Famous Quotes & Sayings

Rootbound Quotes & Sayings

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Top Rootbound Quotes

Rootbound Quotes By Ann Brashares

It's more that I'm afraid of time. And not having enough of it. Time to figure out who I'm supposed to be ... to find my place in the world before I have to leave it. I'm afraid of what I'll miss. — Ann Brashares

Rootbound Quotes By Kola Boof

As for developing a writing style'I would say that I tried to copy the pacing of the old movies I loved as a kid. — Kola Boof

Rootbound Quotes By John Gimlette

I have a nice little idea from some people I met there who are now in their seventies, and I want to tell their story about the revolution through the eyes of musicians, in fact. The '59 Revolution. And what has happened to them since. It's very much a Cuban story. They haven't fared too well. — John Gimlette

Rootbound Quotes By Steve Earle

I make an embarrassing amount of money for a borderline Marxist, just by selling 100,000 records. I don't sell millions of records, and I don't need to. — Steve Earle

Rootbound Quotes By Althea Gibson

In sports, you simply aren't considered a real champion until you have defended your title successfully. Winning it once can be a fluke; winning it twice proves you are the best. — Althea Gibson

Rootbound Quotes By Olivia Colman

You see thousands of films you forget the minute you come out of the cinema, don't you? Because they don't mean anything. It's the tough ones like 'Breaking the Waves' and 'Nil By Mouth' that stay with you, that you never forget. I'd like to leave a few of those behind if possible. — Olivia Colman

Rootbound Quotes By Isabel Allende

I was born in the middle of the Second World War when the United States dropped their atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when millions of people were dying in concentration camps, when half the planet were colonies that belonged to empires. The word feminism didn't exist. And in my lifetime I have seen all these things improved, changed. We are more connected, more informed. We can fight against stuff together in ways we couldn't before. — Isabel Allende

Rootbound Quotes By Glen Hansard

You know, albums are a funny thing. They're not like an intellectual decision. It's a collection of your kind of musings. — Glen Hansard

Rootbound Quotes By Harold Monro

Here is the soundless cypress on the lawn:
It listens, listens. Taller trees beyond
Listen. The moon at the unruffled pond
Stares. And you sing, you sing.
That star-enchanted song falls through the air
From lawn to lawn down terraces of sound,
Darts in white arrows on the shadowed ground;
And all the night you sing.
My dreams are flowers to which you are a bee
As all night long I listen, and my brain
Receives your song, then loses it again
In moonlight on the lawn.
Now is your voice a marble high and white,
Then like a mist on fields of paradise,
Now is a raging fire, then is like ice,
Then breaks, and it is dawn. — Harold Monro

Rootbound Quotes By Henry R. Van Til

The expectation of future glory and the joy of future redemption has its counterpart here and now in the implications for the present life of the believer. — Henry R. Van Til

Rootbound Quotes By Mickey Rourke

I was very immature when I was young, and for me there was no balance. Everything was just all or nothing. — Mickey Rourke

Rootbound Quotes By Angela Carter

Anxiety is the beginning of conscience, which is the parent of the soul but is not compatible with innocence. — Angela Carter

Rootbound Quotes By Jack Kerouac

And I said, 'That last thing is what you can't get, Carlo. Nobody can get to that last thing. We keep on living in hopes of catching it once and for all. — Jack Kerouac

Rootbound Quotes By Darren Hardy

The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment to see that dream fulfilled. It's like planting an oak sapling in a pot. Once it becomes rootbound, its growth is limited. It needs a great space to become a mighty oak. So do you. — Darren Hardy

Rootbound Quotes By Sherry Turkle

If AIBO is in some sense a toy, it is a toy that changes minds. It does this in several ways. It heightens our sense of being close to developing a postbiological life and not just in theory or in the laboratory. And it suggests how this passage will take place. It will begin with our seeing the new life as "as if " life and then deciding that "as if " may be life enough. Even now, as we contemplate "creatures" with artificial feelings and intelligence, we come to reflect differently on our own. The question here is not whether machines can be made to think like people but whether people have always thought like machines. — Sherry Turkle

Rootbound Quotes By Kurt Russell

When you think you're good, you will play at that level. If you doubt yourself, you will play like crap. — Kurt Russell