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Self Love Poems Quotes & Sayings

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Top Self Love Poems Quotes

Self Love Poems Quotes By Clementine Von Radics

I mean you ask me
not to fall in love with you
and then you go write poems
with your tongue
and draw constellations
in my freckles. — Clementine Von Radics

Self Love Poems Quotes By Alexandra Adornetto

Literature has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I can't think back before a time that I didn't love writing and reading. When I was really young, my mother would read poems to me. I loved Edgar Allan Poe - I am sure I didn't understand it, but I loved it. — Alexandra Adornetto

Self Love Poems Quotes By Natasa Nuit Pantovic

Will and Love practiced
to invoke her Majesty Kundalini
In the world where Adepts die and bloom as Lotuses
The perfection of Union is Silence — Natasa Nuit Pantovic

Self Love Poems Quotes By Maquita Donyel Irvin

I feel your words on my lips
and feel your mood in my hips — Maquita Donyel Irvin

Self Love Poems Quotes By Jessica Kristie

In that wounded place,
buried between
my ribs and letting go,
I miss you. — Jessica Kristie

Self Love Poems Quotes By Jeffrey Eugenides

In the end he became as fragmentary as the poems of Sappho he never succeeded in restoring, and finally one morning he looked up into the face of the woman who'd been the greatest love of his life and failed to recognize her. And then there was another kind of blow inside his head; blood pooled in his brain for the last time, washing even the last fragments of his self away. — Jeffrey Eugenides

Self Love Poems Quotes By Sharon Olds

Poems come from ordinary experiences and objects, I think. Out of memory - a dress I lent my daughter on her way back to college; a newspaper photograph of war; a breast self-exam; the tooth fairy; Calvinist parents who beat up their children; a gesture of love; seeing oneself naked over age 50 in a set of bright hotel bathroom mirrors. — Sharon Olds

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i over love.
i under love.

i am either a flood
or i am nothing. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Meraaqi

I finally went
where everyone goes
and I realized
I was
out. — Meraaqi

Self Love Poems Quotes By Darnell Lamont Walker

Why not fall in love with an artist? Otherwise there are no letters, pictures, paintings and songs for you when you wake up. — Darnell Lamont Walker

Self Love Poems Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

The words we construct, the poems we write and the songs we sing, become the love story of a stranger we have never seen. — M.F. Moonzajer

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

no one needs love from you
more than you need love from you.

love yourself first,
and you will always be in love. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry


- ATTICUS — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By Jessica Kristie

Through windows,
in wishing wells,
whispering in the wind...
that's where I find you. — Jessica Kristie

Self Love Poems Quotes By Khadija Rupa

Only to close these eyes
to sleep in the lap of love
and stay there forever. — Khadija Rupa

Self Love Poems Quotes By Eric Gamalinda

The poems turned up everywhere. Soon the lady of the house went into fits of hysteria when she kept discovering this attack of poetry in the most unlikely places - under doors, in the mother-of-pearl latticework of windowpanes, under jars, stones, flowerpots, loaves of bread, and even delivered by homing pigeons, around whose rose-coloured claws the young matador lovingly wound poems in which he declaimed his love in the quaint language whose provenance was unknown to the world and still evoked images of the uninterrupted empires of Visigiths, the unbridled lust of the Huns and the intransigence of the Berbers. The young maiden recognized only a few words, but to her they were fragments of a secret music: zirimiri, fine rain; senaremaztac, husband and wife; nik behar diren guzian eginen ditut, I shall do everything necessary ... — Eric Gamalinda

Self Love Poems Quotes By Amiri Baraka

& love is an evil word. Turn it backwards/see, see what I mean? An evol word. — Amiri Baraka

Self Love Poems Quotes By Andrea Gibson

I'm not lookin' for someone who can save me. Life rafts might keep you afloat but they rarely get you anywhere and I've got places I wanna go. So break me in two, peel back my rib cage and cover every page of my heart with love poems you will burn someday. — Andrea Gibson

Self Love Poems Quotes By Meraaqi

I want to
peel away all the labels
I had once given to others
and place them
upon the fabric
of my own identity.

