Famous Quotes & Sayings

Sager Quotes & Sayings

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Top Sager Quotes

Sager Quotes By Mike Sager

The reward of child rearing is spending the rest of your life proudly knowing this person you helped guide. Let him be himself. — Mike Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

(Brigit on getting a splinter)
"Such particles are frightfully exasperating to extricate painlessly."
Bracy let out a low sigh, "There she goes again. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

God's ways are not our own, but we can always trust that He is good. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Bobby Sager

I hope that Beyond the Robe helps you to feel closer to the monks and nuns and to better understand their immense potential to provide leadership in their world and further insight into ours. Instead of simply admiring them from afar, let's all get close enough to really listen. — Bobby Sager

Sager Quotes By Thomas Campion

My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love, And though the sager sort our deeds reprove, Let us not weigh them. Heaven's great lamps do dive Into their west, and straight again revive, But soon as once set is our little light, Then must we sleep one ever-during night. See Catullus 200:5. — Thomas Campion

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

We found the heart of Arcrea and all I got was this stupid tunic. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

The work of Renny's bow, Anvil's teeth, Nathaniel's fists and the four swords of the others brought the fight to a quick close. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Luke laughed, We were about to go rescue you from your captors. Pity you had to turn up so soon. I was hoping to storm the garrison gates and sally forth on horseback to carry you to safety. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Well, perhaps Falconer will be able to figure it out; he's usually a good judge of character. I say the sooner we reach the Heartland the better. I, for one, am eager to rid him of our 'boring' company — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Your silence is answer enough. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

All right, Planty, time's up. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

We'll go and purchase some ... rolls, from ... the baker. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Obvious, Elbert. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Stephen King

The first great thriller of 2017 is almost here: Final Girls, by Riley Sager. If you liked Gone Girl, you'll like this. — Stephen King

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Hot nettle stew, we should have thrown you from your horse ages ago. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Have you ever been faced with the clear certainty that the culinary arts have a great propensity to rendering themselves unsavory? — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

By my ridiculously feathered cap! — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Blunt turned to the man in question with a helpless grin, "You have always proven yourself a mystery to me, good fellow!"
Falconer lifted one corner of his mouth, "Then I have succeeded, Blunt. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Carole Bayer Sager

I learned that people want to be in love. They long to be in love, they pretend to be in love, and sometimes they are. — Carole Bayer Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

There are villains to overthrow, damsels to be saved ... This is no time to be laid low. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Yehuda Amichai

In my life are many windows
and many graves.
Sometimes they exchange
then a window is closed forever,
then by way of a gravestone
I can see
very far.
(Hebrew-to-English translation by Rabbi Steven Sager) — Yehuda Amichai

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

he swung and the carnatur dodged
he ducked when it tried to knock him from his perch
"no account plants,"
his sword glanced of the green bulb and the plant hissed
"that have no purpose on this earth but to ruin my day. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Two glittering eyes peered at the three young men and the catawyld clicked the back of its tongue in warning.
"I hate these things," Bracy growled — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

He was, however, in a hurry. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

His newborn faith had suffered with no one to water the sprouting seeds, and he would be hard pressed to find such a gardener in the weed-choked kingdom of
Mizgalia. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

I have chosen a life that depends on one's awareness that every breath may be his last, every step may bring his downfall, and every word may stir betrayal. In truth, I must live in conscious ignorance of the mere thread that holds my life aloft, trusting that God alone has the power to sever it, and that He will do so only when my work on earth is complete. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

There is a maiden in distress, sir; we have no time for trivialities such as the lack of experience. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Aretha Franklin

I love producing, writing. I rarely write with other writers unless I have a real great respect for them. Like Burt Bacharach, or Carole Sager, or Stevie Wonder. Somebody like Smokey - like that. Otherwise, I choose to write alone. — Aretha Franklin

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Ho there, it ignites! — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

How utterly low. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

He who discovers the heart of Arcrea and joins the hands of the seven regions will be king. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Bobby Sager

I know it's way too Utopian to think we will all ever just hugand love each other- but proactively dealing with hate could be as important to the future as clean water. — Bobby Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Carnatur, eh? What are they man-eating daisies? — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

