Smurf Quotes & Sayings
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Top Smurf Quotes

The whole life of an American is passed like a game of chance, a revolutionary crisis, or a battle. — Alexis De Tocqueville

There is very little uglier than plowed snow. The roads are clear, though, and all the sidewalks are tinted blue from the salt. It feels like walking over the remnants of a Smurf slaughter. — Dot Hutchison

Doll may have been the loneliest woman in the world, and she was the loneliest child, and there they were, the two of them together, keeping each other warm in the rain. — Marilynne Robinson

Screenwriting is a much more collaborative effort. When you write a novel, it's just you, with input from your editor. — Meg Cabot

THEO: Who do you picture when you think of me?
MORGAN: Papa Smurf.
THEO: Do you have a camera in here somewhere?
MORGAN: Yes, Theo. I watch you jerk off to smurf porn every night. — Con Riley

I don't know who Azazel is," he said. "Isn't he the cat from The Smurfs?" He cast about , but Isabelle just looked up and rolled her eyes at him.
"Clary?" he thought
Her voice came through, tinged with alarm. "What is it? What happened? Did my mom find out I'm gone?"
"Not yet," he thought back. "Is Azazel the cat from The Smurfs?" There was a long pause. "That's Azrael, Simon. And no more using the magic rings for Smurf questions. — Cassandra Clare

Mysteries and thrillers are not the same things, though they are literary siblings. Roughly put, I would say the distinction is that mysteries emphasize motive and psychology whereas thrillers rely more heavily on action and plot. — Jon Meacham

Suck on that, Smurf." She wiggles her fingers at Haeden. "Now gimme a knife. — Ruby Dixon

But he was not like Walter, who might take his pleasure where he chose it. His pleasure had turned, at the last, to a kind of grief; and his love was a love so fierce and so secret it must be satisfied, with a stranger, in a reeking court like this. I knew about that kind of love. I knew how it was to bare your palpitating heart, and be fearful as you did so that the beats should come too loudly, and betray you. — Sarah Waters

And the answer, said the judge. If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night. His spirit is exhausted at the peak of its achievement. His meridian is at once his darkening and the evening of his day. He loves games? Let him play for stakes. This you see here, these ruins wondered at by tribes of savages, do you not think that this will be again? Aye. And again. With other people, with other sons. — Cormac McCarthy

I see the glow before I see her. The orange light is so strong it's hard to believe the house isn't on fire, but when feet appear at the top of the staircase, I can finally see that the light isn't coming from the house. It's coming from her.
My heart beats so fast I can't tell the pulses apart - it's one harsh thrum inside my head. If I'm a Smurf, this girl is an Oompa Loompa. No. Not even. It looks like she walked out of a horror movie. She really is on fire, burning from the inside out.
I'm staring, but I can't help it. Everyone would be staring if they could see what I see. — Erica Cameron

Wow," Christian exclaimed. "Your hair first thing in the morning is a sight to behold. It's like a Smurf blew up on the top of your head. — Alexa Land

I enjoy horse riding, spending time with my dog 'Smurf,' and basically having a really good laugh partying and having fun! — Katie Price

Anywhere. But he's out of his fucking mind if he thinks he's getting my Smurf. — J.A. Huss

(He went to Tory and with one more push, his son slid into his hands. For a full minute, he couldn't breathe as he stared at the tiniest, most perfect creature he'd ever seen in his life.) "Is it a smurf?" - Tory — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Echo continued to tap her finger to her chin and created more dots on her face while she stared at the canvas. The intensity of her stare shocked me.
The art teacher stacked the bowls and walked toward the door. "She's in the zone. Good luck getting her attention. Do me a favor. If she ends up painting her whole face, grab my camera from my desk and take a picture. I'll add it to my collection." She gazed at Echo and smiled. "I'll title that one Smurf. Nice tats, by the way." — Katie McGarry

You know you're having a crappy morning when the best that can be said for it is that at least you're not a Smurf. — FayJay

The Smurfs 2 is a great movie. The Smurfs are tiny little creatures that everybody loves. They're like Justin Bieber - minus the part about everybody loving him. — Craig Ferguson

He reaches down and tugs his pant leg up. The gold cuff wrapped around his ankle is decorated with Smurf stickers. One of the other collectors did this after I crashed last night. Can you believe that mess? I can't get the damn things off. — Victoria Scott

Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where I practice my religion. — Anatoli Boukreev

Life is becoming no more than staring at the screen. — Tom Hodgkinson

Fuck a Smurf and call him Gimpy, is that who I think it is? — Jim Butcher

We'll start over. But you can't start. Only a baby can start — John Steinbeck

My foes have missed their mark in this shooting at me: I am not the man: I wish that they themselves be guiltless. If all the fornicators and adulterers in England were hanged up by the neck till they be dead, John Bunyan, the object of their envy, would be still alive and well. — John Bunyan

If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? — Jeff Dunham

No single person who has ever lived will be able to tell you what happens. Period. Nobody's right and nobody's wrong. — Laurie Anderson

The Smurf village was destroyed weeks ago and Bush has still not made an appearance. George Bush doesn't care about tiny blue people. — Christian Finnegan

Holy shit. I'm a Smurf. — Erica Cameron

Ethan chuckled and pulled his child close. "However, it might be nice if you gave your Uncle Satan blue skin tomorrow. He would love that."
The gasps in the room were hilarious. My Vampyre was evil to the core ... I bit my lip to keep from screaming or laughing. Satan would look awesome as a Smurf. I needed to make sure my phone was charged so I could get some good blackmail shots. — Robyn Peterman

Dead bodies do get a grayish blue/purple hue because blood pools in the capillaries and the body starts to decompose. It's not smurf blue, but it's not a pleasant shade. — Ann Hood

For what it's worth, I've been a hip-hopper from birth.
Try to disrespect, and get your ass played up like a Smurf. — Extra P

The chalk dust was everywhere. On her pants. All over her shirt. She looked like she'd fallen into a vat of 1980s eye shadow. It had mixed with her hand sweat and formed a kind of Smurf epoxy. — Chelsea Cain

My dad does tons of voiceovers; he was Duke in 'G.I. Joe' and 'Transformers' and Handy, Lazy, and Grouchy Smurf, so I grew up with the best bed time stories ever. — Ashley Bell

A monster. I despise my true form. (Acheron)
I can't imagine why. Other than killing me, you were actually cute in a very Papa Smurf kind of way. (Tory)
Papa Smurf? I don't look like Papa Smurf. (Acheron)
No, baby, you don't at all. You look like sex on a stick. Now is your ego all better? (Tory) — Sherrilyn Kenyon