Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Scaling

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Top Scaling Quotes

Scaling Quotes By Chip Heath

What is the ratio of the time I spend solving problems to the time I spend scaling successes? — Chip Heath

Scaling Quotes By Kevin Systrom

There are a lot more companies with a lot younger people. It is just like 23-year-olds are starting companies, and they are scaling really quickly. — Kevin Systrom

Scaling Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

How will we get back up?" I worried. "I have a different route in mind for our return trip." "Does it involve stairs?" I asked hopefully. "No." "Of course not. How silly of me. And for our return adventure we will be scaling the side of Mount Everest, hiking boots to be provided by our trusty sponsor, Barrons Books and Baubles. — Karen Marie Moning

Scaling Quotes By Marat Safin

I've lived my life the way I wanted to, whether scaling the mountains, partying long into the night or having fun playing soccer. — Marat Safin

Scaling Quotes By Frederic Haddad

If BlackHat people can monetize an opportunity (that is, convert it to money), and especially if they can scale it (that is, make money from a big mass of people), then they will do it - happily so - and even create their own sub-markets to serve that BlackHat opportunity. — Frederic Haddad

Scaling Quotes By Charles Francis Richter

What emerged, of course, was that the magnitude scale presupposed that all earthquakes were alike except for a constant scaling factor. And this proved to be closer to the truth than we expected. — Charles Francis Richter

Scaling Quotes By George Meredith

Sunrays, leaning on our southern hills and lighting
Wild cloud-mountains that drag the hills along,
Oft ends the day of your shifting brilliant laughter
Chill as a dull face frowning on a song.
Ay, but shows the South-west a ripple-feathered bosom
Blown to silver while the clouds are shaken and ascend
Scaling the mid-heavens as they stream, there comes a sunset
Rich, deep like love in beauty without end. — George Meredith

Scaling Quotes By Bill Woolsey

One individual can typically care for no more than 10 people. Creating a 1:10 people system from the beginning allows you to provide the depth of spiritual relationship and mentoring people need and desire, while also scaling for growth. — Bill Woolsey

Scaling Quotes By Spencer Kayden

I don't seem to take vacations, but I must say, a jaunt into Central Park can be mighty transporting. My boy and I can spend hours in the Ramble scaling rocks and sword fighting with sticks. I often forget I'm in Manhattan when I'm in there. — Spencer Kayden

Scaling Quotes By Thoraya Obaid

We also know that the various faith-based institutions provide about 50 per cent of the health and education services in the poor communities; we also know that they have a large constituency including women and youth; they have outreach and networks and they are credible to their people. If we want to achieve the Millennium Development Foals by scaling up the responses of all the communities, do we ignore this large investment in people? Or do we engage in dialogue and in action? — Thoraya Obaid

Scaling Quotes By Natalie Angier

The clitoris not only applauds when a women flaunts her mastery; it will give a standing ovation. In the multiple orgasm, we see the finest evidence that our lady Klitoris helps those who help themselves. It may take many minutes to reach the first summit, but once there the lusty mountaineer finds wings awaiting her. She does noy need to scramble back to the ground before scaling the next peak, but can glide like a raptor on currents of joy. — Natalie Angier

Scaling Quotes By James Gleick

Libchaber's spectrum diagrams showed vividly the precise pattern of period-doubling predicted by the theory. The spikes of new frequencies stand out clearly above the experimental noise. Feigenbaum's scaling theory predicted not only when and where the new frequencies would arrive but also how strong they would be-their amplitudes. — James Gleick

Scaling Quotes By Donald Barthelme

The world is sagging, snagging, scaling, spalling, pilling, pinging, pitting, warping, checking, fading, chipping, cracking, yellowing, leaking, stalling, shrinking, and in dynamic unbalance. — Donald Barthelme

Scaling Quotes By Noreena Hertz

Without industry, finance and government consciously and collaboratively ensuring that capital flows to where it is needed in order to ensure the scaling up of climate change solutions, whatever deal is agreed risks never being realised. — Noreena Hertz

