Shine Your Stars Quotes & Sayings
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Top Shine Your Stars Quotes

Let me quote a few words by Dr. Chalmers: "Thousands of men breathe, move and live, pass off the stage of life, and are heard no more - Why? They do not partake of good in the world, and none were blessed by them; none could point to them as the means of their redemption; not a line they wrote, not a word they spoke could be recalled; and so they perished; their light went out in darkness, and they were not remembered more than insects of yesterday. Will you thus live and die, O man immortal? Live for something. Do good, and leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy. Write your name in kindness, love and mercy, on the hearts of the thousands you come in contact with year by year; you will never be forgotten. No, your name, your deeds will be as legible on the hearts you leave behind as the stars on the brow of evening. Good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven. — D.L. Moody

Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your faces! — J.R.R. Tolkien

There are faint stars in the night sky that you can see, but only if you look to the side of where they shine. They burn too weakly or are too far away to be seen directly, even if you stare. But you can see them out of the corner of your eye because the cells on the periphery of your retina are more sensitive to light. Maybe truth is just like that. You can see it, but only out of the corner of your eye. — Janna Levin

The stars which shone over Babylon and the stable in Bethlehem still shine as brightly over the Empire State Building and your front yard today. — Linda Goodman

Antonio: Will you stay no longer? nor will you not that I go with you?
Sebastian: By your patience, no. My stars shine darkly over me; the malignancy of my fate might, perhaps, distemper yours; therefore I shall crave of you your leave that I may bear my evils alone. It were a bad recompense for your love to lay any of them on you. — William Shakespeare

The Coming of Light
Even this late it happens:
the coming of love, the coming of light.
You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,
stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,
sending up warm bouquets of air.
Even this late the bones of the body shine
and tomorrow's dust flares into breath. — Mark Strand

Well, it's a marvelous night for a Moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes ...
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that they play soft and low
And all the night's magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush ...
One more Moondance with you in the moonlight
On a magic night — Van Morrison

You make a difference about your life it's a knock on the head of mind setting your life you see the stars they shine across the way you build a bridge you make it shine the only way to make a difference is to help the community! — Demi Lovato

Though our smoke may hide the Heavens from your eyes, It will vanish and the stars will shine again, Because, for all our power and weight and size, We are nothing more than children of your brain! — Rudyard Kipling

Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas. — Henry Ford

There are all kinds of stars in God's skies. Some are so bright and twinkly they take your breath away; and others don't shine so brightly but they're still tehre. Thier light's just a little softer, that's all.: — Lorna Landvik

So then, my dear friends, x just as you have always obeyed, y not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose. 14 Do everything without grumbling z and arguing, a 15 so that you may be blameless b and pure, c children of God who are faultless d in a crooked e and perverted f generation, g among whom you shine like stars in the world. 16 — Anonymous

Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly. — Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S

If you've ever doubted yourself, walk deep into any forest. Notice how the trees still stand even though they are given no recognition. Walk along any stream. The water still flows, though no one stops to praise it. Watch the stars late at night; they shine without acknowledgement. Humans are just the same. We are made out of the same elements as these beautiful wonders. Always remember your beauty and self worth. — Unknown

Sometimes you look up and there just seems to be so many more stars that ever before. More. They burn brighter and they shine longer and they never vanish into your periphery when you turn your head. It's as if they come out for us and to remind us that their light took so long to come to us, that if we never had the patience to wait, we never would have seen them here, tonight, like this.
That as much as it hurts, sometimes it's all you can do, wait, endure and keep shining, knowing that eventually, your light will reach where it is supposed to reach and shine for who it is supposed to shine for.
It is never easy, but it is always worth it. — Tyler Knott Gregson

Tell me the word that will win you, and I will speak it. I will speak the stars of heaven into a crown for your head; I will speak the flowers of the field into a cloak; I will speak the racing stream into a melody for your ears and the voices of a thousand larks to sing it; I will speak the softness of night for your bed and the warmth of summer for your coverlet; I will speak the brightness of flame to light your way and the luster of gold to shine in your smile; I will speak until the hardness in you melts away and your heart is free ... — Stephen R. Lawhead

to attract the love of life
my hair like rain
beats around your gaze
my eyes like stars
shine around your passion — Nazanin Mousavi

And what good is a dream finally? It breaks your heart
and you stand in the lush dark of the moment after twilight
ends and begin to sing and nothing makes sense to you
and you sing louder for a while, then awkwardly sit down
where you are. And the stars overhead shine a little - no more
or less than usual - and whether it is daylight and they are invisible
or whether it is night and they are the embers of a blacksmith's
fire, they shine and you are grateful. That love is like a hammer. — Steve Scafidi