I've heard myself say that I'm quite charming and not at all a bad sort of fellow, so you can be absolutely certain it's true. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Ahhhh ... I see. I think. Perhaps I don't. It may be easier to grasp if you presented it in a musical format. A lyrical song or two, accompanied by a whimsical dance to interpret the words. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Bobby Sager

For me, philanthropic return on investment is about making the biggest impact possible on fellow human beings, regardless of country, race or religion. — Bobby Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Now then," he mused, "how does one fly a dragon? — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Half of what I write is imaginative reality. The other half is realized impossibilities. Blended into one, these make a fantasy. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Forget what you were, and look forward to what you could be. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By H.L. Mencken

There is something poignantly pathetic in the picture of this valiant fighter - this arrogant ja-sager - this foe of men, gods and devils - being nursed and coddled like a little child. His old fierce pride and courage disappeared and he became docile and gentle. "You and I, my sister - we are happy!" he would say, and then his hand would slip out from his coverings and clasp that of the tender and faithful Lisbeth. Once she mentioned Wagner to him. "Den habe ich sehr geliebt!" he said. All his old fighting spirit was gone. He remembered only the glad days and the dreams of his youth. — H.L. Mencken

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Something at the back of his mind whispered that this assignment would be like nothing he had encountered before. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Carole Bayer Sager

Love shouldn't diminish you; it should enhance you. — Carole Bayer Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Bracy sighed, "So this wasn't the heart ... it was the head."
"Bracy don't try to be poetic; it doesn't suit you. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Bracy, why do I get the feeling that it's only a matter of time before you realize that while you've thought you were running away from God, you were actually running to Him ... and that He's been holding your hand and leading you the whole way there? — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

In a case such as this, unless an entire army is available, the safest number of men will be one. We have no army, and therefore I will go. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

It is the children who will be most malleable in your hands. Train them up in the way you would have them to go, and the next generation of Mizgalians will be the first of many to reach the state of perfection that I seek. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Lynn Marie Sager

People are always complaining that life's not fair, but that simply isn't true. Life is extraordinarily fair. It's just not centered on you. — Lynn Marie Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

I give this to you because it is the key that will unlock the door between your past and your future. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Stand for Him, Druet; even if all others in this kingdom stand against Him. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Just pretend you know what you're doing. Plant a menacing scowl on your face and stand guard at the door. If someone advances your way, brandish the weapon and bellow like an Arcrean clansman. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Bobby Sager

The way that I approach helping is to first make sure that I understand ... — Bobby Sager

Sager Quotes By Craig Sager

Time is something that cannot be bought, it cannot be wagered with God, and it is not in endless supply. Time is simply how you live your life. — Craig Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

He held out a hand, I am Lord Bradley, noble nobody if you must know, and greatest source of annoyance to his lordship, Roland. My brother-in-law. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Bradley shook his head in amusement, For twins, you and your brother are nothing alike. I used to wonder what it would be like to have a twin, but now ... No offense, but I'm rather glad I came by myself. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

You mean our worst enemy may be the grass beneath our feet? — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

An Angry female catawyld? Conquered.
An outraged female dragon? Defeated.
A woman who might pin him to the wall with green-eyed fury? Out of the question. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

The message had been delivered. All they could do now was wait. Valden hated waiting. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Bradley opened his mouth and then snapped it shut. Finally he chuckled, I find myself with so many arguments and witty replies begging to be used in response to your statement, that I simply cannot choose which would serve my purpose best. Therefore, I'll use none of them and instead ask how you came to be pinned beneath the rubble of thirty bent on your destruction. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Sometimes God takes us down to nothing so that He can give us all we need. Often we try to hold on to everything anyway, creating idols that mean more to us than God does. We don't realize that our grip is actually crushing the things we love. Our stubbornness does more damage than good. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Nicole Sager

Warin's brow lifted in thought. 'I should think that's when worries are easiest to erase, when they are groundless. Bringing them to light often helps us to see they were merely a shadow, and never anything of substance at all. — Nicole Sager

Sager Quotes By Mike Sager

All hate is just fear. All fear is just insecurity — Mike Sager