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Sequence In Music Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sequence In Music Quotes

Sequence In Music Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

This story is about people, secrets, and time. About people who, not unlike wrapped parcels, cover themselves with layers and layers until they present themselves to the right ones who can unwrap them and see inside. — Cecelia Ahern

Sequence In Music Quotes By Caleb Cushing

Be the responsibility on their heads who raise this novel and extraordinary question of reception, going to the unconstitutional abridgment, as I conceive, of the great right of petition inherent in the People of the United States. — Caleb Cushing

Sequence In Music Quotes By Jackson Katz

Advocates of 'free speech' often repeat the mantra that the best response to bad speech is more and better speech, not the suppression of the bad stuff. — Jackson Katz

Sequence In Music Quotes By Loudon Wainwright III

I know that people don't listen to music much in the way when they'll put on a CD, sit down, have a drink or go on a car journey. People pick and choose and just listen to tracks. But when I make a record, I try to think about it as a 50 minute musical journey, so the mood is very important, as is the sequence of the songs. — Loudon Wainwright III

Sequence In Music Quotes By Charles Caleb Colton

Those that are the loudest in their threats are the weakest in their actions. — Charles Caleb Colton

Sequence In Music Quotes By Jeff Britting

Actually, one Anthem cue is a good example of the process. There is a four-minute sequence of music in Anthem, which underscores a prison sequence, and it lines up with five different, smaller scenes within one large scene. — Jeff Britting

Sequence In Music Quotes By Ingmar Bergman

When we experience a film, we consciously prime ourselves for illusion. Putting aside will and intellect, we make way for it in our imagination. The sequence of pictures plays directly on our feelings. Music works in the same fashion; I would say that there is no art form that has so much in common with film as music. Both affect our emotions directly, not via the intellect. And film is mainly rhythm; it is inhalation and exhalation in continuous sequence. — Ingmar Bergman

Sequence In Music Quotes By Van Morrison

Music to me is spontaneous, writing is spontaneous and it's all based on not trying to do it. From beginning to end, whether it's writing a song, or playing guitar, or a particular chord sequence, or blowing a horn, it's based on improvisation and spontaneity. — Van Morrison

Sequence In Music Quotes By Kristin Walker

Johnny made me feel like I was clever without trying to be. And pretty. And valued. He made everything about me seem more special.
Like, say I was a song. Well, Johnny made me feel as though I'd been remixed. The melody didn't change, but it wasn't just the same one-dimensional sequence of notes anymore. Instead, he brought out all these harmonies - these low and high notes - that made the music fuller. No more discord or dissonance. Around Johnny, I was the best possible rendition of myself. — Kristin Walker

Sequence In Music Quotes By Oscar De La Renta

I'm a happy fellow. I feel very privileged, lucky, that I have had a wonderful life. And that I have been always allowed to do what I love, — Oscar De La Renta

Sequence In Music Quotes By Karlheinz Stockhausen

Karlheinz Stockhausen to journalist: "I heard the piece Aphex Twin of Richard James carefully: I think it would be very helpful if he listens to my work "Song of the Youth," which is electronic music, and a young boy's voice singing with himself. Because he would then immediately stop with all these post-African repetitions, and he would look for changing tempi and changing rhythms, and he would not allow to repeat any rhythm if it [was] varied to some extent and if it did not have a direction in its sequence of variations."

