at best? A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts. Why had he worn its livery? Youth had spoiled him. — Oscar Wilde

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Victor Hugo

Sire," said M. Myriel, "you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. Each of us can profit by it. — Victor Hugo

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Ruth Bernhard

My quest, through the magic of light and shadow, is to isolate, to simplify, and to give emphasis to form with the greatest clarity. — Ruth Bernhard

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Otto Von Bismarck

We are better off not knowing how sausages and laws are made. — Otto Von Bismarck

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Charles Bartlett Johnson

All art points to others with whom the writer argues about what is ... He must have models with which to agree ... or outright oppose ... for Nature seems to remain silence. — Charles Bartlett Johnson

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Nenia Campbell

Adrian had been felled by a Coach bag. — Nenia Campbell

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Louisa May Alcott

But a time came when her patience gave out; and wearying of being a lion, she became a bear in nature as in name, and returning to her den, growled awfully when ordered out. — Louisa May Alcott

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Matt Dallas

'Xyle XY' follows this boy who is like a newborn to the world - everything he sees and experiences is for the first time. He travels into the city and ends up getting put up by this foster family. — Matt Dallas

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Chuck Klosterman

But when you're naturally better than everyone else, and when that talent is so utterly obvious, being quiet doesn't translate as humble. It translates as boredom. — Chuck Klosterman

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Amber Lynn Natusch

There are times in life when the imagined worst-case scenario proves better than reality. When the images cultivated in your mind are not nearly as horrifying as the truth. When the desire to turn back time and do things differently burns through your body so fiercely that it singes the very fiber of your being, forever changing you. — Amber Lynn Natusch

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Helen Keller

When all you can feel are the shadows, turn your face towards the sun. — Helen Keller

Stockum Boekhandel Quotes By Sophocles

Far-stretching, endless Time
Brings forth all hidden things,
And buries that which once did shine.
The firm resolve falters, the sacred oath is shattered;
And let none say, "It cannot happen here". — Sophocles