Famous Quotes & Sayings

Status Worthy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Status Worthy Quotes

Status Worthy Quotes By Tony Dungy

Respect isn't a right. We aren't entitled to it, and we can never earn it by demanding it. It's something we earn because of our character - and by giving it to others. If we want to be respected, we have to show ourselves to be worthy of it, not by our status, possessions, or accomplishments, but by honesty, integrity, and responsibility. — Tony Dungy

Status Worthy Quotes By Ally Broadfield

He turned to face her and studied her as if he could see right through her. "None of them are worthy of you."

A wave of longing coursed through her. "Then who am I to marry?" When he failed to answer, she turned away and fiddled with the flowers on the desk. "Without the advantage of wealth or status, I'm not exactly overrun with prospects like you are."

"Perhaps not," he said softly, "but at least you can be certain the man who marries you did so for love and not because of your wealth or title."

Charlotte & Sebastian — Ally Broadfield

Status Worthy Quotes By Marty Nemko

nothing statusy about being stranded on the road. Designer-label companies charge more because they've spent a fortune on marketing and advertising to build their brand's status, their perceived value. I roll my eyes at people who, for example, wear Facconable shirts or Rolex watches. Right or wrong, I perceive them as so insecure that they need to attempt to appear worthy by silly spending. — Marty Nemko

Status Worthy Quotes By B.R. Ambedkar

The fallacy of the socialists37 lies in supposing that because in the present stage of European society property as a source of power is predominant, the same is true of India, or the same was true of Europe in the past. Religion, social status, and property are all sources of power and authority which one man has to control the liberty of another. One is predominant at one stage; the other is predominant at another stage. That is the only difference. If liberty is the ideal, and if liberty means the destruction of the dominion which one man holds over another, then obviously it cannot be insisted upon that economic reform must be the one kind of reform worthy of pursuit. If the source of power and dominion is, at any given time or in any given society, social and religious, then social reform and religious reform must be accepted as the necessary sort of reform. — B.R. Ambedkar

Status Worthy Quotes By Viet Thanh Nguyen

My weakness for sympathizing with others has much to do with my status as a bastard, which is not to say that being a bastard naturally predisposes one to sympathy. Many bastards behave like bastards, and I credit my gentle mother with teaching me the idea that blurring the lines between us and them can be a worthy behavior. — Viet Thanh Nguyen

Status Worthy Quotes By Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz

No one likes to feel used. When the perceived focus becomes the content over the person, people feel used. When teachers are valued only for the test scores of their students, they feel used. When administrators are "successful" only when they achieve "highly effective school" status, they feel used. Eventually, "used" people lose joy in learning and teaching. Curriculum does not teach; teachers do. Standards don't encourage; administrators do. Peaceable schools value personnel and students for who they are as worthy human beings. ... If your mission statement says you care, then specific practices of care should be habits within your school. — Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz

Status Worthy Quotes By Will Durant

[Voltaire] theoretically prefers a republic, but he knows its flaws: it permits factions which, if they do not bring on civil war, at least destroy national unity; it is suited only to small states protected by geographic situation, and as yet unspoiled and untorn with wealth; in general "men are rarely worthy to govern themselves." Republics are transient at best; they are the first form of society, arising from the union of families; the American Indians lived in tribal republics, and Africa is full of such democracies. but differentiation of economic status puts an end to these egalitarian governments; and differentiation is the inevitable accompaniment of development. — Will Durant

Status Worthy Quotes By Tom Standage

Greek customs such as wine drinking were regarded as worthy of imitation by other cultures. So the ships that carried Greek wine were carrying Greek civilization, distributing it around the Mediterranean and beyond, one amphora at a time. Wine displaced beer to become the most civilized and sophisticated of drinks - a status it has maintained ever since, thanks to its association with the intellectual achievements of Ancient Greece. — Tom Standage

Status Worthy Quotes By Karl R. Popper

The question of the acceptance of theories should, I propose, be demoted to the status of a minor problem. For science may be regarded as a growing system of problems, rather than as a system of beliefs. And for a system of problems, the tentative acceptance of a theory or a conjecture means hardly more than that it is considered worthy of further criticism. — Karl R. Popper