Famous Quotes & Sayings

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes & Sayings

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Top Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Malcolm Gladwell

Fundamental to our analysis is the assumption that the population, as individuals or groups, behaves "rationally," that it calculates costs and benefits to the extent that they can be related to different courses of action, and makes choices accordingly. ... Consequently, influencing popular behavior requires neither sympathy nor mysticism, but rather a better understanding of what costs and benefits the individual or the group is concerned with, and how they are calculated. — Malcolm Gladwell

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

There are criminals everywhere these days, you know. One might end up missing the police! Who would have thought that possible?
The Maid
The Informer by Steen Langtrup — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

You'll be very close to him when you shoot him. So shove the pistol in his face and pull the trigger instantly."

Ingrid aka 'Alis K'
The Informer — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Tom Perrotta

If we'd been on speaking terms, I might've told her that I'd come to think of sex as this long dark tunnel that turns friends into strangers, strangers into friends. — Tom Perrotta

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Gunter Grass

Art is uncompromising and life is full of compromises. — Gunter Grass

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Jo Nesbo

Sick is a relative concept. We're all sick. The question is, what degree of functionality do we have with respect to the rules society sets for desirable behavior? No actions are in themselves symptoms of sickness. You have to look at the context within which these actions are performed. — Jo Nesbo

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Sometimes I really think people ought to have to pass a proper exam before they're allowed to be parents. Not just the practical, I mean. — Terry Pratchett

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Nicole Peeler

He chose to eat his tart off my thighs, which I think we both enjoyed. — Nicole Peeler

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By James S.A. Corey

No fame and glory for you, Cortez. Montezuma wasn't impressed by your fire stick this time." "Everything — James S.A. Corey

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

You just hang in there, boy, hang in with that apprenticeship of yours, do you hear me? You are lucky they would even take someone like you. You're a child of the slums. A ragtag. On top of that, you're a whining piece of shit. Nobody will ever do anything for you. Do you understand what I'm saying? They'll let you starve to death, no problem. Nobody is going to cry on your grave.
Poul-Erik's Mother
The Informer by Steen Langstrup — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

Fuck!" he shouts. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"
"I'm not too fucking fond of loud noises, Bruno. Maybe it'd be a good idea if you backed up to the curb and got your insurance papers ready. We wouldn't want the police to get involved, would we?"
Conversation between Bruno Hanson and George Hanson
In The Shadow of Sadd. — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

All that crap about love and fairness and doing something with your life, Bruno ... Those are luxury problems. The CEO's wife can go around worrying about that stuff. People like us from the projects have to play by a different set of rules."

George Hanson
In The Shadow of Sadd — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

That crap about doing something with your life are luxury problems. People like us have to play by a different rules.
#ShadowofSadd #Books — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

I covered the body with a rug. You think I'm an idiot?
Bruno Hanson
In The Shadow of Sadd. — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Ernests Gulbis

A woman needs to enjoy life a little bit more. Needs to think about family, needs to think about kids. — Ernests Gulbis

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

I've been washing stairs my whole life. One day after the other. Since I was five years old. I've never complained. Shame on you. I'm embarrassed to have a son like you ... can't even look after his own bicycle. You just wait until your dad comes home. Then you'll be in trouble, I can tell you that much.
Poul-Erik's Mother
The Informer — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Tilda Swinton

I believe that all great art holds the power to dissolve things: time, distance, difference, injustice, alienation, despair. I believe that all great art holds the power to mend things: join, comfort, inspire hope in fellowship, reconcile us to our selves. Art is good for my soul precisely because it reminds me that we have souls in the first place. — Tilda Swinton

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Shaun McNiff

Imaginative compassion for that which is other than myself is a constant artistic and ethical discipline. — Shaun McNiff

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

I just can't comprehend, that you, Borge, of all people, couldn't keep your mouth shut. — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

AK 47, is perfect copy, yes? Every detail. Like real thing. Yes. Kalashnikov. Your boy, he be happy for Uncle Sante, no?"
"I'm sorry, Sante. It's really nice of you, but I don't want Sofus playing with guns."
Conversation between George Hanson and Sante
In The Shadow of Sadd — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

I had my first cigarette when I was five," he says, making rings of smoke. "With my mother. — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

They died. Along with three other men who had joined our group. We were betrayed. The porter had told his girlfriend about the operation. They'd only just met each other. Jens shot her a week later."

Johannes aka 'BB'
The Informer — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Arsenio Hall

You never get rid of something that has a positive foundation. — Arsenio Hall

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

What is the name of the woman on the telephone?"
"Alis K."
"Is that her real name?"

Conversation between 'BB' and his wife Grete
The Informer — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

We saved the lives of a whole family that night. Children, parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, all sailed to safety in Sweden inside a little fisherman's boat."

Johannes aka 'BB'
The Informer by Steen Langstrup — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

Foreign food isn't really my thing. I tasted whale once, and I was sick for a week. — Steen Langstrup

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Robert Doisneau

I don't photograph life as it is, but life as I would like it to be, — Robert Doisneau

Scandinavian Mysteries Quotes By Steen Langstrup

F***, some people are so determined to be good that it makes me want to puke.
Bruno Hanson in
In The Shadow of Sadd. — Steen Langstrup