Famous Quotes & Sayings

Squawked Quotes & Sayings

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Top Squawked Quotes

Squawked Quotes By Mary Pipher

Coming out of the trance of denial is painful. But crises offer us opportunities to rethink our lives. The best thing about despair is that it wakes us up. We can see the world more clearly and open to new possibilities ... And we can find new joy in the ordinary. — Mary Pipher

Squawked Quotes By Erin McCarthy

Twenty-five?" Shawn squawked, horrified. "Good Lord, he's a fetus! — Erin McCarthy

Squawked Quotes By J.M. Stewart

She rolled her eyes to the ceiling, clearly telling him what she thought about his need to protect his pride.

He leaned down, his face inches from hers, and tapped a finger against her lips, somehow managing to ignore their softness and the overwhelming desire to taste them. "You're going to owe me for this one, I think. — J.M. Stewart

Squawked Quotes By Chesa Boudin

Somewhere along the dust-chocked Guatemalan road between ... and ... was where I confirmed that I preferred traveling around the slow, bone-rattling way: by bus,with ordinary people. The bus we were riding in had been repainted in bright reds. The inside was colorful too: the seats had springs popping out of the upholstery, and the floor was caked with dirt and garbage. Chickens, some tied in bunches and others wandering loose, squawked noisily. Bouncing along a road to a place I had never been, and would never go back to, suddenly felt exciting, liberating even — Chesa Boudin

Squawked Quotes By Andrzej Sapkowski

Coodcoodak, on his knees, was strangling Draig Bon-Dhu's bagpipes with his hands, while, with his head thrown back, he shouted over the monstrous sounds emerging from the bag, wailed and roared, cackled and croaked, bawled and squawked in a cacophony of sounds made by all known, unknown, domestic, wild and mythical animals. — Andrzej Sapkowski

Squawked Quotes By Laurie Lee

She was too honest, too natural for this frightened man; too remote from his tidy laws. She was, after all, a country girl; disordered, hysterical, loving. She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawked loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. — Laurie Lee

Squawked Quotes By Ralph Ellison

Nine owls have squawked out the rules and the hawks will talk, so soon they'll come marching out of the woodpile and the woodwork - sore-head, sore-foot, right up close, one-butt-shuffling into history but demanding praise and kind treatment for deeds undone, for lessons unlearned. But studying war once more ... — Ralph Ellison

Squawked Quotes By Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa

One of my comics is read by more people - around 70,000 - than will see my entire run at Manhattan Theater Club. That puts things in perspective. — Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa

Squawked Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

Colonial American and Australian schoolchildren once memorized poems about British skylarks while the blue jays or cockatoos (according to continent) squawked outside, utterly ignored. The dominant culture has a way of becoming more real than the stuff at hand. — Barbara Kingsolver

Squawked Quotes By Tigris Eden

This is not your fucking captain speaking". Dietrich's voice squawked over the intercom. "Don't fucking bother me. If you can't locate exits, well you're shit out of luck. Head's in the rear of the plane and I didn't pack shit for you motherfucker's to eat so deal with it. This flight will take approximately one hour. Don't make me crash the fucking plane. Cause I will if I deem it necessary"
Dietrich- Enslaved In Shadows — Tigris Eden

Squawked Quotes By Janet Fitch

Crows squawked raucously in the trees. It sounded like they were tearing something apart, something they didn't even want, just for the fun of destroying it. — Janet Fitch

Squawked Quotes By Rick Riordan

It wasn't the most rational move, but I was hungry. I was angry. I hated being taken advantage of, and I didn't particularly like bald eagles. The blade hit the bird's back and stuck there like superglue. I tried to pull it away, but it wouldn't move. My hands were grafted to the sword grip. "Okay, then," the eagle squawked, "we can play it that way." He took off through the food court at sixty miles an hour, dragging me along behind him. — Rick Riordan

Squawked Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Should I give the baby mouth to mouth?" George asked.
Simon froze. "No, don't do that. The baby is breathing. The baby's breathing, right?"
They all stood and stared at the little bundle. The baby waved his fist again. If the baby was moving, Simon thought, the baby must be breathing. He was not even going to think about zombie babies at this time.
"Should I get the baby a hot water bottle?" George said.
Simon took a deep breath. "George, don't lose your head," he said. "This baby is not blue because he is cold or because he cannot breathe. Mundane babies are not blue in this way. This baby is blue because he is a warlock, just like Catarina."
"Not just like Ms. Loss," Beatriz said in a high voice. "Ms. Loss is more of a sky blue, whereas this baby is more of a navy blue."
"You seem very knowledgeable," George decided. "You should hold the baby."
"No!" Beatriz squawked. — Cassandra Clare

Squawked Quotes By Tyler Hilton

I went from living with my parents, to being signed out of high school. I have never, not had a boss, or someone else responsible for me. It is really cool as an artist to have that freedom. — Tyler Hilton

