Famous Quotes & Sayings

St Pierre Quotes & Sayings

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Top St Pierre Quotes

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Only way to eliminate the element of surprise is to know yourself and now your adversary. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

You can spend your life watching other people win or beat your name into history. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

When I train, I love to take time off and fly to the Natural History Museum or an exhibition. I just love that. When you know your past, it will help you with your future ... That's why most of my friends are not fighters. Most of my friends are nerds like me. That's why I have a hard time finding a girlfriend. I need someone to talk science with. I'm married to my work right now. But you never know. One day I could wake up and just do something different. Life is so unpredictable. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

If laws are unjust, they must be continually broken until they are altered. — Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is "Fall down 7 times, stand up 8". — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

[W]e need to talk over not only those things which are of vital importance to us as women, but also the things that are of especial interest to us as colored women. — Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Respect is the most important thing. Be respectful toward others and have respect for yourself. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Training to become champion is the toughest thing. The fight itself is just a test. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Thanks to his willingness to face me, my life takes shape, my path evolves. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Humanity's true purpose is not to become stronger physically, it's to become more intelligent-from armies, who increasingly fight with specialized units rather than regiments and tanks, to garage owners, who use a lot more than jacks to fix your engine. As intelligence prevails throughout humanity, maybe there'll be fewer wars and better cars. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

My goal is to share all my learning, all of my knowledge, so that other generations of martial arts will benefit. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I want to use every second of my life, every time that I have in my life, to make me a better fighter. That's why I'm a martial artist. For me, it's more than a job - it's a way of living — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I think it makes your stronger to admit that you're scared, because you're not scared to say that you're scared. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Power is different when you combined it with wisdom. Wisdom allows you to use less power to accomplish more tasks. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Pick a goal, make a realistic plan to reach that goal, work through each step of the plan, and repeat. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

You think I was born rich? I've worked really hard. You have no idea. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

With discipline, belief, and the right knowledge, we become the best we can be. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

Mademoiselle St. Pierre always presided at M. Emanuel's lessons, and I was told that the polish of her manner, her seeming attention, her tact and grace, impressed that gentleman very favourably. — Charlotte Bronte

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Innovation keeps me ahead of my competition. It means that my foes must adapt to me, not the other way around. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I will repeat a technique until it is mastered, no matter when that will be. One certainty though: it will be. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I'm always at my best when I'm fighting a guy who insults me..questions my integrity; it lights more fire in me. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Fights aren't won in the octagon, they're won in the months leading up to them, in a near-empty gym, in the lost hours of a day, whether I feel like it or not. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

There is no luck in life, everything happens for a reason. Every little thing that you do ... leads up to a bigger thing. And that's the story of my life. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

People think athleticism is just physical, but it's not. It's connected to the brain and how the brain can learn to execute and see a movement or not. Especially at high speed. Being athletic is not just jumping and running and being powerful. It's the nervous system that guides the body. The muscles don't decide anything. The brain decides and makes things happen. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Raven St. Pierre

She was one of those women who clearly hadn't accepted she wasn't nineteen anymore, — Raven St. Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I bow to my opponent in praise and thanks. After the fight is a time for humility, acceptance and analysis, no matter the result. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Nothing really frustrates
me to the point of hatred.
It's not the worth the energy. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

One of the lessons I learned in all those years practicing karate is that progress only comes in small incremental portions. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

A guy that has more knowledge has the advantage. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I've trained myself to fight an army, so one guy will not defeat me. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Abbe Pierre

The process of my transformation came to a head with my discovery of St. Francis of Assisi during a pilgrimage I went on with a scout troop from my school. — Abbe Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Allen St. Pierre

When you only have a million dollar annual budget and a Super Bowl ad costs $4 million, you have to do something very creative to get onto the Super Bowl. — Allen St. Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Think about climbing a mountain. If you decide you're going up Everest, you don't start with a sprint. You'll never make it out of base camp if you do that. The secret is two fold: make sure your approach is consistent and steady so that you can maintain the progress you're making as your journey continues. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