Aphex Twin to journalist: "I thought he should listen to a couple of tracks of mine: 'Didgeridoo,' then he'd stop making abstract, random patterns you can't dance to". — Karlheinz Stockhausen

Sequence In Music Quotes By Brandon Boyd

Music has to be written while people are still excited about a particular melodic or rhythmic sequence. The idea doesn't come out the same if we're not really excited about it. — Brandon Boyd

Sequence In Music Quotes By Quentin Tarantino

To me, movies and music go hand in hand. When I'm writing a script, one of the first things I do is find the music I'm going to play for the opening sequence. — Quentin Tarantino

Sequence In Music Quotes By India.Arie

One of the things that I've worked my way out of doing, and I knew that I needed to, was comparing myself to other people. That just poisins everything. It all of a sudden dtermines even clothes you're going to choose to wear that day or what you're going to do with a music production or how you're going to sequence it. It poisinseverything. Your real job in the world is to be you. Comparing yourself to other people I think that hurt me more than anything. Allowing myself to go there so much in my head hurt me. — India.Arie

Sequence In Music Quotes By Albert Pike

The unconsidered act of the poorest of men may fire the train that leads to the subterranean mine, and an empire be rent by the explosion. — Albert Pike

Sequence In Music Quotes By Gary F. Marcus

But nobody is born being able to hear [intervals], and many people never master them. Some people never even notice that "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "The Alphabet Song" follow the same melody (and hence consist of the same sequence of intervals). — Gary F. Marcus

Sequence In Music Quotes By Jonathan Black

Highly complex numbers like the Comma of Pythagoras, Pi and Phi (sometimes called the Golden Proportion), are known as irrational numbers. They lie deep in the structure of the physical universe, and were seen by the Egyptians as the principles controlling creation, the principles by which matter is precipitated from the cosmic mind.

Today scientists recognize the Comma of Pythagoras, Pi and the Golden Proportion as well as the closely related Fibonacci sequence are universal constants that describe complex patterns in astronomy, music and physics. ...

To the Egyptians these numbers were also the secret harmonies of the cosmos and they incorporated them as rhythms and proportions in the construction of their pyramids and temples. — Jonathan Black

Sequence In Music Quotes By Vladimir Nabokov

I have no ear for music. When I attend a concert, I endeavor gamely to follow the sequence and relationship of sounds but cannot keep it up for more than a few minutes. Visual impressions, reflections of hands in lacquered wood, a diligent bald spot over a fiddle, take over, and soon I am bored beyond measure by the motions of the musicians. — Vladimir Nabokov

Sequence In Music Quotes By Marcus Miller

Watching Michael Jackson was like taking a history lesson and a lesson on the future at the same time. If that weren't enough, Michael then went and single-handedly revolutionized music videos. It's amazing that today, some twenty-five years later, everyone who makes a pop music video still feels obligated to include a 'group dance' sequence like the one Michael pioneered in 'Beat It'. That's how influential and ahead of the times he was. — Marcus Miller

Sequence In Music Quotes By Lao-Tzu

The wise man is one who, knows, what he does not know. — Lao-Tzu

Sequence In Music Quotes By Vaddey Ratner

Truth, she believed, lies in what is said as much as in what isn't, in the same way that a melody not only is a sequence of audible notes but encompasses the spaces and pauses in between. When listening to music, you must learns to take in even the atmosphere of an echo. — Vaddey Ratner

Sequence In Music Quotes By Olaf Stapledon

Myriads of individuals, each one unique, live out their lives in rapt intercourse with one another, contribute their heart's pulses to the universal music, and presently vanish, giving place to others. All this age-long sequence of private living, which is the actual tissue of humanity's flesh, I cannot describe. I can only trace, as it were, the disembodied form of its growth. — Olaf Stapledon

Sequence In Music Quotes By Ned Hayes

The trees reach up above me toward the sky, stretching out their great limbs in an intricate pattern that reminds me of the pattern of light ... the pattern shifting back and forth as I climb. — Ned Hayes

Sequence In Music Quotes By Joyce Brothers

I watched the Trade Center buildings go down from my balcony, and it was a terrifying moment. I couldn't get my mind around it at all. — Joyce Brothers

Sequence In Music Quotes By Jeff Britting

Basically, I composed the musical structure in one pass. The rest was editing and small adjustments. And when the play was read by actors with the music, the sequence timed-out perfectly. — Jeff Britting