Scaling Quotes By Carrier Slocomb

was then that Joss saw the second scaling hook and rope ten feet away. — Carrier Slocomb

Scaling Quotes By James Gleick

The only things that can ever be universal, in a sense, are scaling things. — James Gleick

Scaling Quotes By Shawn Fanning

I think the most difficult thing had been scaling the infrastructure. Trying to support the response we had received from our users and the number of people that were interested in using the software. — Shawn Fanning

Scaling Quotes By Marc Laidlaw

I think it's important to have scaling challenge because there are players who I feel play 'Dragon Age' for the wonder, story and exploration but wouldn't enjoy getting their butts handed to them. We do still have easy mode - it's not a pure story mode in that there's zero combat, but it's not super-challenging. — Marc Laidlaw

Scaling Quotes By Jason Fried

Believe it or not, the bigger problem isn't scaling, it's getting to the point where you have to scale. Without the first problem you won't have the second. — Jason Fried

Scaling Quotes By James Gleick

It had been well known for twenty years that the distribution of large and small earthquakes followed a particular mathematical pattern, precisely the same scaling pattern that seemed to govern the distribution of personal incomes in a free-market economy. — James Gleick

Scaling Quotes By Colleen Hoover

His dream is to one day be a famous Broadway star, but he says he lacks the ability to sing or act, so he's scaling down his dream and applying to business school, instead. — Colleen Hoover

Scaling Quotes By Pierce Brosnan

I certainly got the jokes within the joke, dressing up in a wet suit, sitting in a Twingo, scaling a rubber mountain, dressing up and stealing a diamond, of course. If not now, when? — Pierce Brosnan

Scaling Quotes By Gayle Forman

A day might be just twenty-four hours but sometimes getting through just one seems as impossible as scaling Everest. — Gayle Forman

Scaling Quotes By Xi Jinping

Comrade Mao, whether he was crossing 'a sea of surging waves' or scaling 'a mountain pass impregnable as iron' always held unwaveringly to his course, setting a shining example for the Chinese Communist Party. — Xi Jinping

Scaling Quotes By Sara Raasch

In a burst of movement I'm up the crates, scaling the wall, and rolling onto the tiles of the roof next to me, a handful of stories in the air. — Sara Raasch

Scaling Quotes By Jerry Saltz

The art world is molting - some would say melting. Galleries are closing; museums are scaling back. — Jerry Saltz

Scaling Quotes By Paul Auster

I've dealt with numbers all my life, of course, and after a while you begin to feel that each number has a personality of its own. A twelve is very different from a thirteen, for example. Twelve is upright, conscientious, intelligent, whereas thirteen is a loner, a shady character who won't think twice about breaking the law to get what he wants. Eleven is tough, an outdoorsman who likes tramping through woods and scaling mountains; ten is rather simpleminded, a bland figure who always does what he's told; nine is deep and mystical, a Buddha of contemplation ... — Paul Auster

Scaling Quotes By Timothy Griffin

The Europeans waited so long that they are impacting people who depend on their pensions. We are still early enough to fix it for the next generation. A few states have started scaling back their programs, while others have come hat in hand for billion-dollar federal bailouts. — Timothy Griffin

Scaling Quotes By Subhajit Ganguly

The principle of conservation of boson number inside a system is seen to follow directly from the Abstraction Model. The IBMs are seen to obey the Laws of Physical Transaction that follows from Zero-Postulation. The chaotic superfields at the requisite scaling-ratio yields necessary equation-parameters needed to describe them at that given scaling-ratio. This is seen to be independent of the choice of scale, but at smaller scaling-ratios, we have less loss of information. At a higher scale, we seem to have less number of parameters required to describe them. — Subhajit Ganguly

