Famous Quotes & Sayings

Shiny Stars Quotes & Sayings

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Top Shiny Stars Quotes

Shiny Stars Quotes By James Gormley

Never stop dreaming of moonbeams and fairy dust, shiny stars and the wonder of the heavens, a happier life and a better world. — James Gormley

Shiny Stars Quotes By Joan Rivers

I've always hate child stars, starting from way back when, when I was a child. The first child star I saw was Shirley Temple. She was six years old, two foot six and the biggest star in Hollywood. She wore ribbons in her hair, and frilly little pinafores and shiny patent-leather tap shoes - just like the boys in Glee do. — Joan Rivers

Shiny Stars Quotes By Daniel Handler

Weekends and weekdays, when you knew I was looking and when you didn't even guess I was alive. Even with shiny stars bothering your head it was beautiful. — Daniel Handler

Shiny Stars Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

You are as beautiful as sky, as soft as moon, as shiny as stars and as angry as Sun. — M.F. Moonzajer

Shiny Stars Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

The bright stars of the skies are far to touch; but there are other shiny stars that you can touch easily: The books of the libraries! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Shiny Stars Quotes By Andrew Stephen Damick

Orthodoxy is marked by sobriety, not by emotional enthusiasm. It is also marked by a quite "ordinary" persistence in living the humble, consistent life of Christ, not by seeking out extraordinary experiences, especially supernatural ones. — Andrew Stephen Damick

Shiny Stars Quotes By Kurt Cobain

A miserable, self-destructive, death rocker ... better to burn out than to fade away. — Kurt Cobain

Shiny Stars Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Mrs. Earwig (pronounced Ar-wige, at least by Mrs. Earwig) believed in shiny wands, and magical amulets and mystic runes and the power of the stars, while Granny Weatherwax in cups of tea, dry biscuits, washing every morning in cold water and, well ... mostly she believed in Granny Weatherwax. — Terry Pratchett

Shiny Stars Quotes By Gary L. Thomas

Lying about what you want out of marriage going in because you're afraid you'll lose the relationship if you are honest is one of the worst kinds of fraud you could ever commit. — Gary L. Thomas

Shiny Stars Quotes By Milena Michiko Flasar

Am I still writing? Unthinkable not to. In the very darkest night the words were like shiny pebbles. They caught the light of the moon and stars and reflected it back. One word among them that shone especially brightly. Simplicity. I would approach it, stepping softly, regard it from all sides, finally pick it up, enchanted by it, recognize that its enchantment lay in its shine, its pure meaning. Simplicity. To simply be there. Simply keep going. The longer I kept going, the easier it was to see how beautiful, simply beautiful, it is to be here.

I would like to write about how this word shines. I'd like to write about the simplest things. — Milena Michiko Flasar

Shiny Stars Quotes By Marissa Meyer

Cinder felt her heart tug in sympathy - she could relate to being a slave for her "guardian," but she couldn't recall ever being afraid that Adri might actually kill her. Well, other than that time she sold her off for plague research. — Marissa Meyer

Shiny Stars Quotes By Josh Billings

Metaphysics is the science of proving what we don't understand. — Josh Billings

Shiny Stars Quotes By R.J. Palacio

[ ... ] You'd look up and see a billion stars in the sky. [ ... ] Like someone sprinkled salt on a shiny black table. — R.J. Palacio

Shiny Stars Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

Those shiny eyes like the stars in the sky; but black and brown,
And those beautiful lips like the flowers but sugary
And those kind smells, lovable but with no purpose
All meant to be for me?
Someone must have been praying and wishing me the whole world — M.F. Moonzajer

Shiny Stars Quotes By Brad Meltzer

It's the worst part of seeing old friends: when your rose-colored memories become undone by reality. — Brad Meltzer

