Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sorceress 2 Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sorceress 2 Quotes

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Clarice Lispector

But I also know of yet another life. I know and want it and devour it ferociously. It's a life of magical violence. It's mysterious and bewitching. In it snakes entwine while the stars tremble. Drops of water drip in the phosphorescent darkness of the cave. In that dark the flowers intertwine in a humid fairy garden. And I am the sorceress of that silent bacchanal. I feel defeated by my own corruptibility. And I see that I am intrinsically bad. It's only out of pure kindness that I am good. Defeated by myself. Who lead me along the paths of the salamander, the spirit who rules the fire and lives within it. And I give myself as an offering to the dead. I weave spells on the solstice, spectre of an exorcised dragon. — Clarice Lispector

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Rosemary Rogers

I find that by some unfortunate chance I continue to want you, you jade-eyed sorceress with your wanton gold body and your calculating little mind! — Rosemary Rogers

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Marina Warner

An interesting example is that the worst woman in the book, who is so cruel and violent, is the sorceress in "The Prince of the Black Islands." She's a beautiful young woman, and she has turned her husband into stone from the waist down. A traveling sultan finds him, in his dreadful state, and the man petrified from the waist down tells his sad story ... how his wife comes every afternoon and beats him until the blood runs down. She's just unwontedly, arbitrarily cruel. — Marina Warner

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Elsa Schiaparelli

A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness. — Elsa Schiaparelli

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Neil Gaiman

She's as old as the hills, evil as a snake, all malevolence and magic and death. — Neil Gaiman

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Diriye Osman

There was once a house built out of memories and inside this house lived a woman called The Memory Snatcher. This woman was my Aunt Beydan. She was a sorceress and as a child I feared she would stalk me in my sleep and steal all my memories until I could no longer remember who I was. — Diriye Osman

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Sarah Ban Breathnach

Often writers cast their words out prophetically, as a sorceress might cast a spell, and many times when the words return to you, enclosed between covers, your phantom is so fully fleshed out in its own persona, you don't recognize your own creation. — Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Art approaches as a saving sorceress, expert at healing. She alone knows how to turn these nauseous thoughts about the horror or absurdity of existence into notions with which one can live. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Padma Lakshmi

Whether I'm making a recipe or a piece of jewelry or a white-rose-and-jasmine tea or the perfume, I like to think of myself as a happy little sorceress, and if I could just have a little general store with all that stuff and give people a sense of my taste, that would be lovely. — Padma Lakshmi

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Sarah MacLean

You are a sorceress. In that moment, he was an innocent lad chasing after his first bit of skirt, desire and excitement and something far more base colliding deep within in a tumult of sensation. — Sarah MacLean

Sorceress 2 Quotes By John Flanagan

This Lady Pauline," he began, "she must be a fearful person. She sounds like a terrible sorceress." His face was deadpan, but Will sensed the underlying amusement and replied in kind. "She's very slim and beautiful. But she has amazing power. Some time ago, she persuaded Halt to have a haircut for their wedding." Malcolm, who had noticed Halt's decidedly slapdash hair styling, raised his eyebrows. "A sorceress indeed. — John Flanagan

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Ruth Ford Elward

The dragon took his other arm. But he is still a dragonslayer, no matter what. — Ruth Ford Elward

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Zeena Schreck

The core practice of magic is: The execution of a willed intent to create change in the material world, which either defies, hastens or purifies the consequences of natural cause and effect. — Zeena Schreck

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Gail Dayton

Pearl spent the passing days buried so deep in the musty, dusty sorcery tomes that sometimes when she emerged, she spoke in archaic english. "Hast thou a light?" she'd asked him this afternoon when her study room had grown dark with gathering clouds. — Gail Dayton

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Gail Dayton

She gathered herself up- rather like collecting her skirts before mountibg a carriage — Gail Dayton

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Betsy Schow

Verte was the kingdom's head sorceress, oracle, palace grump, and the only reason I hadn't died of sheer boredom.... One time, I blew up her caudron trying to make soup. In retaliation, she sent me a billy goat that ate my entire closet's contents. — Betsy Schow

Sorceress 2 Quotes By L. Frank Baum

You are welcome, most noble Sorceress, to the land of the Munchkins. We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East, and for setting our people free from bondage. — L. Frank Baum

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Ruth Ford Elward

Two days of wedded bliss and dead dragons. Any regrets yet?"

"Not a one. — Ruth Ford Elward

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Ruth Ford Elward

You and I. We're going back. People are dying because of this beast. It must be stopped. And we will take the dragon this time, and water the ground with its blood. — Ruth Ford Elward

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Kresley Cole

If a sorceress wanted a man who would stay faithful even when bespelled and accosted by nymphs, then she had to support that man even when he believed he could rehab his douchelord brother. — Kresley Cole

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Andrzej Sapkowski

Stop staring at me this instant! the sorceress shouted at Geralt. She writhed like a snake in her bonds in a vain attempt to conceal her naked charms. Geralt obediently diverted his eyes. Dandelion didn't. — Andrzej Sapkowski

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Gail Dayton

The warmth in his eyes flared to heat and he captured her hand in both of his, bending over it to hold his lips against the back a long moment. He did not exactly kiss it so much as breathe her in. She feared her hand smelled of bacon, but he didn't seem to care. — Gail Dayton

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Gayle Forman

Mia faces me now. The wind is whipping her hair this way and that so she looks like some kind of mystical sorceress, beautiful, powerful, and scary at the same time. She shakes her head and starts to turn away.
Oh, no! We've come this far over the bridge. She can blow the damn thing up if she wants to. But not without telling me everything. I grab her, turn her to face me. "Why not? Tell me. You owe me this!"
She looks at me, square in the eye. Taking aim. And then she pulls the trigger. "Because I hated you. — Gayle Forman

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Sarah MacLean

You are my siren," he said, running his hands along her thighs and down her calves, feeling the shape of her even as the silk of her gown kept them both from what they wanted. "My temptress ... my sorceress ... I cannot resist you, no matter how I try. You threaten to send me over the edge. — Sarah MacLean

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Jack Williamson

was still afraid - not of the dark-lipped girl who seemed to be waiting for his kiss, not even of the twentieth-century sorceress she pretended to be, but rather of that vague and strangely terrifying feeling she aroused, of awakening senses and powers and old half memories in himself. — Jack Williamson

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Betsy Schow

A ferocious growl drew my gaze to the back of the room, where a hairy beast wore a yellow ball gown. I tried to block out the memory of Beauty in that dress earlier this evening. — Betsy Schow

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Olivia Thirlby

Sometimes in my life I feel like a bit of a sorceress who can't totally control all their power. I'm a Libra, so ... Libra women are pretty magical. — Olivia Thirlby

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Kresley Cole

So, you've got an evil sorceress chained up in your bed, then? — Kresley Cole

Sorceress 2 Quotes By Michael Scott

Master the rules of the game until you can play it better they can. — Michael Scott

Sorceress 2 Quotes By L. Frank Baum

I never deal in transformations, for they are not honest, and no respectable sorceress likes to make things appear to be what they are not. — L. Frank Baum