Scaling Quotes By Werner Herzog

A vision had seized hold of me, like the demented fury of a hound that has sunk its teeth into the leg of a deer carcass and is shaking and tugging at the downed game so frantically that the hunter gives up trying to calm him. It was the vision of a large steamship scaling a hill under its own steam, working its way up a steep slope in the jungle, while above this natural landscape, which shatters the weak and the strong with equal ferocity, soars the voice of Caruso, silencing all the pain and all the voices of the primeval forest and drowning out all birdsong. To be more precise: bird cries, for in this setting, left unfinished and abandoned by God in wrath, the birds do not sing; they shriek in pain, and confused trees tangle with one another like battling Titans, from horizon to horizon, in a steaming creation still being formed. Fog-panting and exhausted they stand in this unreal misery - and I, like a stanza in a poem written in an unknown foreign tongue, am shaken to the core. — Werner Herzog

Scaling Quotes By George Lee Butler

It is the foremost responsibility of the United States, having been the predominant nuclear power, to take the lead in scaling this back and making good on its signed and sealed and ratified obligation in Article 6 of the non-proliferation treaty going back to '68 to eliminate this nuclear arsenal. That's a serious international obligation. — George Lee Butler

Scaling Quotes By Mike McCue

As an entrepreneur, in many ways it's like looking into the crystal ball for what my company will hopefully go through as it starts to think about bigger challenges - scaling internationally, getting ready to go public, and all those different things. — Mike McCue

Scaling Quotes By James E. Faust

Self-mastery is a challenge for every individual. Only we can control our appetites and passions. Self-mastery cannot be bought by money or fame. It is the ultimate test of our character. It requires climbing out of the deep valleys of our lives and scaling our own Mount Everests. — James E. Faust

Scaling Quotes By Os Guinness

What has happened to create this doubt is that a problem (such as a deep conflict or a bad experience) has been allowed to usurp God's place and become the controlling principle of life. Instead of viewing the problem from the vantage point of faith, the doubter views faith from the vantage point of the problem. Instead of faith sizing up the problem, the situation ends with the problem scaling down faith. The world of faith is upside down, and in the topsy-turvy reality of doubt, a problem has become god and God has become a problem. — Os Guinness

Scaling Quotes By Denis Waitley

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. — Denis Waitley

Scaling Quotes By Eric Schmidt

Scaling needs to be a core part of your foundation. Competition is much more intense and competitive advantages don't last long, so you have to have a "grow big fast" strategy. — Eric Schmidt

Scaling Quotes By Cormac McCarthy

They went through the last of the cars and then walked up the track to the locomotive and climbed up to the catwalk. Rust and scaling paint. They pushed into the cab and he blew away the ash from the engineer's seat and put the boy at the controls. The controls were very simple. Little to do but push the throttle lever forward. He made train noises and diesel horn noises but he wasn't sure what these might mean to the boy. After a while they just looked out through the silted glass to where the track curved away in the waste of weeds. If they saw different worlds what they knew was the same. That the train would sit there slowly decomposing for all eternity and that no train would ever run again — Cormac McCarthy

Scaling Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

I need you to do something for me."
He snorted. "You mean other than deserting the army, scaling mountains, and freezing my ass off on the cold ground every night?"
"Yes. — Leigh Bardugo

Scaling Quotes By Georgia Clark

Technology won't protect you from being attacked for fresh water. A badass blade will. Back in Eden where I grew up, the closest thing to knifework I'd experienced was cutting up a loaf of warm bread. Last night, I'd gutted a wild prairie chicken after scaling a rock face to find its nest and slit its throat.
What a difference a year makes. — Georgia Clark

Scaling Quotes By Mike Quigley

Scaling back the U.S. fleet of 14 nuclear-armed submarines to eight would maintain a robust deterrent at sea while generating billions in savings and easing pressure on the Navy's shipbuilding budget. — Mike Quigley

Scaling Quotes By Ed Catmull

Right away, we realized that we'd made a terrible mistake. Everything about the project ran counter to what we believed in. We didn't know how to aim low. We had nothing against the direct-to-video model, in theory; Disney was doing it and making heaps of money. We just couldn't figure out how to go about it without sacrificing quality. What's more, it soon became clear that scaling back our expectations to make a direct-to-video product was having a negative impact on our internal culture, in that it created an A-team (A Bug's Life) and a B-team (Toy Story 2). The crew assigned to work on Toy Story 2 was not interested in producing B-level work, and more than a few came into my office to say so. It would have been foolish to ignore their passion. — Ed Catmull

