Famous Quotes & Sayings

Seneca Famous Quotes & Sayings

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Top Seneca Famous Quotes

Seneca Famous Quotes By Marcus Samuelsson

I always get asked for suggestions on what to get food-lover friends. While there are many gifts out there that a foodie would love, it's always good to do some research beforehand so you know you're getting a gift that will last. — Marcus Samuelsson

Seneca Famous Quotes By Nicola Sturgeon

In particular, I want to set a challenge to public bodies and private companies to improve gender balance on their own boards. — Nicola Sturgeon

Seneca Famous Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

The human heart is like a ship on a stormy sea driven about by winds blowing from all four corners of heaven. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Seneca Famous Quotes By James Young

I'll play until they have to scrape me off the stage. — James Young

Seneca Famous Quotes By Kim John Payne

After all, it's not just what you make of your time, it's whether you have the time to make it your own. — Kim John Payne

Seneca Famous Quotes By Carl Jung

The only important thing is to follow nature. A tiger should be a good tiger; a tree, a good tree. So people should be people. But to know what people are, one must follow nature and go alone, admitting the importance of the unexpected. Still, nothing is possible without love ... For love puts one in a mood to risk everything, and not to withhold important elements. — Carl Jung

Seneca Famous Quotes By Seneca The Younger

He that makes himself famous by his eloquence, justice or arms illustrates his extraction, let it be never so mean; and gives inestimable reputation to his parents. We should never have heard of Sophroniscus, but for his son, Socrates; nor of Ariosto and Gryllus, if it had not been for Xenophon and Plato. — Seneca The Younger

Seneca Famous Quotes By Seneca.

And so when you see a man often wearing the robe of office, when you see one whose name is famous in the Forum, do not envy him; those things are bought at the price of life. They will waste all their years, in order that they may have one year reckoned by their name. — Seneca.

Seneca Famous Quotes By Viola Davis

I don't want anyone putting any limits on me. — Viola Davis

Seneca Famous Quotes By Oren Moverman

I mean, you always hope to have a part on every level, on every layer. For us it was very much a conversation about power and sexuality and brutality. And really all the issues that are in that world, in that space, come down to one word, which is masculinity. — Oren Moverman

Seneca Famous Quotes By T.M. Frazier

The first stirring of any kind of desire in over a year comes courtesy of the devil in a bow tie.
Man, I was really fucked up. — T.M. Frazier

Seneca Famous Quotes By Abigail Roux

Because you gave me direction when I was lost. You showed me the way." He looked up to meet Ty's eyes. "You're like my very own compass." "Zane. — Abigail Roux

Seneca Famous Quotes By Philip Schaff

The dark picture which St. Paul, in addressing the Romans, draws of the heathenism of his day, is fully sustained by Seneca, Tacitus, Juvenal, Persius, and other heathen writers of that age, and shows the absolute need of redemption. "The world," says Seneca, in a famous passage, "is full of crimes and vices. More are committed than can be cured by force. There is an immense struggle for iniquity. Crimes are no longer bidden, but open before the eyes. Innocence is not only rare, but nowhere."83 — Philip Schaff