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Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Amos Oz

Once you have lifted your foot, do not be in a hurry to put it down again: who can tell what menacing nest of vipers you might step on. — Amos Oz

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Jada Pinkett Smith

When I was growing up, my mother only put her foot down once: She said, 'You are going to college.' And that was a lifesaving moment. But she never talked to me about my clothes or hair. So I learned how to parent my kids through her. — Jada Pinkett Smith

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Iris Murdoch

Every persisting marriage is based on fear', said Peregrine. 'Fear is fundamental, you dig down in human nature and what's at the bottom? Mean spiteful cruel self-regarding fear, whether it makes you to put the foot in it or whether it makes you to cower ... — Iris Murdoch

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Cyrus S. Poonawalla

As a teenager, I developed a great interest in not only horse breeding but also horse racing and used to bet based on red-hot tips. I realized that becoming a bookmaker would be very lucrative, but Dad put his foot down, saying it was an inappropriate career. — Cyrus S. Poonawalla

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sheez, Dancer," she breathed, "you do not pick your enemies wisely, do you?" "What can I say? Sometimes you have to put your foot down. Sometimes you have to put it up their asses." She — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Gail Carriger

I believe the defining moment was when certain persons, who shall remain nameless, objected to my fuchsia silk striped waistcoat. I loved that waistcoat. I put my foot down, right then and there; I do not mind telling you!" To punctuate his deeply offended feelings, he stamped one silver-and-pearl-decorated high heel firmly. "No one tells me what I can and cannot wear!" He snapped up a lace fan from where it lay on a hall table and fanned himself vigorously with it for emphasis. — Gail Carriger

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Tana French

These three children own the summer. They know the wood as surely as they know the microlandscapes of their own grazed knees;put them down blindfolded in any dell or clearing and they could find their way out without putting a foot wrong. — Tana French

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Charlize Theron

We just need to put our foot down. This is a good time for us to bring this to a place of fairness, and girls need to know that being a feminist is a good thing. It doesn't mean that you hate men. It means equal rights. If you're doing the same job, you should be compensated and treated in the same way. — Charlize Theron

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Jerome K. Jerome

My dear Princess, if you could creep unseen about your City, peeping at will through the curtain-shielded windows, you would come to think that all the world was little else than a big nursery full of crying children with none to comfort them. The doll is broken: no longer it sweetly sqeaks in answer to our pressure, "I love you, kiss me." The drum lies silent with the drumstick inside, no longer do we make a brave noise in the nursery. The box of tea-things we have clumsily put out foot upon; there will be no more merry parties around the three-legged stool. The tin trumpet will not play the note we want to sound; the wooden bricks keep falling down; the toy has exploded and burnt our fingers. Never mind, little man, little woman, we will try and mend things to-morrow — Jerome K. Jerome

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Ted Turner

I'm a human being, just like everybody else. I'm up some days and down others. Some days, I just refuse comment. If I'm feeling a little down, I won't say anything. But if I'm really up, I'll let it all hang out. I do have a slight propensity to put my foot in my mouth. — Ted Turner

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Charles Dickens

The plain rule is, to do nothing in the dark, to be party to nothing under-handed or mysterious, and never to put his foot down where he cannot see ground. — Charles Dickens

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Damien Echols

August 1
The harvest season has finally arrived. Today marks its opening. Our next stop on the wheel of the year will be the autumn equinox. I've always seen the opening of the harvest as a kind of stairway we walk down to reach the dark and magickal part of the year where all the good things await. The cool, comforting energy that feels more like home than any place can. Today is the landing at the top of the stairs. All we have to do is put one foot before the other, and before you know it, we'll be watching The Great Pumpkin again. — Damien Echols

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Stephen Richards

I had a burning desire in me to win and started to get him on the back foot. I was looking for that one special shot when I put him down with the famous Horsley Muckspreader right hand ... an unstoppable force. Incredibly, he got up and took the count and the ref waved us to continue. — Stephen Richards

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Marcus Aurelius

Hippocrates cured many illnesses - and then fell ill and
died. The Chaldaeans predicted the deaths of many others; in
due course their own hour arrived. Alexander, Pompey,
Caesar - who utterly destroyed so many cities, cut down so
many thousand foot and horse in battle - they too departedthis life. Heraclitus often told us the world would end in fire.
But it was moisture that carried him off; he died smeared
with cowshit. Democritus was killed by ordinary vermin,
Socrates by the human kind.
You boarded, you set sail, you've made the passage. Time
to disembark. If it's for another life, well, there's nowhere
without gods on that side either. If to nothingness, then you no
longer have to put up with pain and pleasure, or go on
dancing attendance on this battered crate, your body - so
much inferior to that which serves it.
One is mind and spirit, the other earth and garbage. — Marcus Aurelius

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Ilona Andrews

No, you're not going with him."
I crossed my arms. "Who decided that?"
He put on his "I'm alpha and I'm putting my foot down" expression. "I decided. — Ilona Andrews

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Bronwyn Angela White

Some ex-lovers you see from time to time, and it's great to run into them; and some you'd like to run into, but they seem to avoid the stretch of road you're on when you put your foot down... — Bronwyn Angela White

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Maya Angelou

Black people comprehend the South. We understand its weight. It has rested on our backs ... I knew that my heart would break if ever I put my foot down on that soil, moist, still, with old hurts. I had to face the fear/loathing at its source or it would consume me whole. — Maya Angelou

