Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sis Shivani Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sis Shivani Quotes

Sis Shivani Quotes By Cathy Rigby

It's that athlete's obsessiveness - the need to prove yourself and work harder than anybody else. I think it's what helped me do well in the theater. — Cathy Rigby

Sis Shivani Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

What I mean by "An Unspoken Hunger." It's a hunger that cannot be quelled by material things. It's a hunger that cannot be quelled by the constant denial. — Terry Tempest Williams

Sis Shivani Quotes By Melissa Senate

[T]he whole point is the wishing and remembering
not if what you want happens, not if remembering hurts. Because when you wish for something, you're askin. And when you ask, you're trying. And all anyone can do really is try, right? — Melissa Senate

Sis Shivani Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

No way to get away. No way to get away. Little change to sneak away ... insanity. — Ellen Hopkins

Sis Shivani Quotes By Muhammad Ali

No one starts out on top. You have to work your way up. Some mountains are higher than others, some roads steeper than the next. There are hardships and setbacks, but you can't let them stop you. Even on the steepest road, you must not turn back. You must keep going up. In order to reach the top of the mountain, you have to climb every rock. — Muhammad Ali

Sis Shivani Quotes By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life. To find a balance in them is a skill in itself. Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have. Finding them in each other - activity in rest and rest in activity - is the ultimate freedom. — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sis Shivani Quotes By Douglas Sirk

At the time I belonged to the socialist party, and Hitler came to power. — Douglas Sirk

Sis Shivani Quotes By Catharine Beecher

When institutions are endowed to train women for all departments connected with the family state, domestic labor, now so shunned and disgraced, will become honorable, will gain liberal compensation, and will enable every woman to secure an independence in employments suited to her sex. And when this is attained, there will be few or none who wish to enter the professions of men or take charge of civil government. — Catharine Beecher

Sis Shivani Quotes By Derek Jeter

I want to play every day. This year will be absolutely no different. — Derek Jeter

Sis Shivani Quotes By Honeysuckle Weeks

If you live in the countryside, you understand that hunting isn't just for toffs. It's for the farmers. It's for everyone's enjoyment. — Honeysuckle Weeks

Sis Shivani Quotes By Vincent Massey

Technology has been defined, perhaps a little ungenerously, as "a long Greek name for a bag of tools". — Vincent Massey

Sis Shivani Quotes By Alane Adams

Writing is like breathing underwater. It's really hard to do unless you can imagine yourself a nice set of gills. — Alane Adams