Famous Quotes & Sayings

Socrates Democracy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Socrates Democracy Quotes

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Terence McKenna

I guess I should say a little bit about my method - I really am a fence sitter. I *loathe* Science and am always keen to attack it in most situations, though not here, because I love Reason and I'm perfectly aware of the difference. I also know what a concept means like Rules of Evidence. I'm not sure that's a concept as widely circulated in these circles as it needs to be - in other words, how *do* you tell shit from shinola? That's very critical. I think reason can only take us a certain distance, and then we have to go with the divine imagination, but with all safety systems fully in operation, or the divine imagination will lead us into complete paranoia. — Terence McKenna

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Bernard Le Bovier De Fontenelle

They will have the World to be in Large, what a Watch is in Small; which is very regular, and depends only upon the just disposing of the several Parts of the Movement. — Bernard Le Bovier De Fontenelle

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Philip Kerr

Socrates learned to his cost, the true nature of democracy is to encourage corruption and excess in all its forms. But the — Philip Kerr

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Louis De Montfort

All true children of God have God for their father and Mary for his mother; anyone who does not have Mary for his mother, does not have God for his father. — Louis De Montfort

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Noam Chomsky

In Plato's Republic, Socrates expresses great fear about democracy because it is, in his mind, synonymous with freedom. The result is tyranny. But modern times have brought us a different understanding of democracy as an ideal. It is how to give the appearance of democracy yet deny it in practice, ensuring that democracy in its false form gives consent by the people to a small group, the oligarchs. This is accomplished through a combination of the people's silence and a rigged system that changes a working democracy of public participation and deliberation to a charade. — Noam Chomsky

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Mary Renault

What is democracy? It is what it says, the rule of the people. It is as good as the people are, or as bad. — Mary Renault

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Nicole Y. Walters

Since the beginning, the Fates determined which souls would be born, what kinds of lives they would live, and for how many days. They did this out of duty, out of destiny, and without emotion. — Nicole Y. Walters

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Leonard Ravenhill

The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity. — Leonard Ravenhill

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Kamel Daoud

You drink a language, you speak a language, and one day it owns you; — Kamel Daoud

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Joshua Foer

I Came away from the U.S. Memory Championship eager to find out how Ed and Lukas did it. Were these just extraordinary individuals, pridigies from the long tail of humanity's bell curve, or was there something we could all learn from their talents? — Joshua Foer

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Modern storytellers are the descendants of an immense and ancient community of holy people, troubadours, bards, griots, cantadoras, cantors, traveling poets, bums, hags and crazy people. — Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Socrates Democracy Quotes By George W. Bush

I know that the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully. — George W. Bush

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Mary Renault

Men are not born equal in themselves, so I think it beneath a man to postulate that they are. If I thought myself as good as Sokrates I should be a fool; and if, not really believing it, I asked you to make me happy by assuring me of it, you would rightly despise me. So why should I insult my fellow-citizens by treating them as fools and cowards? A man who thinks himself as good as everyone else will be at no pains to grow better. On the other hand, I might think myself as good as Sokrates, and even persuade other fools to agree with me; but under a democracy, Sokrates is there in the Agora to prove me wrong. I want a city where I can find my equals and respect my betters, whoever they are; and where no one can tell me to swallow a lie because it is expedient, or some other man's will. — Mary Renault

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Rosamond Lehmann

Convention is another name for the habits of society. — Rosamond Lehmann

Socrates Democracy Quotes By Quentin Tarantino

I've always wanted to work with Warren Beatty. — Quentin Tarantino