Famous Quotes & Sayings

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes & Sayings

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Top Shokoohi Farhad Quotes

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Harrison Ford

I have relationships with people I'm working with, based on our combined interest. It doesn't make the relationship any less sincere, but it does give it a focus that may not last beyond the experience. — Harrison Ford

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Anthony Mackie

Money always changes the game, when you let a dollar come between you and your friends, your cohorts. — Anthony Mackie

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Pentti Saarikoski

first seek ye the kingdom of pure practical intelligence

shreds of posters and headlines
shards of gramophone records feathers

lights shining arcs
the well-lit borders

when the rush-hour comes
and the hour of the pile-up
and the sounds of breaking steel-plate and people
are heard in the dark

when the journey is broken, no one is on the right road — Pentti Saarikoski

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By William Morris Hunt

The mission of art is to represent nature not to imitate her. — William Morris Hunt

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Benjamin Hale

We, and I mean humans, are meaning makers. We do not discover the meanings of mysterious things, we invent them. We make meanings because meaninglessness terrifies us above all things. More than snakes, even. More than falling, or the dark. We trick ourselves into seeing meanings in things, when in fact all we are doing is grafting our meanings onto the universe to comfort ourselves. We gild the chaos of the universe with our symbols. To admit that something is meaningless is just like falling backward into darkness. (p184) — Benjamin Hale

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Mort Sahl

If you maintain a consistent political position long enough, you'll eventually be accused of treason. — Mort Sahl

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Lois Lowry

The mind can't explain it, and you can't make it go away. It's called love. — Lois Lowry

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Jeff VanderMeer

So long as you don't tell people you don't know something, they'll probably think you know it. — Jeff VanderMeer

Shokoohi Farhad Quotes By Eugene Ionesco

To tear ourselves away from the everyday, from habit, from mental laziness which hides from us the strangeness of reality, we must receive something like a real bludgeon blow. — Eugene Ionesco