Shiny Stars Quotes By Margaret Atwood

She can outstare anyone, and I am almost as good. We're impervious, we scintillate, we are thirteen. We wear long wool coats with tie belts, the collars turned up to look like those of movie stars, and rubber boots with the tops folded down and men's work socks inside. In our pockets are stuffed the kerchiefs our mothers make us wear but that we take off as soon as we're out of their sight. We scorn head coverings. Our mouths are tough, crayon-red, shiny as nails. We think we are friends. — Margaret Atwood

Shiny Stars Quotes By E. Nesbit

So you see it was all right in the end. But if one does that sort of thing, one has to be careful to do it in the right way. For, as Mr. Perks said, when he had time to think it over, it's not so much what you do, as what you mean. — E. Nesbit

Shiny Stars Quotes By John Green

Not to ask the obvious question, but why Alaska? — John Green

Shiny Stars Quotes By Marcus Garvey

We welcome the opposition of the world, because we are determined to see the battle through. Africa's battle-cry is not yet heard. — Marcus Garvey

Shiny Stars Quotes By Rick DeStefanis

Never wish a veteran "Happy" Memorial Day. — Rick DeStefanis

Shiny Stars Quotes By John Darnielle

Their boots were black and shiny and your treasures gleamed like stars,
Bones from deep down in the fertile crescent. — John Darnielle

Shiny Stars Quotes By Basma Salem

Was he shiny and bright and something sucked it out of him? Cecilia thought. But stars are a load of fire, maybe his were flamed out, but could they burn out again? After Cecilia drew him and his empty eyes, she wanted to write those words down, it felt like song lyrics. And she did. Making it in bold letters. — Basma Salem

Shiny Stars Quotes By Og Mandino

Work is not your enemy but your friend. How you work, not what you do, determines the course of your life. You may work grudgingly or you may work gratefully; you may work as a human or you may work as a robot. There is no work so rude that you may not exalt in it; no work so demeaning that you cannot breathe soul into it; no work so dull that you may not enliven it. — Og Mandino

Shiny Stars Quotes By Paul Baxter

Doesn't he look just like a ring wraith?" she said thoughtfully.
"Are you kidding?" replied Cathy, "I most certainly won't be carol singing at your door this Christmas if you've got one of those ugly things hanging on it!"
"No, from Lord of the Rings," said Sue impatiently.
"I'm sorry," snorted Cathy, "I don't watch pornographic material."
"Have you never read a book?!" Sue snapped. "It's about a small man who travels through dangerous lands to drop a ring into a volcano, it's a classic."
"Does sound like a small man," she replied, "can't even face his marriage problems full on. — Paul Baxter

Shiny Stars Quotes By Jerry Spinelli

At this time in his life Zinkoff sees no difference between the stars in the sky and the stars in his mother's plastic Baggie. He believes that stars fall from the sky sometimes, and that his mother goes around collecting them like acorns. He believes she has to use heavy gloves and dark sunglasses because the fallen stars are so hot and shiny. She puts them in the freezer for forty-five minutes, and when they come out they are flat and silver and sticky on the back and ready for his shirts. — Jerry Spinelli

Shiny Stars Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

And there in the middle, high above Prechistensky Boulevard, amidst a scattering of stars on every side but catching the eye through its closeness to the earth, its pure white light and the long uplift of its tail, shone the comet, the huge, brilliant comet of 1812, that popular harbinger of untold horrors and the end of the world. But this bright comet with its long, shiny tail held no fears for Pierre. Quite the reverse: Pierre's eyes glittered with tears of rapture as he gazed up at this radiant star, which must have traced its parabola through infinite space at speeds unimaginable and now suddenly seemed to have picked its spot in the black sky and impaled itself like an arrow piercing the earth, and stuck there, with its strong upthrusting tail and its brilliant display of whiteness amidst the infinity of scintillating stars. This heavenly body seemed perfectly attuned to Pierre's newly melted heart, as it gathered reassurance and blossomed into new life. — Leo Tolstoy