Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sleepy Dog Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sleepy Dog Quotes

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Mary Oliver

I have a bed, my very own.
It's just my size.
And sometimes I like to sleep alone
with dreams inside my eyes.
But sometimes dreams are dark and wild and creepy
and I wake and am afraid, though I don't know why.
But I'm no longer sleepy
and too slowly the hours go by.
So I climb on the bed where the light of the moon
is shining on your face
and I know it will be morning soon.
Everybody needs a safe place. — Mary Oliver

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Michael Jackson

To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music? — Michael Jackson

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Liev Schreiber

I actually loved Winnipeg. Everyone told me I was going to hate it, but it was great. — Liev Schreiber

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Sandy Fussell

Kyoko sniffs, unable to speak. Sometimes saying nothing means most of all. — Sandy Fussell

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Peter Hessler

Virtually every Chinese citizen whom I came to know well was doing something technically illegal, although usually the infraction was so minor that they didn't have to worry. It might be a sketchy apartment registration or a small business that bought its products from unlicensed wholesalers. Sometimes, it was comic: late at night, there were always people out walking their dogs in Beijing, because the official dog registration was ridiculously expensive. The dogs were usually ratlike Pekingese, led by sleepy owners who snapped to alertness if they saw a cop. They were guerillas walking toy dogs. — Peter Hessler

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Adolf Hitler

We will not capitulate - no, never! We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames. — Adolf Hitler

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Anonymous

He who cannot be faithful to one will be faithful to none. — Anonymous

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Lewis Nordan

She said, "Daddy thinks that all the world's magic is almost evolved out."
I thought of Roebuck Lake, its swamps and sloughs and loblollies and breaks of cypress and cane, its sunken treetops and stobs and bream beds and sleepy gar rolling over and over and over, its baptizing pools and bridges and mussels and mosquitoes and turkey vultures and, now in the drought, the gray flaking mud-flats and logs crowded with turtles and sometimes a fat snake yawning its tame old cottony mouth like a well-fed dog in a pen.
I said, "Is that what the freak show is?"
She said, "Dirty miracles. — Lewis Nordan

Sleepy Dog Quotes By Josh Stern

The only threesome I've ever experienced is with Pantene 2 in 1 — Josh Stern