Famous Quotes & Sayings

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes & Sayings

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Top Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Mikhail Gorbachev

A period of transition to a new quality in all spheres of society's life is accompanied by painful phenomena. When we were initiating perestroika we failed to properly assess and foresee everything. Our society turned out to be hard to move off the ground, not ready for major changes which affect people's vital interests and make them leave behind everything to which they had become accustomed over many years. In the beginning we imprudently generated great expectations, without taking into account the fact that it takes time for people to realize that all have to live and work differently, to stop expecting that new life would be given from above. — Mikhail Gorbachev

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Thomas Guthrie

Sin! Sin! Thou art a hateful and horrible thing, that abominable thing which God hates. And what wonder? Thou hast insulted His holy majesty; thou hast bereaved Him of beloved children; thou hast crucified the Son of His infinite love; thou hast vexed His gracious Spirit; thou hast defied His power; thou hast despised His grace; and in the body and blood of Jesus, as if that were a common thing, thou hast trodden under foot His matchless mercy. Surely, brethren, the wonder of wonders is, that sin is not that abominable thing which we also hate. — Thomas Guthrie

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Psychologists should bethink themselves before putting down the instinct of self-preservation as the cardinal instinct of an organic being. A living thing seeks above all to DISCHARGE its strength - life itself is WILL TO POWER; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent RESULTS thereof. In short, here, as everywhere else, let us beware of SUPERFLUOUS teleological principles! - one of which is the instinct of self-preservation (we owe it to Spinoza's inconsistency). — Friedrich Nietzsche

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Hunter Shea

Teta was wary, but anxious to leave city life behind. He was born in a shack on a farm and raised more by the animals and elements than his parents. His stint in New York was against his nature. But no matter how many times I told him to skedaddle, he stayed by my side like a tick or a bedbug. Blood brothers, he called us. I was never sure if he meant it in the traditional sense or if he was referring to the prodigious amount of blood we'd shed together. — Hunter Shea

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Denis Leary

I'm a lapsed Catholic in the best sense of the word. — Denis Leary

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By George Soros

I commissioned two political experts to advise me about what I could do to oppose the re-election of President Bush. — George Soros

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Neil Gaiman

If the wolves come out of the walls, it's all over. — Neil Gaiman

Ryosaku Takasugi Quotes By Natalie Goldberg

I hear people say they're going to write. I ask, when? They give me vague statements. Indefinite plans get dubious results. When we're concrete about our writing time, it alleviates that thin constant feeling of anxiety that writers have - we're barbecuing hot dogs, riding a bike, sailing out in the bay, shopping for shoes, even helping a sick friend, but somewhere nervously at the periphery of our perception we know we belong somewhere else - at our desk! — Natalie Goldberg