Swans do fly
High above you
All the time
Prince of Sun
From his pavilion
Makes you shine
Come, come, come into my garden, lady love
Maybe I can hold your gold hand
Glide within my gold grove, lady love
Know the earth and you'll understand — Marc Bolan

Just as stars shine brightest in the darkest night, your joy blazes brilliantly through life's problems when you count them as joy. — Elizabeth George

Always look in the direction of sun and stars; the sacred light of life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

You can only diffuse light in dark places. — Lailah Gifty Akita

I see specks
of the Universe in your eyes.
A body of stardust
that gives me a high.
And when we make love
the stars shine brighter than usual.
When we lie there
holding each other,
I see love making us. — Saiber

Your smile is one that goes on for miles. Your eyes shine like the brightest star in the night sky. When I see the first message you send me in the morning it lights up my day. When our lips touch I feel like I'm the luckiest guy alive. When I hold you in my arms I feel as if time freezes and nothing can tear us apart. You constantly make me smile and there's never a moment that goes by that I don't think of you. You mean the world to me and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. I truly love you! — Richard M. Ryan

May God direct your paths. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Have you ever imagined walking with me? A long walk on an empty road, on a cold night. Where there is no one around, except us. My hand touches yours, in the name of sweet accidents. The stars decide to shine and the galaxies decide to burst inside me, instead of the sky. And all of a sudden, my hands try to play with your fingers. Until my fingers fill the gaps between yours. — Akshay Vasu

You must methodize your life. God created routine. The sun shines until dusk and the stars shine until dawn. — Paramahansa Yogananda

Grief is like the wake behind a boat. It starts out as a huge wave that follows close behind you and is big enough to swamp and drown you if you suddenly stop moving forward. But if you do keep moving, the big wake will eventually dissipate. And after a long time, the waters of your life get calm again, and that is when the memories of those who have left begin to shine as bright and as enduring as the stars above. — Jimmy Buffett

We are entrusted, you must know, with the revision of the English Dictionary. On the evidence of the Liverpool find of Christmas cards, in which occurred such couplets as:
Just to hope the day keeps fine
For you and your this Christmas time,
I hope this stocking's in your line
When stars shine bright at Christmas-time
I hold that "Christmas-time" was often pronounced "Christmas-tine", and that this is a dialect variant of the older "Christmas-tide". Quant denies this, with a warmth that is unusual in him.'
'Quant is right. — Robert Graves

Love radiates the full beam of light. — Lailah Gifty Akita

I left my heart in San Francisco, high on a hill, it calls to me. To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars, the morning fog may chill the air, I don't care. My love waits there in San Francisco, above the blue and windy sea, when I come home to you, San Francisco , your golden sun will shine for me. — Tony Bennett

Sometimes you must do things out of love
that devastate the senses.
This wasn't easy, Elymas. I know
blindness. I know how suddenly
the specks in the stones you can't see
become something you would die for.
From the way you grope this cloud of mist
I know you're trying to imagine
the color of the stars right now,
the blue-white shine that once
ignited your hands with power,
but can conjur only
the upturned bellies of poisoned frogs,
your mother's dying lips.
Don't you know how small
this life is? Even the stars
are just the sweat Christ shakes
from his brow. When you make crooked
the path to eternity, you send your brother
to oblivion, to the buried speck
in the midnight desert stone. This time,
no magic will save you. You
will have to find your life in the dark.
Today you will have to be led by the hand. — Tania Runyan

Explore the light deep within your soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

All Creatures know that some must die
That all the rest may take and eat;
Sooner or later, all transform
Their blood to wine, their flesh to meat.
But Man alone seeks Vengefulness,
And writes his abstract Laws on stone;
For this false Justice he has made,
He tortures limb and crushes bone.
Is this the image of a god?
My tooth for yours, your eye for mine?
Oh, if Revenge did move the stars
Instead of Love, they would not shine. — Margaret Atwood

He embraces all things that are lovely: he seals up the sum of all loveliness. Things that shine as single stars with a particular glory, all meet in Christ as a glorious constellation. Col. 1:19, "It pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell." Cast your eyes among all created beings, survey the universe: you will observe strength in one, beauty in a second, faithfulness in a third, wisdom in a fourth; but you shall find none excelling in them all as Christ does. Bread has one quality, water another, raiment another, medicine another; but none has them all in itself as Christ does. He is bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, a garment to the naked, healing to the wounded; and whatever a soul can desire is found in him, 1 Cor. 1:30 — John Flavel