A cockroach can't defeat a dinosaur. But the cockroach is better at one thing, and it has ensured its survival through the ages: Adaptation. One could adapt to the environment and the other one couldn't. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Everyone is a threat, and anyone can be beat at any given moment. No one is invincible. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It's OK to get butterfly in your stomach; the key is to learn how to make them fly in formation. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

We are justified in believing that the success of this movement for equality of the sexes means more progress toward equality of the races. — Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I am very honored and excited to be part of UFC 100; it's going to be the hardest challenge of my career so far and it's going to be pretty tough - I can't wait. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

This extends to all things, but you only learn it by losing a few times. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I'm not impressed by your performance. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It's not about how you are when things go well, what defines you is how you are when you fail from an obstacle. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

There are two kinds of people who do martial arts: those who practice a thousand different kicks one time each, and those who practice one kick a thousand times minimum. You can guess which group I belong to. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

A system that works for one person won't be perfect for another ... Individuality is a major part of expanding knowledge. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I will never take the fact that I am Welterweight Champion for granted. I learnt my mistake in the past. No matter how great, no matter how people tell me how great I am, I'm always one mistake away from losing everything. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

My mentality is like a Samurai: They used to every day work on their technique to make themselves almost perfect. Because perfection is impossible, but every day, you get closer to perfection. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

The key to effective visualization is to create the most detailed, clear and vivid a picture to focus on as possible. The more vivid the visualization, the more likely, and quickly, you are to begin attracting the things that help you achieve what you want to get done. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Your body can dictate your mind, so when I walk to a fight a lot of times I'm scared, I'm scared to death, I have a lot of doubts of myself, I'm afraid to fail, I'm afraid to be humiliated in front of everybody; but what happens, I act like it's impossible for me to fail and that my victory is a certainty. So as I'm walking to the Octagon and I act with confidence my body takes over my mind and I become confident for real. As I'm walking I see the change in my mind and when I reach the Octagon I'm a different person, I'm very confident. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I'm always scared when I fight. But that fear is what keeps me more alert and more focused. It's good to have fear. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Always pursue your dreams and work hard at it. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Joellyn St. Pierre

Remember...you are safe...you are surrounded by love...and you are never alone. — Joellyn St. Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

The real test is this one: When you're alone in a room, when you're in a private place and nobody else can see you, what do you choose to do? Eat well, or eat poorly? Exercise, or watch television? Practice something, or do nothing? The best version of the truth appears to you and you alone, when nobody else can see. This is the test of discipline, and it's what makes the difference in your life. It's what regulates your own system and guides it. The individual alone comprehends it. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Innovation is very important to me, especially professionally. The alternative, standing pat, leads to complacency, rigidity and eventually failure. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Using your imagination to create mental images stimulates your mind, helps organize your life and keeps your focus in a particular direction. It allows your unconscious mind to work toward the image you have created, the goal. It's about understand the life you want to live, and seeing it unfold before you. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I like to think I'm like water that adapts to its surroundings and eventually finds a way in. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Alexander St. Pierre

Hey guys, watch this. — Alexander St. Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It's easy to talk, it's harder to fight. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Seeking knowledge is like opening doors. And I know the doors are everywhere. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Watching myself fight, I realize the line between success and failure is so narrow, it's scary. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Innovation is a discipline not a lottery ... It comes from the combination of two elements within my control: hard work and openmindedness. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I see the world as a knowledge hardware story, and every day I'm just walking through the aisles. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Gottfried Leibniz

I have seen something of the project of M. de St. Pierre, for maintaining a perpetual peace in Europe. I am reminded of a device in a cemetery, with the words: Pax perpetua ; for the dead do not fight any longer: but the living are of another humor; and the most powerful do not respect tribunals at all. — Gottfried Leibniz

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Train smart at all times and do your best to avoid injury. Training smart is more important than training hard. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It's not the most powerful animal that survives. It's the most efficient. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

The only way to ever truly get your confidence and swagger back, I've learned, is to fight for them. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Humility is the first rule of martial arts. Either you learn humility quickly, or you leave because your ego can't handle losing repeatedly. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you do good. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Joseph Monninger

