Famous Quotes & Sayings

Star Trek Klingon Quotes & Sayings

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Top Star Trek Klingon Quotes

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Elle Aycart

The Klingon snarled something that sounded horribly like Christy's pissed-off texts and everyone shut up. "First Spiner's Q and A, then Nimoy's tribute while Data gets his kicks with the Orion woman. Then signed pictures for Brett and D4C. We all convene at the panel about the ethics of the temporal prime directive. Q is making an appearance and revealing their agenda. Agreed?"
All nodded.
Christy opened her mouth, but closed it again, shaking her head. Good, because no amount of translation was going to suffice. — Elle Aycart

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Laurie Graham

It's a funny things about human nature. Nobody ever wonders why they've got a healthy brother or a perfect kiddie. Anything goes wrong, though, we soon start why, oh why... — Laurie Graham

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Edgerrin James

I keep things real simple because I know where I came from and I don't ever want to go back to that way of living. — Edgerrin James

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By David Gerrold

Kirk: How close will we come to the nearest Klingon outpost if we continue on our present course?
Chekov: Vun parsec, sir. Close enough to smell them.
Spock: That is illogical, ensign. Odors cannot travel through the vacuum of space.
Chekov: I vas making a little joke, sir.
Spock: Extremely little, ensign. — David Gerrold

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

A schism has taken place among the chemists. A particular set of them in France have undertaken to remodel all the terms of the science, and to give every substance a new name, the composition, and especially the termination of which, shall define the relation in which it stands to other substances of the same family. — Thomas Jefferson

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Duncan Trussell

That thing in you that you think is a demon is actually a bodyguard that's run amok — Duncan Trussell

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Debasish Mridha

It's not the dress you wear; it is your attitude that can express that you really care. — Debasish Mridha

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Robert M. Edsel

When the Nazis took Paris, the director of the Toledo Museum of Art wrote to David Finley, director of the not yet opened National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., to encourage the creation of a national plan, saying, I know [the possibility of invasion] is remote at the moment, but it was once remote in France. — Robert M. Edsel

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Holly Black

Looking over at the lump of comforter and jackets and shadow where Gavriel was hiding, she took a deep breath. "I won't leave you," she told Aidan. "I promise."
No one else was going to get killed today, not if she could save them. Certainly not someone she'd once thought she loved, even if he was a jerk. Not some dead boy full of good advice. And she hoped not herself, either. — Holly Black

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By David Gerrold

Star Trek was about social justice from day one
the stories were about the human pursuit for a better world, a better way of being, the next step up the ladder of sentience. The stories weren't about who we were going to fight, but who we were going to make friends with. It wasn't about defining an enemy
it was about creating a new partnership. That's why when Next Gen came along, we had a Klingon on the bridge. — David Gerrold

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Karen Gillan

I just feel so flattered, because the cosplayers really make sure every detail is there. I don't think I've ever cosplayed a character before, but if I were to, I'd probably go as a Klingon from 'Star Trek.' — Karen Gillan

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Elizabeth Kolbert

Increasingly developing countries are asking for aid to help deal with the consequences of climate change, which we don't want to give. — Elizabeth Kolbert

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Myra McEntire

Crazy like he's a serial killer, or crazy like he attends Star Trek conventions in full costume?"
"That's only crazy if you dress like a Klingon," I pointed out. — Myra McEntire

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Chris Tucker

Day-to-day life is a lot of work. I work a lot on stand-up stuff, and then day-to-day life and, you know, just living. It's always different. Try to work out, try to stay in shape, and try to have some fun. — Chris Tucker

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Sharyn McCrumb

Romulan or Vulcan?' the ushers asked each guest.
Marion, who had been poised to say 'friends of the bride' had responded to the question with an open-mouthed stare, and Jay Omega answered, 'Klingon! which got them seats in the back row of the Romulan side. — Sharyn McCrumb

Star Trek Klingon Quotes By Alex Hirsch

Everyone has days where they don't get their way, where you have to go to bed early or you have too much homework to do or you can't eat the candy that you want or you miss your favorite TV show and, in those moments, you just want to tear the whole world down. — Alex Hirsch