To shine and outshine the shining stars, to take your abilities to the greatest height, to sit on top of the world, you must fortify yourself with persistence, the determination and willingness to stay in the same direction over a long period of time whatever the cost might be. — Ogwo David Emenike

Ben Says: Be great in your life & become as bright as the stars in the sky. But be patient because every star will has it's time too shine.
Timothy Pina
Bullying Ben — Timothy Pina

Inspire your children and watch them shine as far as the stars — Timothy Pina

Stars do not struggle to shine, rivers do not struggle to flow, and you will never struggle to excel in life because of the power of your passion. — Donald Driver

For almost 40 years, he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy ... The beautiful light will continue to shine on us forever and the glow will be so bright, it'll warm your heart, it'll make your eyes glisten, and you'll think to yourselves, Robin Williams, what a concept. — Billy Crystal

Light you shine on others returns twice as bright to shine on you. — Matshona Dhliwayo

A ray of light illuminates any darkness. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Stars shine even for those who refuse to look up. — Matshona Dhliwayo

I name you Elf-friend; and may the stars shine upon the end of your road! — J.R.R. Tolkien

The strength of love is beyond measure. — Lailah Gifty Akita

To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.
Always do what you are afraid to do. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the light, we shine brightly. — Lailah Gifty Akita

May the star of Bethlehem shine in your path. — Samael Aun Weor

Sometimes your heart is fullest when you know it's breaking. Sometimes, the sky has to darken so the stars can shine brightest. Sometimes your soul is happiest when the worst possible thing in your life has come to pass. Because there is nothing left to hold on to, and fear grows wings to fly. — Baylie Karperien

The light and the stars guide my way. — Lailah Gifty Akita

I was once in darkness, but now, I see a bright light on my path. — Lailah Gifty Akita

You can shine everywhere you are. — Lailah Gifty Akita

A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. — Douglas Adams

May the stars ever shine on your path, and the darkness never leave your side. — Osman Welela

Let me be the only one to keep you from the cold
Now the floor of hell is laid, the stars are bright as gold
They light for you, they shine for you
They burn for all to see
Come into these arms again and set your spirit free — Annie Lennox

The moonlight rained down on the beach as if to shine a spotlight on my solitude, and I wanted to cry out at it, 'Why did you take her? You, surrounded by all of your twinkling stars and infinite wonders and darkness. There's already enough beauty where you are. — Rachael Wade

Let your imagination fly.
Let your spirit shine in the sky.
Let stars brighten your eye.
Let's be drunk with love and fly — Debasish Mridha

Honey, no matter where you are, I'm with you.
When the breeze brushes your cheek, that's me.
When the stars sparkle and shine, that's me.
When the tulips bloom in the spring, that's me.
The little things.
She's there,
in the little things. — Lisa Schroeder

You are unique, just by being you, in this constellation of shining stars, just continue being you, shine your light on others as you journey through this life.
Author D.L.O'ferrall — D.L. O' Ferrall

You are your shining star. Arise and shine your star. — Lailah Gifty Akita

The light ought to shine for the darkness to fade. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Remember you can be just about anything you want to be in life ...
If you always give your very best,
Study hard and work even harder
and truly believe that you can.
Your Destiny is too shine brighter than the stars above ...
So whatever you chose to do and be in life ...
Be you and be great! — Timothy Pina

May the glorious light brighten your path. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Your father and I,we were something,you know.We burned so bright,the stars grew jealous.But maybe you know something I didn't.Maybe if you don't allow yourself to shine,you never burn out. — Leylah Attar

To be a star, you must walk your own path, shine your own light and not be afraid of the darkness, that's when a star shines the brightest. — Joel Brown

Shine brightly thy inner light. — Lailah Gifty Akita

The sun shall always shine. — Lailah Gifty Akita

The sun shine comes, you see the shine you see the color, when night comes you the stars you see the dark the blooming moon you choose a star you follow the star it comes in your dreams you follow stars once a light bug dies you see a new star you follow the star your dreams come true. — Demi Lovato

Stars do not tire of shining because we ignore them. — Matshona Dhliwayo

You are a great light, brighten the world. — Lailah Gifty Akita

The moment comes when the great nurse, death, takes a human, the child, by the hand and quietly says, "It is time to go home. Night is coming. It is your bedtime, child of earth. Come; you're tired. Lie down at last in the quiet nursery of nature and sleep. Sleep well. The day is gone. Stars shine in the canopy of eternity." — Joshua L. Liebman

When your mind shines, the world bows before it.
When your heart shines, stars bow before it.
When your soul shines, the universe bows before it. — Matshona Dhliwayo