Squawked Quotes By Arthur Helps

Few have wished for memory so much as they have longed for forgetfulness. — Arthur Helps

Squawked Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

I dreamed my shoulders held up the sky for a thousand hawks that squawked and cawed and beat their feathered wings against the hotness of the day. I supported their flight, watching and marveling, until sweat dripped from my body, and groans crossed my lips over fatiguing muscles.
Choosing to let the sky fall, I awoke.
My eyes opened to a cast of hawks gripping me in their talons. They supported my weight, hauling me high above the clouds through a blue expanse of heaven. And though they struggled - squawking and flapping wearily - never once did a single bird release its hold. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Squawked Quotes By Mitch Albom

It's not just other people we need to forgive. We also need to forgive ourselves. For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should have done. — Mitch Albom

Squawked Quotes By Adel Al-Jubeir

Daesh members wear shoes. Does this mean everybody who wears shoes is Daesh? — Adel Al-Jubeir

Squawked Quotes By Vinnie Jones

I always want to try new things, and 'Mean Machine' has given me that chance. I have got plans to carry on acting and would love to play all sorts of roles - you'll see that there's more strings to my bow! — Vinnie Jones

Squawked Quotes By Tom Robbins

A sudden squawked command caused everyone within earshot to act for a split second as if they were shaking invisible martinis — Tom Robbins

Squawked Quotes By T.J. Klune

I squawked attractively. Okay. That was a lie. There is no way to squawk attractively. It was rather unattractive. Arms flailing, legs kicking. It was just awful. — T.J. Klune

Squawked Quotes By H.P. Lovecraft

On the barren shore, and on the lofty ice barrier in the background, myriads of grotesque penguins squawked and flapped their fins; while many fat seals were visible on the water, swimming or sprawling across large cakes of slowly drifting ice. — H.P. Lovecraft

Squawked Quotes By Josh Peck

Sometimes, you run into trouble as an actor when you're not working with someone who is collaborative or doesn't bring themselves to the piece, and you sort of have to start worrying about yourself and protecting what works for you in the scene. I never had to do that in this movie because it was sort of this trapeze act. — Josh Peck

Squawked Quotes By Ryan Cabrera

There's no point for me to party. I have a girl that I love. I don't need that. — Ryan Cabrera

Squawked Quotes By Cynthia Voigt

When he sat in the rowboat again, the oars ready but not yet dipped into the water to take him away from the island, Jeff looked back. He didn't see the busy land crabs nor the overgrown interior; he saw the beach, knowing it was there just beyond sight, keeping the sight of it clear in his inner eye. He splashed the oars into the water. Behind him, a great blue squawked - Jeff turned his head quickly. The heron rose up from the marsh grass, croaking its displeasure at the disturbance, at Jeff, at all of the world. Its legs dragged briefly in the water before it rose free to swoop over Jeff's head with a whirring of powerful wings. It landed again on the far side of the ruined dock, to stand on stiltlike legs with its long beak pointed toward the water. Just leave me alone, the heron seemed to be saying. Jeff rowed away, down the quiet creek. The bird did not watch him go. — Cynthia Voigt

Squawked Quotes By Dorothea Jensen

Tizzy squawked, and he bounced like a ball on the floor.
"I completely forgot; Santa said something more.
He said that a book gives your very thoughts wings,
That carry you off to see wonderful things,
That lift you aloft, throughout time, throughout space
To every era and every place! — Dorothea Jensen

Squawked Quotes By David F. Wells

God's love is his holiness reaching out to sinners; grace is but the price that his love pays to his holiness; the cross is but its victory over sin and death; and faith is but the way in which we bring our worship to him who is holy. — David F. Wells

Squawked Quotes By K.M. Shea

Britt said, standing up. "You know, Merlin, I'm starting to think your magic might be all talk."

"What?" Merlin squawked.

"You can't break Morgause's enchantment, and you can't help me understand Gawain. It seems like there isn't much you can do," Britt said.

"You ungrateful pig-child. Of course I can do magic. Lots of magic! I brought you here didn't I?" Merlin said. — K.M. Shea

Squawked Quotes By Alessandra Torre

She brushed off her hands and grabbed her purse, setting off for the back porch with purpose. On the ground, Cocky squawked his indignation at being left. "Hush," Cole chided him. "You've already gotten more play than me. — Alessandra Torre

Squawked Quotes By Elizabeth Chandler

Then come on up. DO everyone a favor and shut me up," he said. "Put down your money, pick up that ball, and let it fly, looker."
"I'd rather not"
People laughed.
He flapped his arms and squawked like a chicken "Afraid you can't throw that far?"
"I know I can"
He lifted his hat in a small salute to my claim. Blond curls slipped out, then he plopped the hat back on and said, "I dare you. — Elizabeth Chandler

Squawked Quotes By A. Bartlett Giamatti

To go from Yale to the National League is simply to go from one form of management to another. — A. Bartlett Giamatti