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Steenburgen Mary Quotes & Sayings

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Top Steenburgen Mary Quotes

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I think I did a couple of test commercials that didn't even make it on the air. That's how little I had really done. I knew almost nothing about the camera. In fact, I actually did know nothing about the camera. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I still try to do what I've always said I would do, which is say yes to the things that make my heart beat faster, particularly if there's something scary about it. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I was this person with this weird last name from New York that no one had ever heard of. But my screen test I guess, according to him, was the best. So I got the part, which was incredible. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I think it's very important for everyone in America to realize right now the state of our country, not just on this issue but on a lot of issues, that it is time to get active again. People have just sat back and just sort of said, oh, let somebody else do it for a long time, and we're seeing what's happening to the country, even freedom of speech. It's not going well. So I think this is a real opportunity for people to see, yes, if you do get out and you do get active, there are other people there. You just have to seek them out. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Dayana Morency

His delicious cologne wrapped me in a cloud of red, the color of fire and blood, but also desire and passion — Dayana Morency

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

Ain't no money like music money, because music money don't stop. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I studied with Sandy Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse. I was in the last class to study with him before he had his larynx removed, so I actually remember the sound of his voice. He was an incredible teacher. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

Anything to do with the South resonates with me, because I'm Southern. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mili Avital

It took me many years to understand that my identity is more Israeli than Jewish. — Mili Avital

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

It was a few days later I came out to Hollywood for a screen test, and so did a lot of other people. So, I really didn't think I would get it. I was definitely the one that was least likely to get it, because everyone else was an already established star. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I have loved by far the majority of the people I've worked with and the experiences I've had. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Anne-Marie Duff

That's the thing - you do a job like 'Shameless,' and suddenly that's why you can get a job like 'The Virgin Queen', not because of all the classical theatre you've done. But we can be very snippy about television. It's absolutely the most potent and powerful form of storytelling we have. — Anne-Marie Duff

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

It just seemed like a lot of my work centered around England for a number of years. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Michio Kaku

Modern thinking is that time did not start with the big bang, and that there was a multiverse even before the big bang. In the inflation theory, and in string theory, there were universes before our big bang, and that big bangs are happening all the time. Universes are formed when bubbles collide or fission into smaller bubles. — Michio Kaku

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

It's usually, my people speak to your people and then they speak around each other and trade calls for weeks. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I think that we need to look hard at our beliefs and be responsible about how we speak out. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

We can't change our fate, because we can't change something which doesn't exist. — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

We tend to love things that are left of center anyway. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

Dancing in the strip club, Not the dancing, but the being naked was excruciatingly scary for me. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I take the fact that films cost a lot of money very seriously, but once in a while to have somebody say, This is a big scene, take your time with it, is important. That's John Sayles. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Ted Danson

My reward in life for growing up a little bit was that Mary Steenburgen came into my life, and we have been together for 19 years. — Ted Danson

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I'd already made the decision before I'd even read it-just because it was John Sayles. Then when I read it, the themes were actually themes that have been a big part of my life. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

There's just such a premium on hurrying, and the camera is the be all and end all, and the actors had better hurry up and get it right and get it done. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I love horses, and I love all of it. The sights and sounds and smells, the whole genre of Westerns - I love them. And I know they're rare for actors to get to do, and they're even more rare for women to get to do, so I really think I was drinking in the experience on so many levels. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I know this is kind of corny, but we thought about renewing our vows again because I think my mom would really love it if we did that in Arkansas, where I came from. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

There's a certain arrogance to an actor who will look at a script and feel like, because the words are simple, maybe they can paraphrase it and make it better. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

First and last, what is demanded of genius is love of truth. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I wanted it to be a wonderful combination of being able to dance a little bit, not being especially good, but also playing a character who says the line, "I love to dance". — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Harold Rosenberg

The story of Americans is the story of arrested metamorphoses. Those who achieve success come to a halt and accept themselves as they are. Those who fail become resigned and accept themselves as they are. — Harold Rosenberg

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I'd never studied film. I had movies that I loved and movie stars that I looked up to, but I really had not seen a lot of the great classic films that he felt like he wanted me to see before I took on such a huge role. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I love being in the business I'm in-I do love being a part of a group of people that work well together. I love it when there's a connection. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

People that want it to just be funny should not despair, because there is so much true crazy comedy coming up. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I helped found Artists for New South Africa, but it used to be called Artists for Free South Africa. Alfre Woodard and a bunch of us started this. — Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Toba Beta

There are brains so smart in finance and unconsciously reject wealth. — Toba Beta

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Jon Turteltaub

You'll never meet a nicer person, let alone a nicer actress, than Mary Steenburgen. — Jon Turteltaub

Steenburgen Mary Quotes By Mary Steenburgen

I loved working with Malcolm [McDowell]. He's been such an important person in my life. I mean, not just as someone I was married to, which is huge, and the father of my children, which is even bigger, but also as a friend and an inspiration and somebody who probably helped to fuel something that all my reading as a child had already started, which was a love of England and the world of the theater over there, which I became involved with through him and probably because of him. — Mary Steenburgen