Famous Quotes & Sayings

Spight Quotes & Sayings

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Top Spight Quotes

Spight Quotes By Kiersten White

I thought I'd learn a few new words, but the men were too shocked to even swear this time. — Kiersten White

Spight Quotes By Laura Lee Guhrke

If Flynn's as you say, the boy - Simon, you called him? - Simon should be all too happy to come away with us. I've no ill will toward him."
"You might remember Simon's the one who gave you a great clout on the head," she said.
David waved it away. "And why shouldn't he? He likely thought I was about to maul your unconscious person. — Laura Lee Guhrke

Spight Quotes By Nicole Williams

A guy whose name has become its own verb, and synonymous with trouble. — Nicole Williams

Spight Quotes By Katharine Graham

I always liked Barbara Howar and admired her spunk. I know that she considered me - and Alice Roosevelt Longworth - an exception to her negative feelings about Washington widows and single women, whom she basically found dispensable. — Katharine Graham

Spight Quotes By Aries Spears

I'm at a very frustrating point in my career because I'm not a millionaire. Like, people assume because you're in movies or TV, you're rich. I'm not rich, but I'm far from broke. I'm what you call a 'thousandaire.' — Aries Spears

Spight Quotes By Arturo Perez-Reverte

I imagine he's married. Or was ... He seems damaged in the way that only we women can damage men. — Arturo Perez-Reverte

Spight Quotes By Mary Stewart

The gods only go with you if you put yourself in their path. And that takes courage. — Mary Stewart

Spight Quotes By J.H. Wyman

It took me a long time to get to a position where I can feel that, with my art, I'm capable of saying what I need to say, and once I finish it, I can sit back and say, "It's done, and I'm okay with that. People can judge it good or bad, and it doesn't matter. I'm okay with it because I said something I needed to say." That's a really hard place to get, as an artist. — J.H. Wyman

Spight Quotes By Delano Johnson

There are times I look around and it seems the world is so ugly, and I just can't seem to see the earth's natural beauty anymore, but when my eyes look up to the ethereal sky, I am reminded of the major contrast between Gods brilliant creations and human beings man-made imitations, and there is no comparison. — Delano Johnson

Spight Quotes By Bill Nye

People get a lot out of being religious. They have strong senses of community and mutual support. So, what's not to love [there]? — Bill Nye

Spight Quotes By Jon Kabat-Zinn

Whether we are basically healthy at the moment or have a terminal illness, none of us knows how long we have to live. Life only unfolds in moments. The healing power of mindfulness lies in living each of those moments as fully as we can, accepting it as it is as we open to what comes next - in the next moment of now. — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Spight Quotes By Edmund Spenser

Thrice happy she that is so well assured Unto herself and settled so in heart That neither will for better be allured Ne fears to worse with any chance to start, But like a steddy ship doth strongly part The raging waves and keeps her course aright; Ne aught for tempest doth from it depart, Ne aught for fairer weather's false delight. Such self-assurance need not fear the spight Of grudging foes; ne favour seek of friends; But in the stay of her own stedfast might Neither to one herself nor other bends. Most happy she that most assured doth rest, But he most happy who such one loves best. — Edmund Spenser

Spight Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

Do not allow the profession of which you are a member to induce you to take a bleak view of humanity. You will encounter all sorts of bad behavior but do not judge everybody by the standards of the lowest. If you — Alexander McCall Smith

Spight Quotes By Katelin LaMontagne

Who the fuck calls their priest when their son is having a crisis?"
"I do, now shut up!" Ma answered. — Katelin LaMontagne