I've taken a mail packet boat along the southern Newfoundland coast and spent some time on St. Pierre and Miquelon watching the seal colonies. I like pine trees. I like cold rivers. — Joseph Monninger

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

A true master gives all his knowledge. But only when the student is ready. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I am a public person and I have my private life. It's important for me that my private life stay private, that what I share with the people is my public personality. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Set your goal and keep moving forward. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

All over America there is to be found a large and growing class of earnest, intelligent, progressive colored women ... many of them warped and cramped for lack of opportunity, not only to do more but to be more. — Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

You always recognize great champions ... how they come back from a loss. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

The truth is that I didn't start as a winner. When I was a kid, I was just another reject. I started at the bottom. I think all winners do. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

One of the important lessons I learned from my parents is always to respect authority figures like teachers. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Christian Nestell Bovee

Every trait of beauty may be referred to some virtue, as to innocence, candor, generosity, modesty, or heroism. St. Pierre To cultivate the sense of the beautiful, is one of the most effectual ways of cultivating an appreciation of the divine goodness. — Christian Nestell Bovee

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It's not always the strong that survive. It takes brains, guts, tolerance and forward thinking. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Fear is the genesis of most of the good things that have occurred in my life. Fear is the beginning of every success I've lived. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

The purpose is to become the best writer in my category (yes, page for page and pound for pound). — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

My fear delivered one of the great lessons of my life: That someone without fear can't push himself. He can't get better. He can't transform negatives into positives. He can't open his world to creativity and invention, or even progress. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It all comes down to confidence: your body can do great things only if it believes it can accomplish them. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

If you prepare your subconscious for highly stressful situations, you can create harmony with your fears. You can tame fear like a wild animal and use it to your advantage. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

What happens when you accept and embrace your fear? Fear becomes your weapon. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Dinosaurs were huge and powerful; they could not adapt and they died out. And so the big difference between dinosaurs and cockroaches is adaptability: one is able to adjust, while the other, apparently, couldn't ... The same analogy applies to fighting, and probably any other sport. It's not always the strong that survive. It takes brains, guts, tolerance and forward thinking. We've seen this since the beginning of mixed martial arts. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Fear can be a natural ally, a homemade power source ... Staying in the present, fear can only help you. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Respect your opponent, just make them respect you more. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

When you pay attention to detail, the big picture will take care of itself. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

People often say, 'Ah, ultimate fighting is so violent,' but it's rooted in martial arts. Martial arts incarnate respect. You can't walk into a dojo and say to your sensei, 'Hey, salut tabarnac!' After every one of my fights I go and shake the hand of my opponent. I don't need to hate the other fighter to fight him well. It's a sport. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Ronda Rousey

I respect Georges St. Pierre as a businessman and an athlete. I don't have anything against him personally. But he's not the kind of fighter I like watching. — Ronda Rousey

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

There is a difference between a fighter and a martial artist. A fighter is training for a purpose: He has a fight. I'm a martial artist. I don't train for a fight. I train for myself. I'm training all the time. My goal is perfection. But I will never reach perfection. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

It's not always the best team that wins the game it's the team that plays better. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Standing still is never a good option. Not in the ring, and not in life ... When you stop moving, you're done. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I try to protect my loved ones, the people I share my life with, because they don't have a public life like me. I want to keep their lives private out of respect for them. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Once fear enters your life - it will take you in one of two directions: empowerment or panic. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Your body can dictate your mind ... As I'm walking to the Octagon and I act with confidence, my body take over my mind, and I become confident for real. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

For me, personally, when I'm afraid of something - when you're afraid of something, normally you try to go away, you try to avoid it. Instead of avoiding it, to overcome your fear, I believe you need to embrace it. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

I was a big fan of Jean-Claude Van-Damme growing up, and I always wanted to be a martial artist 'cause of him. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

There's no honour fighting in the street, there is nothing to gain. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Don't be afraid to spend money to make money. That's one thing I've never been afraid of ... to invest in myself. — Georges St-Pierre

St Pierre Quotes By Georges St-Pierre

Once I got over my anger and rage from childhood, once I stopped feeling like a victim, I was able to open myself to great sources of learning. — Georges St-Pierre