They have reflected back to me,
everything that I refuse
to See in myself. — Meraaqi

Self Love Poems Quotes By Madeline Sheehan

First you shoot me," he muttered. "Now you're handin' me your damn club and spoutin' love poems." "She was sixteen, motherfucker, you woulda shot you." "No, asshole, I woulda killed me." At that, Preacher just kept grinning. Jesus, was he in the twilight zone? — Madeline Sheehan

Self Love Poems Quotes By Thomas Wyatt

I find no peace, and all my war is done,
I fear and hope; I burn and freeze like ice;
I fly above the wind yet can I not arise;
And naught I have and all the world I seize on.
That looseth nor locketh holdeth me in prison,
And holdeth me not, yet can I scape nowise;
Nor letteth me live nor die at my devise,
And yet of death it giveth none occasion.
Without eyen I see, and without tongue I plain;
I desire to perish, and yet I ask health;
I love another, and thus I hate myself;
I feed me in sorrow, and laugh in all my pain.
Likewise displeaseth me both death and life
And my delight is causer of this strife. — Thomas Wyatt

Self Love Poems Quotes By Sanober Khan

I am a tale, I am a book, written in different languages and styles

I can't be read, can't be understood,
neither by me nor the greatest of minds

I am too big, I am too small, to be processed or seen by the naked eye

I am too dim, I am too bright, to appear in the shadows or the sunshine. — Sanober Khan

Self Love Poems Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

I have been in recent years the author of a bestiary and director of some atlas projects; I've written criticism, editorials, reports from a few front lines, letters, a great many political essays ... , more personal stuff, essays for artists' books, and more ... Nonfiction is the whole realm from investigative journalism to prose poems, from manifestos to love letters, from dictionaries to packing lists. — Rebecca Solnit

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i swallowed the syllables of your name
and i was full. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

Put a girl in
and tell only truths
and every man
becomes a poet. — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By David Patterson

Love leads us to write poetry because love improves our hearing; like prayer, poetry is every bit as much about listening as it is about speaking. To 'get' the poem is to hear the eloquence of the silence that it calls forth through its manifestation of love. — David Patterson

Self Love Poems Quotes By Suzy Kassem


Look deep in the mirror
And say: 'I LOVE YOU'
And immediately
An electric current will
Ripple throughout your soul
And burst through your eyes
Like shooting stars
Dancing across the skies
In ecstasy.
To tell your soul you love it -
Is like remembering
After being in a coma
For a hundred years.
Your face will beam the light
Of a hundred galaxies. — Suzy Kassem

Self Love Poems Quotes By May Sarton

I loved them in the way one loves at any age - if it's real at all - obsessively, painfully, with wild exaltation, with guilt, with conflict; I wrote poems to and about them; I put them into novels (disguised of course); I brooded upon why they were as they were, so often maddening, don't you know? I wrote them ridiculous letters. I lived with their faces. I knew their every gesture by heart. I stalked them like wild animals. I studied them as if they were maps of the world - and in a way, I suppose they were." She had spoken rapidly, on the defensive ... if he thought she didn't know what she was talking about! "Love opens the doors into everything, as far as I can see, including and perhaps most of all, the door into one's own secret, and often terrible and frightening, real self. — May Sarton

Self Love Poems Quotes By Tamora Pierce

Feelings, she learned, were hard to fight. She treasured his smiles and compliments and tried not to dwell on the fact that he gave this things to his friend Kel.
His dreamy-eyed gazes, poems, and fits of passionate melancholy were for Uline. It was hard not to resent the older girl. — Tamora Pierce

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

show me all the parts of you
that you do not love
so i know where to begin. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

Love implies great freedom - not to do what you like. But love comes only when the mind is very quiet, disinterested, not self-centered. These are not ideals. If you have no love, do what you will - go after all the gods on earth, do all the social activities, try to reform the poor, the politics, write books, write poems - you are a dead human being. And without love your problems will increase, multiply endlessly. And with love, do what you will, there is no risk; there is no conflict. Then love is the essence of virtue. And a mind that is not in a state of love is not a religious mind at all. And it is only the religious mind that is freed from problems, and that knows the beauty of love and truth. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

there's always been a little sadness inside my happiness.

i've never been able to separate the two. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Gregory Orr

I can't actually explain why my lines got shorter, but they did. Just as I can't explain why my early poems were 'all image' and my current ones are relatively abstract. The sense of the line changed with the theme, somehow my ear (or brain or heart/mind) fell in love with a short line and very very simple words. — Gregory Orr

Self Love Poems Quotes By Henry Johnson Jr

My religion consists of a dwelling admiration of illimitable spirit, with no hate in place, a whole heart to Love and care about the human race. There is lust within each of us, it's sometimes self center, that we call our heart. We were born with it. It is never completely grace, but the state to Love others and appreciates the human race in a unique way is left to "question". I am convinced that it is a fundamental energy of the human spirit that can create diversity, and can also stop the caste system, racism, segregation and sexism — Henry Johnson Jr

Self Love Poems Quotes By Megan Marshall

Elizabeth Bishop wrote love poems, and poems about lovemaking, and one of the best poems ever written in English about the loss of love, but she had made her way through life as an orphan, a solitary. Reticence wasn't the reason she'd become a poet of the self - of a singular "mind in action," as she'd once described the effect she hoped to achieve in her poems. She had discovered early on, perhaps too early, that she was "an I . . . an Elizabeth" - and she'd treasured that painful, "unlikely" self-awareness ever since, knowing it was the same thing as her imagination. — Megan Marshall