Scaling Quotes By Edgar Rice Burroughs

Only once did I perceive a human being, and that was at the intersection of our crossroad with the wide, white turnpike which cuts each cultivated district longitudinally at its exact center. The fellow must have been sleeping beside the road, for, as I came abreast of him, he raised upon one elbow and after a single glance at the approaching caravan leaped shrieking to his feet and fled madly down the road, scaling a nearby wall with the agility of a scared cat. The Tharks paid him not the slightest attention; they were not out upon the warpath, and the only sign that I had that they had seen him was a quickening of the pace of the caravan as we hastened toward the bordering desert which marked our entrance into the realm of Tal Hajus. — Edgar Rice Burroughs

Scaling Quotes By Rosa DeLauro

The best proof of the high quality of American beef is the continued negative BSE findings supported by the highest surveillance possible. The administration should be working to increase our surveillance of BSE, not scaling it back. — Rosa DeLauro

Scaling Quotes By Courtney Milan

THERE WERE THREE SKILLS that Miss Emily Fairfield had found necessary in her current position in life: lying, smuggling, and - most important of all - scaling walls. It was the last she'd put to use at the moment. — Courtney Milan

Scaling Quotes By Marc Goodman

The ability of one to affect many is scaling exponentially - and it's scaling for good and it's scaling for evil. — Marc Goodman

Scaling Quotes By Bjarne Stroustrup

Legacy code often differs from its suggested alternative by actually working and scaling. — Bjarne Stroustrup

Scaling Quotes By Rich Galen

I would be surprised to see the White House scaling back on anything. That would be an admission they are operating from a position of weakness. — Rich Galen

Scaling Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt

Boxing, jiu-jitsu, scaling the Matterhorn ... I did cardio before cardio was cool. — Theodore Roosevelt

Scaling Quotes By Ron Eglash

I just toured around looking for fractals, and when I found something that had a scaling geometry, I would ask the folks what was going on - why they had made it that way. — Ron Eglash

Scaling Quotes By Tim Cook

You can focus on things that are barriers or you can focus on scaling the wall or redefining the problem. — Tim Cook

Scaling Quotes By Gina Damico

They had completely failed to notice Norwood and Heloise storming out of the house, Uncle Mort scaling the ladder, and the fact he was now staring at them and had been for several minutes.
"Good grief," he said. "As if I didn't have enough to worry about."
Lex and Driggs jumped apart and wiped spittle from their mouths. "What's up?" Driggs said in a terrible attempt at nonchalance.
"Hormone levels obviously. — Gina Damico

Scaling Quotes By Terence Tao

Volume grows spatially slower than scaling. — Terence Tao

Scaling Quotes By Dave Ramsey

We are scaling down is a painful statement to make to friends or family. — Dave Ramsey

Scaling Quotes By Armand Hammer

Russian is a very deceptive language, because it looks easy at first: it's like setting out for a gentle stroll and realizing that you've committed yourself to scaling Himalayan peaks. — Armand Hammer

Scaling Quotes By Alice Clayton

I gave Clive a sock full of catnip and a bowlful of tuna. My hope was to get him wasted and passed out before the action started. The treats had the opposite effect. My boy was ready to party down when the first strains of Purina came shrieking through the walls about one fifteen in the morning. If Clive could have put on a mini smoking jacket, he would have. He stalked the room, pacing back and forth in front of the wall, playing it cool. When Purina began her meows, though, he couldn't contain himself. He once again launched toward the wall. He jumped from nightstand to dresser to shelf, scaling pillows and even a lamp to get closer to his beloved. When he realized he would never be able to burrow under the plaster, he serenaded her with some weird kind of kitty Barry White, his yowls matching hers in intensity. — Alice Clayton