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Put your foot down, Fred! yelled Ron, and the car shot suddenly toward the moon. — J.K. Rowling

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Charles Dickens

It was then that I began to understand that everything in the room had stopped, like the watch and the clock, a long time ago. I noticed that Miss Havisham put down the jewel exactly on the spot from which she had taken it up. As Estella dealt the cards, I glanced at the dressing-table again, and saw that the shoe upon it, once white, now yellow, had never been worn. I glanced down at the foot from which the shoe was absent, and saw that the silk stocking on it, once white, now yellow, had been trodden ragged. Without this arrest if everything, this standing still of all the pale decayed objects, not even the withered bridal dress on the collapsed form could not have looked so like grave-clothes, or the long veil so like a shroud. — Charles Dickens

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Rebecca Ferguson

I think this industry can be tough on everyone. You have to surround yourself with supportive people and know when to put your foot down and do what's best for you and your family. The first few years in the music industry can be a steep learning curve, and I've definitely developed a thicker skin! — Rebecca Ferguson

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Crowder

I often say songwriting is like trying to climb down a ladder at night. You put your foot on the next rung and test it out and make sure it holds and then you reach for the next one. — Crowder

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By R.J. Palacio

Then Mom got very upset and tried to get out of bed to see where they were going, but the farting nurse put her very big arms on Mom to keep her down in the bed. They were practically fighting, because Mom was hysterical and the farting nurse was yelling at her to stay calm, and then they both started screaming for the doctor. But guess what? He had fainted! Right on the floor! So when the farting nurse saw that he had fainted, she started pushing him with her foot to get him to wake up, yelling at — R.J. Palacio

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Become very clear about your intentions and desires, know that you deserve them, and then firmly put your foot down to the universe commanding these changes (while simultaneously surrendering control over how this will occur). All the doors will open for you as a result! — Doreen Virtue

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Debra Holland

Howie rose and smiled down at her. "I just eat what's put before me without being picky. I know everything you make will make my tastebuds bless the day you set foot in Morgan's Crossing" he drawled, waiting to see the adorable look of confusion that crossed her face when he flirted.
Bertha lowered her gaze and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
"Only your tastebuds? — Debra Holland

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Susan Neiman

Negotiating small differences is part of being a grownup; no one can tell you in advance where to put your foot down. — Susan Neiman

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Chris Pine

I enjoy dating. I love first dates. I think they're incredibly fascinating studies in human psychology. When you sit down across from someone on a first date and things are going alright, you talk objectives. We want to win each other over, so how do you win someone over? You have to put the best foot forward. — Chris Pine

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Michael Carroll

Stay down if you know what's good for you." Colin said. He put his foot on the man's neck and applied a little weight.
The man coughed into the dirt. "Who...who are you?"
Who am I?" Colin replied. He had been waiting for this moment. "I'm the the one bogeyman is afraid of. I'm the new face of justice. I'm your worst nightmare."
He crouched down, leaning closer to the man. "You'd better warn the rest of your low-life friends that there's a new hero in town. You and your kind wont be tolerated any longer."
Colin stood up and folded his arms. He wished there was a breeze that would make his cape fly a little. "Who am I? I am Titan."
And that was when one of the other muggers hit Colin across the back of his head with a plank of wood. — Michael Carroll

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Linda Perhacs

My two young producers, Fernando Perdomo and Chris Price, had to explain to me that there's a division right now between the two sides. They took three living, breathing percussionists to do the beats on the song "Intensity". We've got all kinds of layers, because I kept saying we didn't get all the beats. If you hear a synth, it's because I put my foot down. But I had to fight for it because they wanted it all totally organic. — Linda Perhacs

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Marie Simas

Human life is a passage - it's simply a crossing to somewhere else. Most people stay on the highway, but some choose to go off-road.

Don't ever be afraid to drive off the road and into the grass. You never know what you might find there. And don't regret your choices. We all make mistakes, and sometimes they'll be huge ones. But don't despair. In the long run you'll travel so far down the road that you won't be able to see those mistakes behind you. Just put one foot in front of the other, and you'll do just fine. — Marie Simas

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Cambria Hebert

I jumped up from the bed and paced the small space in front of Romeo. He was absolutely nuts.
"Why the hell would you do that?" I asked.
Then I stubbed my toe on the edge of my desk.
"Ow!" I hissed and doubled over while bouncing around on one foot.
"You're like a one-woman show," Romeo remarked from behind me. His voice was clearly amused.
"I need my glasses," I muttered, hopping around and reaching for them somewhere near my bed. I knocked something over and it fell to the floor.
"Whoa there, graceful," Romeo said and scooped me up in his arms.
I let out a little squeak in surprise. "Put me down."
"No," he said mildly. "You are a danger to yourself."
I made a hmph sound and he snickered.
- Rimmel & Romeo — Cambria Hebert

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Ilona Andrews

I raised my foot and deliberately stomped on the bridge. This is my foot. I put it down. Deal with it. — Ilona Andrews

Sometimes You Have To Put Your Foot Down Quotes By Jennifer Saunders

I'm a really good driver. I've been driving since I was very small, and I do like driving fast. I remember the first time my dad taught me that when you go into a corner you change down then put your foot right down on the way out. I'm very competitive about driving. — Jennifer Saunders