Famous Quotes & Sayings

Savages The Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Savages The Movie Quotes

Savages The Movie Quotes By Soren Kierkegaard

You, who are so observant, will no doubt concede the generalization that people divide into two large classes, those who live mainly in hope and those who live mainly in recollection. — Soren Kierkegaard

Savages The Movie Quotes By John Cage

The Indians long ago knew that music was going on permanently and that hearing it was like looking out a window at a landscape which didn't stop when one turned away. — John Cage

Savages The Movie Quotes By Zig Ziglar

Each close you use should be an educational process by which you are able to raise the value in the prospect's mind. — Zig Ziglar

Savages The Movie Quotes By Olga Kurylenko

Every actor has to move in a Terrence Malick film - that's the requirement. If you stop, he'll tell you, 'No, no, keep moving.' You can't be static. It's a choreography. — Olga Kurylenko

Savages The Movie Quotes By Jamie McGuire

As far as everyone is concerned, I'm in love with you today and tomorrow. — Jamie McGuire

Savages The Movie Quotes By Brian O'Driscoll

I've always found when I was captain when other people were doing the talking for me, I didn't need to say as much, and when I did say one or two things, people tended to listen all the more. — Brian O'Driscoll

Savages The Movie Quotes By Julie Kagawa

Listen Zeke, i have to go. There's something i have to do, someone i have to find. i owe him a lot, and he's in trouble now. i just wanted to say goodbye."
Zeke slept on. i put my hand on his uninjured arm, squeezing gently. My eyes burned, but i ignored them. "you probably won't see me again," i murmured, feeling something hot slide down my cheek. "i got you here, like i promised i would. i wish ... i wish i could've seen your Eden, but this place isn't for me. it never was. i have to find my own place in the world. — Julie Kagawa

Savages The Movie Quotes By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Will you ever be anything more than a vessel transmitting the genes and memes of previous generations on to the next? — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Savages The Movie Quotes By Chang Chen-yue

As a songwriter, that's really what you hope for - to make that connection with your audience. — Chang Chen-yue

Savages The Movie Quotes By Gbenga Akinnagbe

I did a movie called 'The Savages' with Laura Linney and Phillip Seymour Hoffman, where I played a nurse, and it showed me in a different role from what I played on 'The Wire.' It showed my range as an actor. — Gbenga Akinnagbe