Scaling Quotes By Alain De Botton

We are tempted to believe that certain achievements and possessions will give us enduring satisfaction. We are invited to imagine ourselves scaling the steep cliff face of happiness in order to reach a wide, high plateau on which we will live out the rest of our lives; we are not reminded that soon after gaining the summit, we will be called down again into fresh lowlands of anxiety and desire. — Alain De Botton

Scaling Quotes By John Belamaric

Another method for scaling the database layer is to run a MySQL Cluster — John Belamaric

Scaling Quotes By Peter Thiel

Once you create and dominate a niche market, then you should gradually expand into related and slightly broader markets. Amazon shows how it can be done. Jeff Bezos's founding vision was to dominate all of online retail, but he very deliberately started with books. There were millions of books to catalog, but they all had roughly the same shape, they were easy to ship, and some of the most rarely sold books - those least profitable for any retail store to keep in stock - also drew the most enthusiastic customers. Amazon became the dominant solution for anyone located far from a bookstore or seeking something unusual. Amazon then had two options: expand the number of people who read books, or expand to adjacent markets. They chose the latter, starting with the most similar markets: CDs, videos, and software. Amazon continued to add categories gradually until it had become the world's general store. The name itself brilliantly encapsulated the company's scaling strategy. — Peter Thiel

Scaling Quotes By Julie Buxbaum

That's the blessing and the curse of loss: You don't get to choose what falls within the inevitable dissolution of recollection or what lingers and haunts you late at night, your head heavy with memories, while your husband dreams of scaling walls in spandex tights.This is who I am: someone who simultaneously longs for and fears the commitment of remembering. There is the forgetting, the disintegration of memory, morsel by morsel; and there is the impossibility of forgetting, the scar tissue, with is insulated layers of padding. Both haunt me in their own way. — Julie Buxbaum

Scaling Quotes By James Gleick

The physics of earthquake behavior is mostly independent of scale. A large earthquake is just a scaled-up version of a small earthquake. That distinguishes earthquakes from animals, for example-a ten inch animal must be structured quite differently from a one-inch animal, and a hundred-inch animal needs a different architecture still, if its bones are not to snap under the increased mass. Clouds, on the other hand, are scaling phenomena like earthquakes. Their characteristic irregularity-describable in terms of fractal dimension-changes not at all as they are observed on different scales. That is why air travelers lose all perspective on how far away a cloud is. Without help from cues such as haziness, a cloud twenty feet away can be indistinguishable from two thousand feet away. Indeed, analysis of satellite pictures has shown an invariant fractal dimension in clouds observed from hundreds of miles away. — James Gleick

Scaling Quotes By Mat Brown

Note that master-follower databases are not distributed: every machine has a full copy of the dataset. Master-follower replication is great for scaling up the processing power available for handling read requests, but does nothing to accommodate arbitrarily large datasets. Master-follower replication also provides some resilience against machine failure: in particular, failure of a machine will not result in data loss, since other machines have a full copy of the same dataset. — Mat Brown

Scaling Quotes By Robert Torricelli

Scaling back the campaign finance reform bill may get more Republicans aboard, but it leaves many of us who have been involved in the reform movement for years in believing that we are doing something and accomplishing nothing. — Robert Torricelli

Scaling Quotes By Edward Hopper

I think that zinc white has a property of scaling and cracking. — Edward Hopper

Scaling Quotes By Veronica Roth

A breeze blows through the alley, pushing me to one side, and I think of scaling the Ferris wheel with Tobias. He kept me steady then. There is no one left to keep me steady now. — Veronica Roth

Scaling Quotes By Simon Mainwaring

Brands are faced with the daily challenge of massively scaling their outreach in order to build personal relationships. While this may seem like a contradiction in terms, it becomes much more possible when brands shift from push to pull dynamics in their marketing. — Simon Mainwaring