Self Love Poems Quotes By Charlotte Eriksson

Some people make you want to be a better person, and that, for me, is the purest form of love. — Charlotte Eriksson

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i sometimes think i'm too in love with alone.
who could i love more than this peace? — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

love is myself in the mirror.
i will see love every time. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

oh, the heartbreakingly beautiful
tender weight of being human. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i act harder than i am.
i am softer than i look. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Jessica-Lynn Barbour

Traveling down a road of self-destruction
With no room for any reconstruction — Jessica-Lynn Barbour

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

another word for beginning.
another word for revolution.
another word for healing.
another word for being.
another word for me. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Ronald Carter

The Renaissance did not break completely with mediaeval history and values. Sir Philip Sidney is often considered the model of the perfect Renaissance gentleman. He embodied the mediaeval virtues of the knight (the noble warrior), the lover (the man of passion), and the scholar (the man of learning). His death in 1586, after the Battle of Zutphen, sacrificing the last of his water supply to a wounded soldier, made him a hero. His great sonnet sequence Astrophel and Stella is one of the key texts of the time, distilling the author's virtues and beliefs into the first of the Renaissance love masterpieces. His other great work, Arcadia, is a prose romance interspersed with many poems and songs. — Ronald Carter

Self Love Poems Quotes By Plato

those who have inherited their fortunes than of those who have acquired them; the makers of fortunes have a second love of money as a creation of their own, resembling the affection of authors for their own poems, or of parents for their children, — Plato

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

A sky
of stars
and he
was staring
at her.

- ATTICUS — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

She walked
through her life
from the
mighty wings
upon her back. — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i am not a jealous person,
but when i am with you,
the thought of someone else
pulling your attention away from me
kills me a little inside
each time. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

Brushing a girl's hair
behind her ear
once a day
will solve more problems
than all those
and drugs. — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By Dejan Stojanovic

He will understand when it is too late that it is easier to love. — Dejan Stojanovic

Self Love Poems Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

This was because their English teachers would wince and cover their ears and give them flunking grades and so on whenever they failed to speak like English aristocrats before the First World War. Also: they were told that they were unworthy to speak or write their language if they couldn't love or understand incomprehensible novels and poems and plays about people long ago and far away, such as Ivanhoe. *** The black people would not put up with this. They went on talking English every which way. They refused to read books they couldn't understand - on the grounds they couldn't understand them. They would ask such impudent questions as, Whuffo I want to read no Tale of Two Cities? Whuffo? — Kurt Vonnegut

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i am like the moon--
sometimes, full.
sometimes, black.

forever and ever alone. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By John Denver

Talk of poems and prayers and promises, and things that we believe in. How sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care, how long it's been since yesterday. — John Denver

Self Love Poems Quotes By Grace Lee Boggs

I am often asked what keeps me going after all these years. I think it is the realization that there is no final struggle. Whether you win or lose, each struggle brings forth new contradictions, new and more challenging questions. As Alice Walker put it in one of my favorite poems: I must love the questions themselves as Rilke said like locked rooms full of treasures to which my blind and groping key does not yet fit.1 — Grace Lee Boggs

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

The beautiful thing
about young love
is the truth
in our hearts
that it will last forever. — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

Don't ask her to be a rock
for you to lean upon
instead, build her wings
and point her to the sky
and she will teach you both to fly. — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

But although the rules are vague
And widely disregarded now
Some precepts remain: live with love -
That is a rule we all can understand;
Forgive those who need forgiveness,
Which I think is everybody, more or less;
Be kind - that, perhaps, is first and foremost
In any postmodern, new-fangled
Code we devise for ourselves;
Yes, be kind: love one another,
And most of all tend with gentleness
The small patch of terra firma
That is allocated to each of us ... — Alexander McCall Smith

Self Love Poems Quotes By Larkin Grimm

It's about a love song to myself, and a love song to the universe, kind of like the way that Song of Solomon consists of love songs to God or like the way Sufi poems are erotic love songs to God, I kind of wanted something like that. Because I was getting to know myself more deeply at this point. I've always been on this track where I wanted to be enlightened. — Larkin Grimm

Self Love Poems Quotes By Phar West Nagle

So I'll be your queen if you'll be my king,
My knight to defend my claimed heart.
I need no crown, just your last name and a ring
And the promise you'll never depart. — Phar West Nagle

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry


Self Love Poems Quotes By Emmanuel Aghado

In a season like this,
I wouldn't be held by the snow.
With all these feelings of bliss,
I've to put aside my ego
And step out to let you know,
With you, I'm well pleased
And the love you show,
Is to me the bee's knees. — Emmanuel Aghado

