Famous Quotes & Sayings

Shane L Word Quotes & Sayings

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Top Shane L Word Quotes

Shane L Word Quotes By Jack Schaefer

They did not look at each other. They did not say a word to each other... They knew that talk is meaningless when a common knowledge is already there. The silence bound them as no words ever could. — Jack Schaefer

Shane L Word Quotes By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Meditation is the sharp tool to dig out the great treasure hidden within everybody's inner personality. — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Shane L Word Quotes By Kate McGahan

I know it sounds so simple but Love Is All There Is. — Kate McGahan

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Claiborne

A friend and I prepared a video clip once for a worship service. Our goal was to capture people's responses to the word Christian, so we took a video camera and hit the streets, from the trendy arts district to the suburbs. We asked people to say the first word that came to mind in response to each word we said: "snow," "eagles" (it's Philly), "teenagers," and finally "Christian." When people heard the word Christian, they stopped in their tracks. I will never forget their responses: "fake," "hypocrites," "church," "boring." One guy even said, "used-to-be-one" (sort of one word). I will also never forget what they didn't say. Not one of the people we asked that day said "love." No one said "grace." No one said "community. — Shane Claiborne

Shane L Word Quotes By Kevin Mitnick

Hackers are breaking the systems for profit. Before, it was about intellectual curiosity and pursuit of knowledge and thrill, and now hacking is big business. — Kevin Mitnick

Shane L Word Quotes By Paul Theroux

My greatest inspiration is memory. — Paul Theroux

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Claiborne

Arnobius wrote in the fourth century: "Evil ought not be repaid with evil. . . . It is better to suffer wrong than inflict it. . . . We should rather shed our own blood than stain our hands and our conscience with the blood of another" (Sider, 101). In his writings on "public homicide," Lactantius raged against the ways we have glorified death - that we have a "thirst for blood" and "lose our humanity." Here are his powerful words insisting that it is wrong to kill, even legally: It makes no difference whether you put a person to death by word or rather by sword, since it is the act of putting to death itself which is prohibited. . . . There ought to be no exception at all but that it is always unlawful to put to death a person who God willed to be a sacred creature. (Sider, 110) He goes on to say that when we kill, even legally execute, "the bloodshed stains the conscience. — Shane Claiborne

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Black

To this day I have a profound mistrust of the word processor. I have to type it or write it first, screen it and only then enter it for posterity onto the word processor. — Shane Black

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Koyczan

We somehow must become what we are not, sacrificing what we are, to inherit the masquerade of what we will be. — Shane Koyczan

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Kuhn

So when I'm up here it feeds, for lack of a better word, nostalgia about my youth. Some people get that way when they see a baseball field or smell trout on the grill. I get that feeling from vertigo and the Freudian fantasy of falling to my certain death on the pavement. — Shane Kuhn

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Claiborne

When we put too much hope in a candidate or a party we set ourselves up for disappointment. When I see a poster with [Barak] Obama's image with the word "hope" under it, something in me cringes - our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, the old hymn goes, all other ground is sinking sand. — Shane Claiborne

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Dawson

The word "YouTuber," even though - listen, I love YouTube, and I would never, ever abandon it, but I think when somebody says "Youtuber" it says "Oh, they talk about what they ate that day." That's not me - I do way more than that. — Shane Dawson

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane K.P. O'Neill

It triggered the same ache in both women. Without a word they left the tub and rolled onto the bed nearby. — Shane K.P. O'Neill

Shane L Word Quotes By Tiffanie DeBartolo

That's why you have to save the dying man. Because you want him around to keep saving you. — Tiffanie DeBartolo

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Black

Perry: Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?
Harry: A picture of me?
Perry: No! The definition of the word idiot, which you fucking are! — Shane Black

Shane L Word Quotes By Thomm Quackenbush

Shane met him owing to the storybooks she studied to discover what attributes made one princessly - this wasn't technically a word, but she felt there should be equity in adjectives if not in life. — Thomm Quackenbush

Shane L Word Quotes By Trevor Shane

I'll see you tomorrow,' I finally said.

