Famous Quotes & Sayings

Rugby Player Quotes & Sayings

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Top Rugby Player Quotes

Rugby Player Quotes By Anthony Browne

I played rugby from the age of 10 until my late twenties; an unlikely player - small, quiet, long-haired and 'wiry.' — Anthony Browne

Rugby Player Quotes By Brian O'Driscoll

I've been a professional rugby player all my life; I don't really know anything different. — Brian O'Driscoll

Rugby Player Quotes By Spike Milligan

The width of neck and shoulder suggested a rugby player, the broken nose confirmed it. Which shows just how wrong you can be as he never played the game in his life. — Spike Milligan

Rugby Player Quotes By George Gregan

The Olympics are every four years and I think every athlete who competes in the Olympics wants the gold medal, and I think that's what the World Cup is for a rugby player - it's the gold medal. — George Gregan

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

He was stretched out like he was her own personal playground and she wanted to ride on his equipment for a bit longer. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Cec Thompson

It was bad enough being black...How much lower down the social scale could one go than to be seen as a black, uneducated rugby league player. — Cec Thompson

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

Probably just as well. Maybe with all that testosterone walking out the door, the insane urge to hump Lincoln Quinn's leg would walk right out as well. Because that was exactly how she felt every time she looked at him.
Like she was in heat.
Within minutes, the restaurant had emptied out to only a few non-team wedding guests. Her nemesis was nowhere to be seen, and Em congratulated herself on her self-control as she eased off the bar stool.
Embarrassing leg-humping avoided - bravo! — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Kris Pearson

Maori revenge. 'Do everything well, boy. Do it better than them. Be a better rugby player, better at your job. Outshine them everywhere. Tramp on their pride. Go far, and leave them sniveling in your dust. — Kris Pearson

Rugby Player Quotes By Gareth Ellis

As an English player you are lifted when the crowd gets behind you. The atmosphere over here can be unsettling for the Australian players and I hope all our fans get behind us. — Gareth Ellis

Rugby Player Quotes By Mike Tindall

I was an ambassador for Betway during the Rugby World Cup and at the moment I'm working as an ambassador for Artemis Investment Management. I also organised the first Rugby Aid in 2015. We had celebrities playing rugby against former England team players and raised a ton of money for Rugby For Heroes [a charity for former servicemen and women]. Only one celeb got crunched quite badly - Jaime Laing from Made in Chelsea ended up with cracked ribs. — Mike Tindall

Rugby Player Quotes By Tom O'Reilly

Colin Meads is the kind of player you expect to see emerging from a ruck with the remains of a jockstrap between his teeth. — Tom O'Reilly

Rugby Player Quotes By Jason O'Mara

I turned up my nose at yoga for years. I was a rugby player growing up. But now I know. When I'm on those long international flights, like 22 hours from L.A. to Sydney, I'll get up sometimes and do yoga in the aisle just to stretch out a little bit. — Jason O'Mara

Rugby Player Quotes By Luke Bracey

I thought I'd be a professional rugby player or go to university and get some degree in construction. — Luke Bracey

Rugby Player Quotes By Benji Marshall

I was playing like a rugby league player with 14 rugby players. — Benji Marshall

Rugby Player Quotes By Jack Rowell

On his multi-player injury substitutions against Western Samoa-It was like the Falklands crisis. I was counting them in and counting them out. — Jack Rowell

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

So, what...in the meantime, you just..." He glanced at her then back at the road. "Deny yourself?"

Em gave a half smile at the incredulity in his voice. Clearly it was a foreign concept to him. "It's okay. I have a battery operated boyfriend awaiting my attention when I get home."

He shot her a quick, open-mouthed stare, his lips parted enticingly. He looked so stunned at her admission she couldn't help but laugh.
"Sorry, didn't you know that women did that, too? Did I shock you?"

"Not at all." He recovered quickly, a big smile splitting his profile. "I'm just trying to decide which is sexier. Self-denial or self-abuse. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

It was the kind of mouth that should only be found on angels. Chick angels. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Tanc Sade

I've gone from being a brilliant captain of a TV soccer team to an average rugby player on a real team. I've gotten so used to ruling the roost and just saying whatever the hell I wanted, and I had to get back to reality. — Tanc Sade

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

You're a gambling man, right? Or do you only bet on frivolous things like poker and fucking women? — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

He'd gone too far. He didn't usually talk to women so frankly. Not with them both fully clothed anyway. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Peter Jackson

I'm always embarrassed by those rugby player autobiographies which get written by journalists. — Peter Jackson

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

The car was some kind of Porsche and the door stood open and beckoning, like a gold embossed invitation to sin
If she could survive a ride with angel-lips in his penis car then surely she'd be immune to him in any situation? — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

But...a vibrator can't hold you in its arms or give you the full-body experience."

Em clamped down on the wicked surge of heat between her legs, thinking about a full-body experience with Lincoln Quinn. "It's not going to make me lie in the wet spot, either."

"It can't snuggle with you after," he countered with another laugh.

Em snorted. "And that's your specialty, is it? Hanging around for pillow talk?"

"I'll have you know I give very good pillow talk."

Sure. And Elvis was alive and living at Henley Stadium. "Right," she muttered. "Of course you do."

