Famous Quotes & Sayings

Scrip Quotes & Sayings

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Top Scrip Quotes

Scrip Quotes By James Russell Lowell

A beggar through the world am I, From place to place I wander by. Fill up my pilgrim's scrip for me, For Christ's sweet sake and charity. — James Russell Lowell

Scrip Quotes By Howard Zinn

There were eruptions against the convict labor system in the South, in which prisoners were leased in slave labor to corporations, used thus to depress the general level of wages and also to break strikes. In the year 1891, miners of the Tennessee Coal Mine Company were asked to sign an "iron-clad contract": pledging no strikes, agreeing to get paid in scrip, and giving up the right to check the weight of the coal they mined (they were paid by the weight). They refused to sign and were evicted from their houses. Convicts were brought in to replace them. — Howard Zinn

Scrip Quotes By Anonymous

With my scrip on my back, and my staff in my hand,I'll march on in haste thro' an enemy's land.Though the way may be rough it cannot be long;So I'll smooth it with hope, and I'll cheer it with song. — Anonymous

Scrip Quotes By Rick Riordan

She(Annabeth) saw Grover and said weakly, your not ... married? — Rick Riordan

Scrip Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

We could not help being struck by the seeming, though innocent, indifference of Nature to these men's necessities, while elsewhereshe was equally serving others. Like a true benefactress, the secret of her service is unchangeableness. Thus is the busiest merchant, though within sight of his Lowell, put to pilgrim's shifts, and soon comes to staff and scrip and scallop-shell. — Henry David Thoreau

Scrip Quotes By J.B. Priestley

What a grand, higgledy-piggledy, sensible old place Norwich is! — J.B. Priestley

Scrip Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

That is simple. In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay. — Benjamin Franklin

Scrip Quotes By Barack Obama

One thing you learn in this job [being US President] is that even if something's not your fault, you're still responsible. And that's how it should be. — Barack Obama

Scrip Quotes By Confucius

Heaven gives long life to the just and the intelligent. — Confucius

Scrip Quotes By Josh Tyler

Creative professionals know the importance of quantitative goals and how they can lead to qualitative results. — Josh Tyler

Scrip Quotes By Harvey H. Jackson

There were, of course, other heroes, little ones who did little things to help people get through: merchants who let profits disappear rather than lay off clerks, store owners who accepted teachers' scrip at face value not knowing if the state would ever redeem it, churches that set up soup kitchens, landlords who let tenants stay on the place while other owners turned to cattle, housewives who set out plates of cold food (biscuits and sweet potatoes seemed the fare of choice) so transients could eat without begging, railroad "bulls" who turned the other way when hoboes slipped on and off the trains, affluent families that carefully wrapped leftover food because they knew that residents of "Hooverville" down by the dump would be scavenging their garbage for their next meal, and more, an more. But they were not enough, could not have been enough, so when the government stepped in to help, those needing help we're thankful. — Harvey H. Jackson

Scrip Quotes By Laini Taylor

We haven't been introduced'
Finding her voice, she replied 'You know who I am, and I know who you are, and-'
'-that won't serve'. His voice twined with hers, changing the scrip. And in the lapse after their words, she heard him waiting. — Laini Taylor

Scrip Quotes By Daniel Gottlieb

The truth is, if we become comfortable with who we are rather than who we think we should be, then we will be less insecure. — Daniel Gottlieb

Scrip Quotes By Walter Raleigh

Give my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hope's true gage; And thus I'll take my pilgrimage. — Walter Raleigh

Scrip Quotes By Natasha Larry

He tries not to think about The Core ... but he couldn't deny it ... they were all becoming something else entirely. Darwin's Children — Natasha Larry

Scrip Quotes By Thomas Paine

first settlers were emigrants from different European nations, and of diversified professions of religion, retiring from the governmental persecutions of the old world, and meeting in the new, not as enemies, but as brothers. The wants which necessarily accompany the cultivation of a wilderness produced among them a state of society, which countries long harassed by the quarrels and intrigues of governments, had neglected to cherish. In such a situation man becomes what he ought. He sees his species, not with the inhuman idea of a natural enemy, but as kindred; and the example shows to the artificial world, that man must go back to nature for information. — Thomas Paine

Scrip Quotes By George Orwell

[ ... ] you can get anything in this world if you genuinely don't want it. — George Orwell