Scaling Quotes By William James

Romeo wants Juliet as the filings want the magnet; and if no obstacles intervene he moves towards her by as straight a line as they. But Romeo and Juliet, if a wall be built between them, do not remain idiotically pressing their faces against its opposite sides like the magnet and the filings with the card. Romeo soon finds a circuitous way, by scaling the wall or otherwise, of touching Juliet's lips directly. With the filings the path is fixed; whether it reaches the end depends on accidents. With the lover it is the end which is fixed, the path may be modified indefinitely. — William James

Scaling Quotes By David Oyelowo

I love that as a black person I've experienced not being a minority. I think that's helped me to combat the minority mentality people can have here, which can stop them scaling the heights. — David Oyelowo

Scaling Quotes By Dan Ariely

Scaling down individually is very hard. Imagine that if you go to a place where everybody is dressed nicely, and you are the only one who doesn't dress nicely. Everybody goes on vacations to a great place and you go to the Jersey shore. It's very hard to do these things without an organized mechanism, but it looks to me like there might be some organized mechanisms. — Dan Ariely

Scaling Quotes By Melinda K. Trotter

Kaylee giggled as he tunneled up inside her sleeve.
Out popped his head for a quick look, then he took leave.
He enjoyed scaling up, down and around her shirt.
What a sweet, funny and adorable flirt. — Melinda K. Trotter

Scaling Quotes By Alan J. Heeger

The scaling theory of localization demonstrated that the disorder-induced M-I transition was a true phase transition with a well defined critical point. — Alan J. Heeger

Scaling Quotes By Nick Woodman

I feel like I've done a pretty good job of scaling because I got some great mentors along the way that helped me realize I just have to build a phenomenal team around me that makes my job a lot easier. — Nick Woodman

Scaling Quotes By Zoran

Comfort, simplicity, practicality - these are all American words. It is simplicity in fabric and way of cut. You cannot produce complicated clothes or spend ten days making a dress. Mine is all done by scaling measurements. I use the body as the land, as when building a house. — Zoran

Scaling Quotes By Subrahmanijan Chandrasekhar

The pursuit of science has often been compared to the scaling of mountains, high and not so high. But who amongst us can hope, even in imagination, to scale the Everest and reach its summit when the sky is blue and the air is still, and in the stillness of the air survey the entire Himalayan range in the dazzling white of the snow stretching to infinity? None of us can hope for a comparable vision of nature and of the universe around us. But there is nothing mean or lowly in standing in the valley below and awaiting the sun to rise over Kinchinjunga. — Subrahmanijan Chandrasekhar

Scaling Quotes By Beryl Markham

To see ten thousand animals untamed and not branded with the symbols of human commerce is like scaling an unconquered mountain for the first time, or like finding a forest without roads or footpaths, or the blemish of an axe. You know then what you had always been told
that the world once lived and grew without adding machines and newsprint and brick-walled streets and the tyranny of clocks. — Beryl Markham

Scaling Quotes By Robert Sutton

Grit drives people to succeed, especially when they face daunting and prolonged challenges - a hallmark of every scaling effort. (Scaling Up Excellence) — Robert Sutton

Scaling Quotes By Erica Ridley

Be thankful all she did was raise her voice," Mr. Blackpool told Sarah conspiratorially. "During the ride to London, I had to talk her out of scaling up the townhouse walls, should the door go unanswered."
She had to hide her smile at the image of flamboyant Mrs. Blackpool climbing row houses like a circus monkey. "We are fortunate indeed that such measures did not prove necessary. — Erica Ridley

Scaling Quotes By Lang Leav

Loving you is like being ten years old again, scaling a tree with my eyes bright and skyward, wanting only to get higher and higher, without a thought of how I would get back down. — Lang Leav

Scaling Quotes By Grace Coolidge

Crossing the uplands of time, Skirting the borders of night, Scaling the face of the peak of dreams, We enter the region of light, And hastening on with eager intent, Arrive at the rainbow's end, And here uncover the pot of gold Buried deep in the heart of a friend. — Grace Coolidge

Scaling Quotes By David Quammen

Then a very large komodo breaks into view, spooked by our trespass, and scrambles up the vertical face of the bluff, like an alligator scaling a four-story building. — David Quammen