Self Love Poems Quotes By Kate Bernheimer

Beer bottles, whiskey bottles, brown glass, green. They fell to the lawn and I'd feel serene. Adam was king to my stilted queen. — Kate Bernheimer

Self Love Poems Quotes By Isadora Duncan

Now I am going to reveal to you something which is very pure, a totally white thought. It is always in my heart; it blooms at each of my steps ... The Dance is love, it is only love, it alone, and that is enough ... I, then, it is amorously that I dance: to poems, to music but now I would like to no longer dance to anything but the rhythm of my soul. — Isadora Duncan

Self Love Poems Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

I ought to have lived in the eighteen hundreds,' he said himself. 'What I want is a patron. I should have published my poems by subscription and dedicated them to a nobleman. I long to compose rhymed couplets upon the poodle of a countess. My soul yearns for the love of chambermaids and the conversation of bishops. — W. Somerset Maugham

Self Love Poems Quotes By Colleen Houck

I'm not the kind of man to bottle up my feelings, Kells. I don't sit up in my room pining away, writing love poems. I'm not a dreamer. I'm a fighter. I'm a man of action, and it will take all of my self-control not to fight for this. When something needs to be done, I do it. When I feel something, I act on it. I don't see any reason why Ren deserves to get the girl of his dreams and I don't. It doesn't seem fair that this happens to me twice. — Colleen Houck

Self Love Poems Quotes By E. E. Cummings

a billion brains may coax undeath
from fancied fact and spaceful time--
no heart can leap, no soul can breathe
but by the sizeless truth of a dream
whose sleep is the sky and the earth and the sea
For love are in you am in i are in we — E. E. Cummings

Self Love Poems Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Ah men, why do you want all this attention? I can write poems for myself, make love to a doorknob if absolutely necessary. What do you have to offer me I can't find otherwise except humiliation? Which I no longer need. — Margaret Atwood

Self Love Poems Quotes By Virginia Woolf

We are about to part," said Neville. "Here are the boxes; here are the cabs. There is Percival in his billycock hat. He will forget me. He will leave my letters lying about among guns and dogs unaswered. I shall send him poems and he will perhaps reply with a picture post card. But it is for that that I love him. I shall propose a meeting - under a clock, by some Cross; and shall wait and he will not come. It is for that that I love him. — Virginia Woolf

Self Love Poems Quotes By Catullus

I hate and love. And why, perhaps you'll ask.
I don't know: but I feel, and I'm tormented. — Catullus

Self Love Poems Quotes By AVA.

i am soft again.
there is water and it surrounds me.
there is feeling and i can feel it.

i am awake and alive
and swollen and heavy with love.

i am changing
and i am loving change. — AVA.

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

The prettiest girls shine brightest in the dark. — Atticus Poetry

Self Love Poems Quotes By Eileen Myles

I hope you all find yourselves sleeping with someone you love, maybe not all of the time, but a lot of the time. The touch of a foot in the night is sincere. I hope you like your work, I hope there's mystery and poetry in your life - not even poems, but patterns. I hope you can see them. Often these patterns will wake you up, and you will know that you are alive, again and again. — Eileen Myles

Self Love Poems Quotes By Nancy Navene

In the moonlight and under the stars
Somehow your face seems clearer
I revere your presence and remember
We are warriors
Thrusted onto this plane
We are strong
We must use our strength
While bearing compassion
It's easy to get lost
This place makes it so easy to get lost
In the moonlight and under the stars
Somehow your presence seems clearer
And I remember
We are warriors — Nancy Navene

Self Love Poems Quotes By Avijeet Das

When you would be looking somewhere maybe standing near a window and looking outside, I will come slowly towards you. And first I will inhale your sublime fragrance that emanates from your soft and tender body. Then slowly inching towards you I would hug you from behind and take you in my arms. — Avijeet Das

Self Love Poems Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

He was not such a special person. He loved to read very much, and also to write. He was a poet, and he exhibited me many of his poems. I remember many of them. They were silly, you could say, and about love. He was always in his room writing those things, and never with people. I used to tell him, What good is all that love doing on paper? I said, Let love write on you for a little. But he was so stubborn. Or perhaps he was only timid. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Self Love Poems Quotes By Tadeusz Borowski

Neither poems nor prose just a length of rope just the wet earth
that's the way home. neither vodka nor bread just bursts of rage just more new graves
that's youth and that's love. neither sleep nor waking neither joy nor laughter just tears in the night
so the rope, paper, knife. — Tadeusz Borowski

Self Love Poems Quotes By Atticus Poetry

It was her chaos that made her beautiful. — Atticus Poetry