Sequence In Music Quotes By Guy Murchie

The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the key to understanding how nature designs... and is... a part of the same ubiquitous music of the spheres that builds harmony into atoms, molecules, crystals, shells, suns and galaxies and makes the Universe sing. — Guy Murchie

Sequence In Music Quotes By Russell Simmons

Being materialistic is part of the hip-hop community's nature, because jazz and blues and rock 'n' roll, when they started out in the urban communities, were about the American Dream, and the lack of opportunity in that structure. So they talked about everything - uplifting and getting what is perceived as success in America. — Russell Simmons

Sequence In Music Quotes By Maurice Jarre

In that long sequence, when Lawrence enters in the desert to rescue a lost man, Lean listened the music I wrote and wanted to extend the scene to let my work stay completely. — Maurice Jarre

Sequence In Music Quotes By Sarah Warden

I thought that you would be frozen in awe when you found the sequence, when you heard a bird's song repeating my Morse code, my cry for help, my S.O.S, when you saw the same numbers in the petals of a flower and the structure of a pine cone, when you saw with your own eyes the interconnectedness of all things.
But I was wrong.
You searched for a male god, a creator, an intelligent designer, or you banished the beauty and mystery of the world beneath the cold concrete grave of closed-eye skepticism. The few of you who could still hear my music felt tortured and misunderstood; you reached out for any conspiracy theory large enough to explain your alienated despair, your sense that the Earth was dying and no one cared.
But listen to me -- you are not alone. Run your fingers through the grass and grab it in your fists, feel my pulse echoing through your blood. You. Are. Not. Alone. And I -- I am not dead yet. — Sarah Warden

Sequence In Music Quotes By Suzy Kassem

Truth is first felt in the heart before the mind. Those that look for truth through the mind before the heart will never find Truth. — Suzy Kassem

Sequence In Music Quotes By Sharon Gannon

Each asana is like a sound or letter in an alphabet. Every letter in an alphabet produces a unique sound vibration. Each asana vibrates at a specific frequency. When asanas are performed in sequence, beautiful phrases or sutras result, producing a mystical language. — Sharon Gannon

Sequence In Music Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

The poet David Whyte calls this sense of creative entitlement "the arrogance of belonging," and claims that it is an absolutely vital privilege to cultivate if you wish to interact more vividly with life. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Sequence In Music Quotes By Natalie Dormer

When you play a real person, you feel a sense of responsibility that obviously you don't feel when you're playing a fictional character. — Natalie Dormer

Sequence In Music Quotes By Kenneth Grahame

The pure, absolute quality and nature of each note in itself are only appreciated by the strummer. For some notes have all the sea in them, and some cathedral bells; others a woodland joyance and a smell of greenery; in some fauns dance to the merry reed, and even the grave centaurs peep out from their caves. Some bring moonlight, and some the deep crimson of a rose's heart; some are blue, some red, and others will tell of an army with silken standards and march-music. And throughout all the sequence of suggestion, up above the little white men leap and peep, and strive against the imprisoning wires; and all the big rosewood box hums as it were full of hiving bees. — Kenneth Grahame

Sequence In Music Quotes By Chris Squire

I guess the idea of doing albums in their entirety, in sequence, appeals to people. I guess it's the memory of being able to hear the music in the way it was originally presented. — Chris Squire

Sequence In Music Quotes By Charles A. Reich

Technology and production can be great benefactors of man, but they are mindless instruments, and if undirected they careen along with a momentum of their own. In our country, they pulverize everything in their path - the landscape, the natural environment, history and tradition, the amenities and civilities, the privacy and spaciousness of life, much beauty, and the fragile, slow-growing social structures that bind us together. — Charles A. Reich

Sequence In Music Quotes By Warren W. Wiersbe

The ability to calm your soul and wait before God is one of the most difficult things in the Christian life. Our old nature is restless ... the world around us is frantically in a hurry. But a restless heart usually leads to a reckless life. — Warren W. Wiersbe