'Tomorrow,' you echoed. We hung up without either of us saying 'I love you' for the first time since we'd first said it. At that moment the word TOMORROW meant the same thing. Nothing else needed to be said. — Trevor Shane

Shane L Word Quotes By Rachel Caine

Marriage is a big word for all guys," Shane said. "You know that. It's kind of an allergy. We get itchy and sweaty just trying to spell it, much less do it. — Rachel Caine

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Baiva

When God created us He breathed into us His divine powers. If God spoke and things came into existence; then how much more can we do in our lives. So many people live in defeat today because they always speak negative words over their lives. They always speak negative words rather than speaking God's written Word over their circumstances. Hey, you're special! You're blessed. You're God's workmanship. You're God's man and woman for this hour. Success and prosperity is surrounding you. The favor of God is on your life. You're a successor. You're anointed. You're appointed. Grace and mercy are following you all the days of your life. God is your friend. God is taking care of you. — Shane Baiva

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Claiborne

Grace gets the last word. — Shane Claiborne

Shane L Word Quotes By Gary Chapman

No matter our limitations, God has a great purpose for our lives. - Nora Peacock - — Gary Chapman

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Claiborne

Augustine of Hippo said, Let us leave a little room for reflection in our lives, room too for silence. Let us look within ourselves and see whether there is some delightful hidden place inside where we can be free of noise and argument. Let us hear the Word of God in stillness and perhaps we will then come to understand it. — Shane Claiborne

Shane L Word Quotes By Jane Taylor Starwood

Jordan loomed over her and a flash of light blinded her momentarily. The knife. Shane felt her newfound courage faltering, felt herself falling back through the years, into the body of that little girl.
She closed her eyes, pictured Matt's face, Gram's face, and felt her strength returning. She would not let Jordan terrify her again. She might fail tonight, she might die, but she would not be his whimpering victim.
Opening her eyes, she braved the flashing glare of the hunting knife he held above her face. She willed her body to lie still as she stared straight into his eyes. With a thrill of triumph, she saw the surprise in the gray eyes that stared back at her.
Neither of them spoke a word, but they both knew the final moves in the game were at hand, and that Shane had just altered the rules. She could see the dawn of awareness in his eyes: She was no longer a mere pawn to toy with as he pleased.
On the other hand, he still had the knife. — Jane Taylor Starwood

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Claiborne

Let's keep refusing to accept the world as it is and insisting on building the world we dream of. Don't let the haters have the last word. — Shane Claiborne

Shane L Word Quotes By Andrea D. Lyon

I believed, and still believe, that every person amounts to more than the worst thing he or she has ever done. — Andrea D. Lyon

Shane L Word Quotes By Shane Koyczan

And if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself
get a better mirror
look a little closer
stare a little longer
because there's something inside you
that made you keep trying
despite everyone who told you to quit
you built a cast around your broken heart
and signed it yourself
you signed it
they were wrong — Shane Koyczan

Shane L Word Quotes By Rachel Caine

Michael patted him on the shoulder. "I like this plan," he said. "You and Eve, picking up cake and flowers, and you can't even say a word. Should be tons of fun."
Shane almost choked, and gave Michael a sideways glare. Michael sent him a hundred-watt smile in return - no fangs, which was probably for the best. — Rachel Caine

Shane L Word Quotes By Francis Cornford

Propaganda is that branch of the art of lying which consists in nearly deceiving your friends without quite deceiving your enemies. — Francis Cornford

Shane L Word Quotes By Rachel Caine

Jackass!" Eve yelled.
"You know, when people say that, I just hear the word awesome," Shane said. — Rachel Caine

Shane L Word Quotes By Ferdinand Foch

Airplanes are interesting toys, but of no military value. — Ferdinand Foch

Shane L Word Quotes By Kevin Connolly

I live in L.A. and love L.A., and you couldn't drag me out of there kicking and screaming. — Kevin Connolly

Shane L Word Quotes By Avigdor Lieberman

The dividing line for Yisrael Beiteinu is who supports terror and who fights terror. — Avigdor Lieberman