Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes

Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes By Milton Friedman

Congress can raise taxes because it can persuade a sizable fraction of the populace that somebody else will pay — Milton Friedman

Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes By Alexander Smith

In winter, when the dismal rain
Comes down in slanting lines,
And Wind, that grand old harper, smote
His thunder-harp of pines. — Alexander Smith

Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

You know, in addition to your mind-reading abilities, I may have absorbed some sluttiness from your blood, — Jeaniene Frost

Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes By Bobby Jindal

If we were to expand Medicaid, for every uninsured person we would cover, we'd kick more than one person out of private insurance or remove their opportunity to get private insurance. We're going to have too many people in the cart rather than pulling the cart. — Bobby Jindal

Sridhar Ramaswamy Quotes By Mark Manson

Everybody on this planet shares a handful of universal emotional realities: ambition, shame, alienation, loneliness, achievement, regret, hardship, friendship, love, heartbreak. We've all experienced it. The facts change, the feelings are the same. — Mark Manson