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Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes & Sayings

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Top Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Don't stop," she pleaded with swollen lips. "Please, Guy, don't stop."
The same hunger that ran through him had taken her as well. What kind of man would he be to leave her with such need? — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

All I know is that I like how I feel when I'm with you. I love how protective you are and that you aren't afraid to say you're sorry. I like how you touch me and kiss me. I like how you hold me, but more than anything, I like the possibilities that are before us."
"We're in the middle of a war," he warned.
She shrugged and ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders to clasp around his neck. "Every couple has their own issues to get through. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

I don't have to ask to know that something bad happened in your past."
"Because I doona smile?"
Her smile was sad when her gaze met his. "It's your eyes. Your view of the world is colored."
"As is yours. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Aye, I loved you. I love you still. I'll always love you. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Lily, listen to me," he said and gave her a little shake. "This wasna a ruse, I spent the time with you in Edinburgh because I could no longer deny the fact that I craved you as I do the air in my lungs. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

That sigh didna sound good," Rhys said into the silence of the room.
Lily hadn't even realized she had sighed. She listened to the beat of his heart beneath her ear. "Just thinking."
"Anything I can help with?"
How she wished he could.
Lily opened her eyes to look at his handsome face, a shadow of a beard darkening his jaw. "Unfortunately, no."
"You're no' thinking of that wanker of an ex while in bed with me, are you?" he asked as he cracked open an eye and smiled at her.
She chuckled. "I would never."
"Good, because that could severely damage my confidence. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

With a grin like Banan's directed at her, for the first time in her life she didn't feel like a Plain Jane.
And she had managed to walk to the car and get in it without incident. Maybe the day was looking up. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

They ate silently for a few minutes as she studied him.
"I need a shave," he said when he caught her staring.
She lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "It's not bad."
"I'd scrape your delicate skin if I tried to kiss you."
"Want to find out?" she asked with a mischievous smile. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Elena rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Guy. Everything immortal has to be killed somehow. I mean, you can't survive if they cut off your head."
"Want to give it try? — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

He held the sword as if he's used one before," Rhys said.
The stranger snorted. "Of course I've used a sword. What kind of Highlander can no' wield a blade? — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

He's British," she replied in a whisper. "He thinks he's perfect. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Not once in her life had Darcy wanted to thumb her nose at danger and rip the clothes off a man, but she was contemplating that very thing. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

I noticed you, Lily. I noticed you from the first moment you came to Dreagan, but I stayed away because you were a different kind of woman. the kind that changes a man. The forever kind. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Suddenly, Warrick lifted his head. Darcy struggled to open her eyes and think through the fog of desire. She gazed into his cobalt eyes, her stomach clenching at the longing she saw reflected there.
"There's a Dark at the back," he whispered.
Darcy was so frustrated that she wanted to scream. Why couldn't they have a few minutes of privacy? If it wasn't Rhi popping in, it was the Dark after her. "Tell him to go away. We're busy."
A sexy grin pulled at Warrick's lips. "Gladly. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

By all that was holy, he wanted to kiss every inch of her at least a thousand times. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Rhys lowered his heard, his mouth on hers before he knew what was happening. Her lips moved beneath his, open and eager. He groaned and wound his arms around her. The kiss was ecstasy, bliss
pure rapture.
Desire blazed through him as hot as dragon fire. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Banan gave her an appreciative once-over before he leaned close and whispered, Lovely gown. It'll look even better puddled next to the bed. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Suddenly Hal burst through the nearby trees and came to an abrupt halt when he saw her. "Cassie, are you hurt?"
He asked it so casually, as if he came upon women being held at sword point by nude men all the time. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

The Dragon King's gaze turned to her. Darcy watched him standing in the glow of the streetlight, completely mesmerized by the dragon tat that ran from the King's right shoulder, under his armpit, and down his side to the top of his right thigh.
The dragon's head was at the front of the man's shoulder and had his mouth open as if on a roar. He was rearing with his wings up and out. It was his long tail that stopped at the King's thigh.
The King glistened with sweat that made his muscles gleam in the light. Darcy had the absurd notion to run her hands all over his body, learning the feel of his hard muscles and warm skin. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant Reilly

The shadows parted and a large head took shape, looming above her.
Her mouth fell open when she spied the silver scales covering the wide head of the dragon. She took in the slitted obsidian eyes that were trained on her and tried to scream, but no sound came out.
The head moved farther out of the darkness to reveal a row of dark silver tendrils at the base of his skull and disappearing into the shadows. More of those same dark silver tendrils surrounded his mouth, which parted to show her rows of very sharp white teeth.
She could swear he smiled, a growl rumbling through his chest.
Death was staring her right in the face.
And there was no escaping it. — Donna Grant Reilly

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Science is just as important as magic. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

He spent his many years bedding woman after woman with no other thought than his immediate needs and pleasure. The women were forgotten, their faces fading instantly. How many times had Lily seen him with those women? Too many to count. Though that wasn't what made his heart clutch in fear.
No, that was reserved for his greatest terror
that Lily would only want him for one night. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Guy's only thought was to help her. It wasn't until he'd shoved aside the curtain and held her very wet, very naked body against him that he realized what he'd done.
Her sage green eyes were wide as she stared at him. For long moments, they simply looked at each other.
"I heard you cry out."
"My ... my ankle," she said after clearing her throat. "I put too much pressure on it."
"A bath would have been better." He was valiantly trying to keep his gaze on her face, but it was difficult with her pert breasts against him and her bare ass beneath his hand as he held her up.
"Probably," she whispered. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

You want to give the biggest klutz who ever walked the earth a sailboat? I might run over someone."
"Just make sure they deserve it," he answered without missing a beat. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