"I really do." He nodded. "Most women seem to be more interested in me giving them good head, but hey, I'm a full service kinda guy. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Joel Monaghan

You come from the NRL and it's a forwards-dominated game, I think, at the moment. You get three sets and kick and chase. But at Warrington it couldn't be more opposite. They'll have a crack from anywhere and it's the type of style you want to play as a rugby player. — Joel Monaghan

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

Why do men always have such high opinions of their cock? — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Jon Gabrus

Eah, you don't get a lot of meatheads doing improvised theater to begin with, and that's always been my thing. I talk about the nerd/meathead dichotomy on my podcast a lot, but there was a time when I was doing UCB full-time and playing men's league rugby in New York City, and I was like the funniest, artsiest rugby player, and the bro-iest improv comedian. I've always managed to sort of be in both sides. — Jon Gabrus

Rugby Player Quotes By John Charles Scott

I could've been a professional rugby player... but then I saw a new Gaunt's Ghosts book come out... — John Charles Scott

Rugby Player Quotes By Kirsty Gallacher

I come from a sports family and my husband is a rugby player. — Kirsty Gallacher

Rugby Player Quotes By Georgie Fame

In my youth I thought I was going to be a professional rugby player. — Georgie Fame

Rugby Player Quotes By Ryan Giggs

He was a professional rugby player in the area that I played as a youngster. So a lot of people who I went to school with knew who he was and knew that he was black. So I would get racist taunts in school. — Ryan Giggs

Rugby Player Quotes By Jarryd Hayne

This is God's way of saying you've achieved so much, here's your chance to play against the world's best players. There's got to be some reason behind it. It has to be God. It's been created because of Him and the belief the boys have in Him. — Jarryd Hayne

Rugby Player Quotes By Elly Griffiths

Nelson's first thought is that Father Hennessey looks as bad as he does. The priest is still an intimidating presence, with his rugby player's shoulders and boxer's nose, but his eyes are shadowed and he looks as if he hasn't slept. He puts his hat on the floor and accepts a cup of coffee. 'I'm giving up coffee for Lent,' he says. 'Better make the most of it.'

'This stuff's enough to make you give up coffee for life,' says Nelson. 'I should know. I've drunk about a gallon of it.'

Father Hennessey smiles and drinks his coffee in silence for a few minutes. — Elly Griffiths

Rugby Player Quotes By Nick Farr-Jones

Continual improvement involves an appreciation that there is always a better way to do things irrespective of how much you have achieved or how comfortable you might be with where you currently are in life. As a young international rugby player I learnt a valuable lesson about sacrifice. The bottom line was the phrase 'long after the price is forgotten the quality remains'. Undertaking JOLT Challenge involves sacrifice but it is well worth it as you explore creative and innovative ways of challenging yourself for constant improvement in many areas of life. — Nick Farr-Jones

Rugby Player Quotes By Murray Mexted

You don't like to see hookers going down on players like that. — Murray Mexted

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

He hadn't struck her as particularly religious unless she counted the number of times he'd called out to Jesus when he'd been deep inside her. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Natasha Pulley

William had played [rugby] at Eton when it first became popular, and now he only spoke of it in a reverent tone he normally saved only for women and rifles. . . . .
[in contrast] Cricket had rules: one was not allowed to stamp on the head of another player and pass it off as enthusiasm. — Natasha Pulley

Rugby Player Quotes By Ruthie Knox

Nev was the man in the parlor and the painter in his studio, the banker and the rugby player. The boyfriend who bought her prawn crisps and rubbed her back when she cried. The tender lover. The caged beast who came out to play when they got naked together. He could be any of them. — Ruthie Knox

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

Talk to me when your nuts are so blue they look like something you can hang on a Christmas tree. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Brian O'Driscoll

I've got my head fixed on the next part of life. I know there will be an adjusting period of just not being a rugby player for a while, and over that period I'll get my head around what the next challenge involves. — Brian O'Driscoll

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

This was Linc at his most elemental. This was cave man stuff. Potently male. Potently virile. Hot. As. Fuck. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

Linc had always been a leg man. Thankfully hers made up for her caustic tongue and armour plated panties — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Sid Waddell

As a kid, I was school swot, but I used to hang around the billiard halls, learning that Geordie sense of humour, mixing with low-lifes. They were the sort who'd pick your pocket and then say 'Here you are lad, here's tuppence, get yourself some chips'. I was a good rugby player, a good runner, so I fitted in at Cambridge quite easily. — Sid Waddell

Rugby Player Quotes By Pierre Danos

Rugby players are either piano shifters or piano movers. Fortunately, I am one of those who can play a tune. — Pierre Danos

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

Sex was a happiness transaction. And rugby had given Linc the means to feel very happy, very often. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

You should really go inside now," he said.

Her glazed, unfocused stare was starting to clear, and the cranky look he was used to being levelled at him started to take shape. "And if I don't?"

"You want to fuck me on your doorstep?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly. "Call me tomorrow when you're sober. I'll be right over."

She jutted her chin defiantly - clearly pissed at him for trying to be the responsible one. "I won't need you after I've spent all night with a couple of multi-speed toyfriends and a box of batteries."

Linc shoved his hands on his hips, pushing back unhelpful images of her naked and pleasuring herself with a hot pink cock. "Go inside," he growled.

Before he did something crazy like offering to watch. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Warren Gatland

Gethin Jenkins is one of the best loose-head props in the world. He hits up to 40 rucks a game, makes at least 10 carries and even more tackles. Those are amazing statistics for a prop and he is a very intelligent rugby player. — Warren Gatland

Rugby Player Quotes By Amy Andrews

If I'd known a sixty-niner was the way to your heart I would have done it weeks ago. — Amy Andrews

Rugby Player Quotes By Brett Finch

The quality of players - the likes of Sam Tomkins, Rangi Chase and Lee Briers - bring an X-factor to the game. It's highly entertaining and it's something probably that the Australian game lacks a bit. — Brett Finch

Rugby Player Quotes By Sam Tomkins

The World Club Challenge clash with St George was a brutal battle. It was one of the hardest games I've ever played in. I guess it would be good to have more matches of such intensity but, trust me, our bodies would struggle if we were subjected to this every week. There is a limit to how much players can take. — Sam Tomkins