There are things about me I can no' tell you, Cassie, no matter how much I want to. Can you accept that?"
"Are you married?"
He shook his head.
"Are you some kind of criminal?"
This time he gave a slight smile as he shook his head ...
"Then I can accept it," she whispered. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Alone. It was such an insignificant word. Or it had been for centuries. He'd sought out the solitude, had slept away centuries in his cave without hesitation. And now? Now he hated the quiet.
He detested being alone. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Wake up, sleeping beauty," he whispered in her ear. "The sun is just about to crest the mountains."
"Tell it to wait," she mumbled. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

You're mine," Rhys whispered in her ear. "Your body is mine to tease and seduce. Tonight, you're all mine. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

They couldn't turn back time. What was done, was done.
He dropped his arms and lowered his head. Despondency filled him to the very brim. He was a dragon. A creature of magic and fire. A being that was lethal and dangerous.
The Kings had forgotten that. All but one. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Please come out so I can see your face," Darcy said.
There was a smile in Thorn's voice when he said, "I gave my jeans to Warrick. I'm no' shy, lass, but I doona want to embarrass Warrick. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Who are you?" she asked.
"A man who will do anything for another kiss."
"Just a kiss?"
"Nay. I want it all, but I'll take whatever you give me."
The world faded away as his head bent to her. A dark lock of hair fell forward and tickled her cheek. Hal's pale blue eyes ensnared her, trapped her. Captured her.
And then his lips were on hers. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

I need you, lass," he whispered.
Darcy opened her eyes to find him over her. "How fast can you get out of those clothes? — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

He ordered room service and replaced the receiver. He was on his way to his suit when a robe hit him in the chest. Rhys instinctively caught it and looked up at a grinning Lily.
"You can't be walking around naked," she said. "What will the hotel staff think?"
He winked at her. "They'll think you're a verra lucky lass. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Rhi looked out the windshield to the dark blue waters of the North Sea. "I can spot a liar easily, Ulrik."
"I've told you the truth."
"You've told me part of it."
"That's all there is."
She turned her head to him, and was surprised when he suddenly leaned over and kissed her. When he pulled back, she asked, "What was that for?"
"I've always wanted to know if your kiss would taste as spirited as your words, or as sweet as your walk."
"And?" she asked, unable to keep her curiosity at bay.
He licked his lips. "It's a wee bit of both."
"That's all you'll ever know," she said and teleported out. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

His life had been ripped away from him without his being able to fight against it. That was difficult enough, but to know that the one woman that consumed his thoughts day and night, the one woman who captured his attention with a mere smile would never be his ...
It was beyond cruel. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

She'd come across a few Highlanders while in Edinburgh, but none compared to Darius. She didn't even have to ask if he was a Highlander.
It was in the way he held himself, the way he spoke. It was a look that couldn't be faked or copied. Whatever made a man a Highlander was in his blood, in his very soul. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Ulrik's smile grew, while his gold eyes glittered with humor. There are those who think me inconsequential. Others don't know what threat I am. Still others would disregard me. They'll all learn soon enough. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

The happiness she found in Rhys' arms was dimmed by the fact that she was going to lose him.
He shattered the walls caging her in, giving her a glimpse of what her life could have been.
And she was going to destroy it all. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Darcy was floating, soaring. Warrick's kiss was sensual, carnal. It aroused her, inflamed her. His touch was just as wickedly delightful. His hands stroked her back, her butt, holding her tight, as if he couldn't fathom releasing her.
She never wanted the kiss to end. It was too good, too ... perfect. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Are you well?" he asked.
Her smile, which slipped, returned. "I'm ... getting by. And you?"
To his surprise, he found one side of his lips turning up at the corner. "Getting by."
"We're a pair, aren't we?" she asked ... — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

What would you say, Jane, if I told you the Dragon Kings had the ability to rule the world?"
"I don't know."
"What if I told you they once ruled the world? What would you say then?"
She shrugged ... "I'd say you're a half bubble off plumb. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

He set his whisky tumbler on the table, but kept his fingers around it. "What do you see in my eyes?"...
"Tell me, lass," he urged softly.
She suddenly understood the term 'old soul,' because one sat before her now. And, as if opening a book, she caught a glimpse of Asher. The words then tumbled out of her mouth. "Endlessness. Sorrow. Agony. Distress. Rage. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Now, if you don't mind, send one my way. Bob is getting tired."
"Who's Bob? You've not told me about a Bob," Sophie said, a little hurt.
"I have too," Claire said and gave her a little shove in the arm. "Bob is Battery Operated Boyfriend, B.O.B. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

How long has it been since you and your King were together?" he asked.
Rhi looked away, the tears returning again. "A very long time, but not so long that I don't remember the taste of his kiss or the way he would look at me and smile."
"You'll never move on unless you let go. What you need is another lover."
She cut him a look. "Are you applying for the position?"
"Would you take me? — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

I'm going to brand myself on you so that whenever you dress, wash, or even think of being with someone else, all you'll feel, see and want is me. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Only one other time in his career as a spy had Henry felt as if he were thrown to the wolves. He'd nearly lost his life that first time, and he was certain he would this time. It wasn't so much that he was going to die, but the fact that everything he knew
or thought he knew
wasn't the whole story.
All he had to do was look into the gold eyes and know that Ulrik held all the cards in this particular game. No matter what the Dragon Kings did, no matter if M15 got rid of all the traitors, no matter if the Dark Fae left Earth, Ulrik was going to win it all. — Donna Grant

Scottish Dragon Kings Quotes By Donna Grant

Desire, hot and thick, consumed him. Lily. He wanted to hold her, to simply savor her scent of roses. — Donna Grant